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Louis' POV

I cannot believe that he thinks he is the good guy! I mean I can believe it, because he is crazy, but he should at least know he took away my life.

Groaning, I fell to my bed. Really, he thinks I'll get ready for him.

Maybe I can try and guess the password. Maybe.

Harryisafrog. No.

LouisTisfuckingamazing , nun.

Hobotobo , wishing.

Irishmenarehot, definitly not. Except someone named Niall. That's just a hot name.

Malcolminthemiddle, No, but that's my favorite show.

If I was a password, what would I be. What if it's my oldest password. The password I have used since I was 11.

LouLouLou, password excepted.

"YES," I whispered/yelled.

I went to the Internet, blocked.

How do you block internet? That's impossible. Ugh.

But, then again, there is nerflix..


"Louis come out!"

"No." I shouted back.

I have moved the bed in front of the door, and I'm watching netflix. Greese.

"Come on, they will be here in twenty minuets." He pleaded.

"Shut up. This is my favorite part."

"I met a boy." "I met a girl." "As perfect as can be."

"Pause it!" He barked.

"You pause you."

"That doesn't even make since."

"You don't make since."

"Stop repeating what I say, just directing it towards me."

"Stop interrupting my movie."

"How did you even guess the password?"

"Please." I said sarcastically, " it was my password."

He sighed, "please come out, I just got a text, there on there way."

"You are on your way."

"I swear, Louis.."

"Oh, what are you going to do?"

"Take you door away."

"I think I can live through that, actually that happened to me once. When I was 9."

"If your going to obey like a child, then I'll punish you like you are a child."

"Obey like a child? You want me to obey like a dog! Louis eat, Louis come out, Louis go to your room."

"Dogs don't have rooms Louis." He said smartly.

"Shut up I love this part."

"I swear to-"

"Don't Harry."

"We can watch Netflix later, please come out." He begged.

Just go out there, it will happen anyways.

I rolled my eyes moving the bed,and  opened the door to have a hand inches from my face.

"O-Oh um. If you. Um. I didn't," He gulped.

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