Honey (Swimming Part 2)

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Louis POV

Honey. It's all I can think about. Even when I could be thinking about, why I am kissing him, or even why I'm wasting my first intimate moments with him. But no I'm thinking about honey.

The reason behind honey is, his lips don't taste like it or anything, but it's feels like it. It feels like smooth, silky, and soft lips. Like petals of honey. I feel really poetic describing his lips.

He layed me down on my back, on the cover. He started kissing my neck. I was of course panting from the minuet long kiss.

The lake taste on my skin must be gross. He probly wants to through up, but he keeps doing it, so it he must be enjoying it.

He lips trailed over a part of my neck, but he stopped right about this spot. This spot that was aching for him to munch on.

He didn't even kiss it for two whole minuets.

"Are you. . . Are you sure?" He hesitated, I quickly nodded.

"No," He stands sits up, "are you really sure?" He slowly said.

"It's not like we are having sex."

"But this is still a huge step, 1 month ago, you hated me." Wow. It really has been a month. A whole month.

"You are right." I breathed out, "I'm acting like a slut aren't I?" I covered my face.

"No, no, no, that's not what I said. I meant that we are taking this to fast. Wow. . .I never imagined me to say that, bit I just don't want you to get to worked up, then explode. I'm just worried."

"Let's just go home, it's getting cold," I looked down started to get up.

"D-Do you want to eat?" He rushed for the picnic basket.

"No, I just want to go back to the house."

"Lou, please, we can have fun." He sounded a bit demanding.

"I'm just not hungry."

"Louis, when's the last time you ate?" Harry asked. What a stupid question.

"This morning, you were litterally there."

"It was 5, and know its 12. That's 7 hours. You are obviously hungry."

"Fine, what did you bring?" I sighed.

"Chicken salad sandwiches with chips."

"I guess I will eat," I grabbed the plastic baggy that had my sandwich in it.

"I'm sorry about today. I should have known you didn't like lakes." Harry groaned.

"It's fine."

"No. I should have known, I mean I did like obsess over you."

"We can listen to music if you want," Harry suggested, reaching for his phone.

"I don't know if you like this new song, it came out after. . . you came home," He began to play this wonderful song. It sounded like honey. Wow there is honey again? It's just everything about to day is sweet, and warm. It makes me think that I want to be with him. . .

"It's called thinking out loud by-"

"Ed Sheeran?" I quessed, and he laughed and nodded.

"Thinking o-Out loud," Harry sung along, smiling and leaning back over to kiss me.

"This song reminds me of you," He concluded and hovered over me grinning. Considering this is about finding love no wonder.

He hugged my waste from behind, we were laying down now. This is a good change.

"When we get back do you want to watch a movie?" The curly haired lad asked after he tickled my neck with his curls.

I snuggled into the blankets, "what movie?" I mumbled closing my eyes.

"9 til 5?"

"How do you know about that movie?" I giggled, it's my second favorite movie.

"Oh you know . . . " He trailed, tracing 'H' into my hip.

"Working 9 til 5," I giggled out the lyrics.

"Yeah I wanna watch it," I breathed out my answer, before shutting my eyes completely.

"I love you," He mumbled before we both fell asleep.


When I woke up we were back at the house, and I was layed out on the couch. Harry was sitting in front of the t.v.

"Shit,"I heard him mumble.

"What's wrong?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

He looked up shocked I was awake, "Uh- I can't work this damn t.v!" He complained.

"Well it's on netflix, so just look it up. ." I smiled holding in my laugh.

"I tried! Here you do it, I'll get the popcorn." He set the remote next to me and shook his head. When he was in the kitchen, I decided to pull a prank.

I looked up porn, and found a very. . . weird one, and put it on, pausing it.

"You found it, great!" He came back minuets later with a bowl of popcorn.

"Are you going to play it?" He asked already munching on snacks. I quickly nodded holding in my laugh.

"Are you sure this is 9 til 5?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows when a very skimpy girl dresses as a cat walked in a room, were a nervous guy sat there.

I shrugged, but realised what a bad idea this was, considering how embarrassing it actually is.

"This is not it!" Harry flushed searching for the remote, when they both stripped, at this moment my eyes were closed.

I heard a click, "Louis. . . did you look up. . . .  porn. .?" He blushed a bit more. If this was Zayn I would be laughing. I should be laughing, now it looks like I was serious about it.

I fake giggled, "Harry, I was pranking you!" A tent blush traced my cheaks.

"Oh. . ." We both were blushing now and there was nothing to say.

"Let's just put on 9 til 5. . ." He nodded.



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