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"Louis? It's like 4 in the morning," I spoke through my pillow, feeling his soft hands shake my sholders..

"I had a bad dream. . ."

"What about?"

"Well it was really. . A nightmare. . " He scratched a his arm, and examined his fingers.

"About??" I pressed, even though I new I shouldn't have.

"Well I just." He paused, clenching his jaw.

"You don't have to, but is it the same one. . .from yesterday?" I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb over his knuckles.

"No, but the same concept," He kept his eyes on the ground, for he hadn't made eye contact this whole time.

"Do you wanna cuddle?" If any of my workers heard me say this they would litterally knock me out and surgecally put a unicorn horn on me.

He nodded and climbed in the bed, faceing the other way, so I was the big spoon.

"I remeber when I had a life, and didn't bitch about yours." I smiled, and he giggled.

"That could be an insult, but it's okay," Louis shrugged and sighed.

I rubbed an 'H' into his outer thigh. I know this sounds bad, but I always put H in his thigh to let him know that he is mine.

Before he walked in I was sleeping in my normal attire for bed. . .bare. As in naked. I tried to keep the covers over every part of my body hoping me wouldn't notice which I guess he didn't considering he was asleep.

"Don't think I didn't notice," He said, closing his eyes again. He could be talking about something else. .

I took a long time to say anything before pretending I didn't know, "notice what?" I played dumb.

"You are obviously annoyed that I won't tell you the dream." He sighed. Oh course, I smiled, because he got me worried thinking he new.

"Babe, I don't mind," I kissed his cheek, now leaning on my elbow.

He turns around to face me slightly moving the covors, worrying me for it may expose me.

"I'll tell you, I guess. . ." He traveled off and broke eye contact.

"If you don't want to that's fine," I assured. It not that I don't want to know, because I'm really concerned and curious, but I don't want him to get mad at me for pressuring him into talking. He may not tell me anything after that.

"It starts with Zayn and Matt. ." Slowly breathing in he continued, "they are yelling at me," Louis shrugged.

"What are they saying?" I bit my lip.

"They're saying that it's my fault that i was gone, and that I. . .came willingly with you. Also that i uh, love you and stuff like that." He avoided my eyes, and bit his lip.

Honestly, what i got from this was that his inner voice was telling him it's wrong to love me and he needs to stop. So basically he is telling me he is starting to atleast like me. I feel like doing back flips through the room! This is amazing!

"Well I think that maybe something inside you thinks it's wrong to love me."

"But I don't even love you," Wow that stung, "Wait! Sorry that didn't come out right!" He blushed.

"I know what you meant," I sneered and took my hand away from his hip.

"No, I just, I don't know if this is right, I mean any other time if you were just a kid at school i'd like you. I'm so confused," He buried his face in his hands.

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