Loosing Lou

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Harry's POV

"Somethings wrong with Louis." I complained on the phone to Cheyenne.

"Ever since I yelled at him, he has been acting, I don't know, scarred? Almost like he is afraid of me. I don't get it?" I was currently in my office waiting for Niall  Matt, Pete, and Sarah, to get back from stealing the papers, from the Police station about the Chng arrest.

"Maybe, he actually thought about what the punishments could be." I could tell she was busy in the background.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving Ellie a bath." She sighed.

"What? Can't she do that on her own?" Louis isn't going to make me give him a bath right? Not that I would mind or anything.

"Well she is acting the same way as Louis, she is like a zombie. Maybe it's just a phase, in tell they realise we aren't really a danger-" She cut off from giving me advice, so she could tell Ellie to close her eyes and tilt her head.

"But like, Chey, what if they don't snap out of it?"

"They will. Don't underestimate them, Harry." She sighed, "listen, I have to go- come on Ellie it's time to get out." With that she hung up.

When's the last time Louis took a shower? I don't think he has at my house. I let him watch Netflix while I was gone. Well really I put it on for him. Maybe he will take it upon him to take a shower, or make a bowl of cerel.

My office door bust open to a panting Niall, "here you go, look over those." He breathed heavily, grabbing his side.

"Why are you panting?"

"We ran to and from." He said it like it was obvious.

"You realise," I paused and laughed,"that we have cars, right?" I chuckled some more.

"Are you serious! Why didn't you tell us!" He barked, even though I was laughing.

"I didn't think I needed to tell you, this is 2015." I shrugged, grabbing the papers.

He groaned and walked out of my room. Even though Niall is my employe, he is still a good friend, I new before the job.

The Changs  have been permitly admitted to the Deranged Asylum. Both men, brothers, have shown many features that consume them as insane. One has bit an officer. Another has raped a wall. They both shake in the corner. And we did research and they were both cannibals. One has 'cursed' us, believeing 'we will go through Hell in the underworld'.

Well I new they weren't right, but insane? No, they just have a short temper, wrong religions, I never new they ate people. Okay they may be crazy. Expecially. Yeah they are. And which one raped a wall, how is that even possible?

"Henry." I said, pressing the button on my desk.

He rushed in my office, "yes?" He said respectfully.

"I need you to pick out 10 employees that show great work and bring them to my office at three on Thursday. Okay?"He nodded his head rapidly and left my room.

The Changs have been sentence to death, for the murders they have comitted, 4,230 murders took place because of them.

So they took the blame for all of our murders? Maybe they aren't insane. I bet they thought they were cannibals because One of them bit the skin of an officer. That's the only way they would have found trace of it because they have been in there for a week.

Both men are dying īn- Wait a minuet. Why is that I like that. These are fake. I can't believe it.

"Henry!" I yelled, without pushing the button.

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