Five Days

447 9 1

Louis' POV

It's been five days and I already feel like dying.

Five days without Harry seemed fine, intell I realized, that I didn't have anything to occupy myself the only thing I have to look forward is when Harry brings me my food. The worst part is when Harry come in here he doesn't even talk to me, he didn't even look up when I called him Harold he just walked out, I called him Horton he didn't respond then. Hehe, Horton, like Horton hears a Who?

I giggled into the empty room. Maybe I just need to entertain myself.

The door opened and Harry had my lunch.

"Hey Horton?" I paused and giggled, He didn't respond and I sighed.

"Bye Harry," I whispered, after he put my food down and left, shunning me.

This sucks again, maybe next time I will cry and he will let me put early, like I can sucker him into it, it may take me awhile but I will just say like, 'I really miss you.'

No that'll be like using him and he would hate me even more than already.

The worst part is I haven't even showered this whole time because I would feel very uncomfortable in those black panties, but I know that I cant just not shower in two whole weeks because I literally feel gross right now.

Another reason why I am so bored is because I secretly don't want to think about what Ive not only done but said to Harry because I realized that I told him I may be in love with him.

Its really hot in here. I'm about to kill myself. This is horrible, im just going to take a shower because im sweating and I will just put up with the stupid lace crap.

It's too fucking hot in here, is Harry putting this on heat so that I will take a shower.

I picked out some shorts and a tee shirt and the panties. I just can't take it.

I was a bit confused when I was hit with only cold water, but then I remember him telling me that it only runs cold water.

I looked down at my prickly legs and sighed, yes I shave my legs, but that doesn't mean I wear panties! It's just I like smooth skin.

Finely getting out of that freezing shower since the soap literally wouldn't come out of my hair which sucks because the water was horrible.

I sighed bringing the panties up my legs.

You know, actually my butt has more breeze, now that I think about it, and they are not annoyingly long like boxers.

So they are not as bad as I thought they would be but that doesn't mean I should be forced to wear them.

I heard the door open so I rushed out to the room.

"Hey Harry, why did you decide to only put cold water on, and why to the panties have to be black considering everything's white? Why are they panties in the first place, Can You please talk to me!?" I yelled exhausted.

But right before he left I stood in front of him and hugged him he didn't try to get me off but he didn't hug back, which made me press my body into his harder. Then I looked at him and just had this urge to kiss him, but I didn't want to get embarrassed if he didn't kiss back so I kissed his cheek.

Actions speak better than words, right?

Sighing I pulled away and straitened my shirt.

Clearing my throat, I walked back to my bed and laid down.

He stood there for a second, but I guess woke up from his daze and left the room.

You know now that I think about it he is pretty romantic.

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