
451 13 2

Louis' POV

This was a horrible idea. One hundred and five cars have passed me, meaning Harry is either having a party, or he is searching for me. Probably searching. And I've only been out here a week.

Every time a car goes by I have to dive into a ditch.

One that went by was really close to seeing me, so when I dived in I wasn't very careful and I scratched my knee up pretty bad.

Actually terribly scratched it up, because it hasn't stopped bleeding and its seeping through my black jeans.

I'm very, very, very hurt.

So I've just sat here for like a day, I'm pretty sure I'm like one mile from town but I can't walk with my knee, because I'm pretty sure it's broken.

Did I forget to mention I've been crying, oh, yeah I've been crying for the past ten minuets.

Quite frankly my leg still stings but that's not what I'm crying about, I miss Harry. As stupid as that is, it's true. Also I know he probably won't forgive me, and be mad at me, maybe he'll even punish me. I'm terrified because what if he does punish me. You know how bad that will be, also I realize that I messed everything. And what if my legs broke? This wouldn't have fucking happened if I would have just stayed and sorted out my feelings.

Suddenly a car went by very slowly. I sucked in my breath and just sat there,

He's going to find me any ways right? Also I want him to find me.

A very tired looking Guy, jumped out of the car.

His face got excited, and his dyed blonde hair was going wild.

"Sir?" He talked into his phone, which I'm hoping he called Harry.

"Yes I found him, it looks like he hurt his knee, do you want me to bring him to you?"

The man nodded a bit before saying, "road 78, all you have to do is find my car it's a black Chevy Cruise,yes sir I'll do that," he then put his phone away and turned to me, "Harry's on his way, and he's not happy," the blonde dude said seriously.

Silent tears ran down my face as I realized the horrible deed I really did do.

As soon as an extra car pulled up I wanted to die then and there.

His hair was in a small pony tail and it looked very greasy, telling me he hasn't bathed and he had pink bags under his eyes, telling me he hasn't slept, his skin tight shirt wasn't so skin tight anymore, telling me he hasn't ate.

"Thank you, Niall," immediately Niall went into his car and I didn't hesitate to loud out a sob.

The car drove away and Harry sighed looking mad but stayed silent.

He uncrossed his arms and picked me up, I'm guessing because he still feels bad that my knee is definitely hurt.

Setting me gently in his back seat, Harry then went to the front of the car and drove to his house, which took 46 minuets, which told me he was near by when Niall called, because it was like 5 minutes before he got there.

Throughout the drive no one talked or spoke, not even when we went over a bump and my knee jerked making me let out a cry.

When we got to his house he sighed and stayed in the car for a moment.

Slamming the door shut he walked into the house and I whimpered thinking he just left me here, wanting me to walk in by myself.

Just as I was going to get up he came back out and carried me in.

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