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Louis' POV

I can't have feelings for Harry. Don't call him Harry, he is your kidnapper.

I'm so confused right now, I could just give in to that slimy feeling in my stomache I have when I see him, or I could keep fighting that feeling and maybe I'll get to go home.

I do miss everybody back at home, I do, but if I'm never going to see them again. . .

But I don't know that, for sure.

Why am I so confused, any normal person would easily hate him. I want to hate him, and I need to hate him.

I just don't know what to do.

It's been a day since I have made out with Harry. And he hasn't came up here once. Shouldn't he come up here, since he kissed me? You don't kiss someone and not talk to them. Expecially if you live in the same house! And if he is the only human contact you have. But I don't miss him.

Speakng of him, "Lou, uh, can I come in?" Harry spoke softly knocking so quiet I could barely hear it.


He opened and closed the door silently, looking at the floor. Sitting down at the bottom of my bed, which I was laying down, thinking.

"Louis about last night. . . " He strayed off.

Is he going to act like it was a mistake?

"I know I took a step to far when I even mentioned taking a shower with you, but I just really thought we were at a point were you could trust me, and I remembered that one time you and Zayn took a shower together but you was really freaked out about it  so was he, you guys were 14 and confused," He chuckled, "but I thought you wanted it." He continued his sad story. He should be suprised that I wasn't freaked out he new that.

"I thought so to." I managed to say even though I told myself not to.

"Wait, what?" He said shocked.

I just looked down at my lap.

"Louis, are you. . .are you saying what i think your saying?"

"It depends what your thinking. . . ." I mumbled.

"Are you willing to give me a chance?" He asked confused.

I starred even harder at the crack in the ceiling. It was tiny, had small peeling around it from the paint on it. Who paints their ceiling?

"Louis, if you. . . don't want to talk, I'll come in later." He promises.

"No its just. . . I don't know." I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"Just, just say it." It looked like he was choosing his word carefully.

"I don't want to loose them, if I accept you, or give you a chance, then I am giving up excaping, giving up finding them or them finding me. I can't loose them."

"You don't have to," He assured, "I told you, that you will see them again."

"But. . .I just," I groaned and covered my face with my hands. What kidnapper tells there victim they will see there family again?

"Maybe if we just take it slow how about we go to the lake tomorrow? We can swim and you could get your mind of things, and we'll take it from there, but for now why don't you come for some breakfist." He grabbed my hand, and waited for me to nod.

Following him downstairs, step by step, I smelt the aroma of french toast. My Nanna used to make those.

"I made some french toast because I know you like it, I'll get you a glass of orange juice to."

It doesn't even scare me anymore that he knows all my favorite foods, movies, likes and dislikes, memouries. He set the plate down in front of me along with his own plate in front of him.

"So would you mind if Cheyenne and Ellie come tomorrow?" I asked not wanting to be alone with him tomorrow.

"But, don't you... want to spend time with me?" He said disappointed like.

"I do, it's just I spend every day with you, and I would like to get some quality human interaction." I urged, grabbing his hand.

"I was really hoping for us to swim alone." He pouted.


"I'll call," He groans annoyed like, and grabs his phone.

He pressed his finger to his phone three times before pressing it to the side of his face.

"Hello?" A girl questioned, I can basically hear her clearly.

"So tomorrow me and Louis are going to the lake, would you and Ellie want to go?" Harry asked sincerely.

There was a bunch of mumbling and he nodded, "I'm sorry . . . Yeah . . . . . Well feel better."

"Ellie has been sick to her stomache all week puking constantly." He sakes his head and continues to eat his french toast.

So we will be alone, all alone. Shirtless. Bare. Wet. Close.


"No,"I said sternly and crossed my arms.

"Louis, they are really good for you, and you'd like them if you tried them!" Harry exclaimed.

"I will not like brussel sprouts, they are gross," I lifted up my nose.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead, "just try one, " He put up a finger, " and I will make you cinnamon rolls tomorrow."

"And kiwi strawberry juice?" I raised and eyebrow.

"Yes." He smiled and put the fork with the gross green thing up to my face.

I hesitated to even lean in. Closing my eyes I put the whole thing in my mouth and chewed cringing. 'You'd like them', yeah right, thanks Harry.

When I opened my eyes, there stood Harry, happy as can be.

"Did you like them?" He asked excitedly.

Aww, I can't say no, he is all excited. If I say no, he'll think I don't like his cooking.

"Yeah."I lied, but the look of pure joy on his face told me it was a good lie. Wait, can there be good lies?

"I told you so," He smirked.

"Okay, don't get all cocky," I pointed out, but he just shugged and the smirk stayed.

"I'm going to bed," I said realizing we have been arguing over a brussel sprout for two hours, not to mention dinner started at 8:00 o clock tonight.

"Yeah it's about time to hit the hay," Harry yawned, while I looked at him weird.

"What?"  He asked when he noticed I was looking at him.

"If you ever say 'I'll hit the hay' again, I'll be hitting something but it be hay," I nodded at his confusion,"like your face, I'll hit your face." I made movements with my hands and sighed. For a guy who pulled off stalking me for years, and kidnapping me, he is dumb.

"Oh." He nodded with a smile.

Well I guess I  need the energy for tomorrow.




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