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Copyright © 2012 by khamzzz16

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SM Enterprises, the company that always topped the ranks. They always make the best gadgets and appliances that people need. These gadgets are known in every edge of the earth.

Years are counted when they finished their first robot, PIA2000, and given the name PIA for her creator was Dr. Sophia Ahn. PIA was the framework of the future robots that SM Ent. will make.

A couple of years more and the second robot was created, and named as SONE3000. It was named after its four creators; Dr. Sophia Ahn, Dr. Oliver Kim, Dr. Nica Jones and Edward Choi- The SME's President's Brother. The things that improved to this robot was its durability and appearance. Its looks were as close to a human but it seemed like the creators want to improve its service.

At exactly five years of researching and improving, their most successful bionic robot was KroAshIl164 or simply KAI. Its name was from the creators' eldest child's names; Krosant Ahn, Ashley Jones and Ilese Kim. The improvement that the new robot has is that its life depends on its owner; its appearance have no difference with humans; it moves on its own thinking, unless its master asks it to do anything harmless; its robotic features are hardly recognized; and best of all, it has its own feelings.

The scientists aren't 100% sure for its purposes and if it will surely work so they have decided to test it, and they chose the company's president's only daughter, Sulli, to test it. She will be with this robot every single day until the tests are done.. and she wouldn't know that KAI is an actual robot.

How will their story work out?

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