Chapter 1: The Arrival and Meet Up

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SM Enterprises has been working on a bionic robot and the most successful product has been made.

KAI was approximately 17 years old by his appearance, but his actual age is 13 years because his creators made him 13 years ago. He stayed at the laboratory for improvements and now, from head to toe, he looks as perfect as human.. And that's with the help of DCs.

Development Chips or DCs are used for his growth such as hair growth, nail growth, height, and things like that. Every DC depends on which age of the robot has to develop, and though KAI is only 13 years old, his DC is for 17 year old development. So his robotic features are that of a 17-year-old kid.

KAI doesn't need to eat or sleep anyways, he just has to recharge every time he feels tired.

Sulli, on the other hand, is 16years old. She's a simple, yet elegant young girl. Don't forget that she's childish. She keeps her grades high and makes her father proud though.

She's not like the other girls who entertain themselves with their gadgets. She always love to play her violin and piano. She's an only child, so loneliness is always with her since her father is always busy at work.

Her father's workers have made a decision of making KAI, the robotic experiment, to be with Sulli, the President's only daughter, to test the said robot.


Sulli's father, Spencer, agreed to the decision, so with Dr. Oliver Kim, they brought KAI with them to their mansion.

"KAI, don't touch anything wet okay? You'll be hurt." Dr. Oliver said to him as he put the Memory Chip (MC) to KAI's head, then hid it beneath his hair.

"Take good care of Sulli, understand? She's your life now." he added. KAI just nodded, and so KAI and Spencer went out of the car and went inside the mansion.

They were already walking inside the mansion when they heard a piano playing.

When KAI realized that it was actually a piano, he and Spencer walked to the room where the music came from.

The two were just standing by the door as they watched and listened to Sulli as she played the piano.

After some notes, she noticed that her father was listening nearby.

"Oh sweety, please continue." Spencer said as he smiled.

"Uhmm.. No daddy, I'm a little shy and nervous now.." Sulli said as she looked down.

Spencer walked towards her and sat beside her. He looked at her and said, "Honey, I want you to meet someone.."

Sulli looked at her father with a curious face. Her father waved at KAI to come closer, and so he did. He stood beside Spencer.

"Sulli, this is KAI. He'll be your new bestfriend." Spencer said as he smiled to both of them.

KAI held his hand out for Sulli to shake as he said, "I'm KAI. I hope we can be friends." then flashed a bright smile.

Sulli smiled back and stood up. "I'm Sulli. It's very great pleasure to be one of your friends!" she said then smiled as she shook hands with him.

Sulli felt something ticklish when they shook hands..

"Daddy, is he going to stay with us?" Sulli asked her father as her smile wasn't fading. She let go of his hand. Spencer just nodded, which made her hug her father tightly.

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