Chapter 14: No Doctors Allowed!

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Kai's POV

I'm feeling something weird...

It's like I'm scared, but not really scared..

"I'm sorry, Uncle Spencer! I really didn't do anything! I just carried her to the car because Sulli--"

"I know. It's not your fault, Kai. Just tell me what happened." Uncle Spencer said with his serious face. I haven't seen this expression from him before. It's really scary.

"Well.. After her check up with the dentist, we went to the pastry shop near the school.. then we went to Platform 365, to Sesame Street. We were about to go somewhere, but she suddenly crouched down while holding her chest. I panicked, and I immediately carried her back to the car. I asked the driver to bring her to the nearest hospital but he said he can't because you said she shouldn't be." I answered. Uncle Spencer just took a sigh, then he caressed his daughter's cheek.

"Sulli can't be in any hospital. She's special. She can't be checked by any doctor besides her dentist and optometrist or opthalmologist. Uncle Ed is her doctor and he's the only doctor that could check her up besides her eyesight and dental care. Now, if something happens, bring her immediately to Uncle Ed's ER." he said then he carried her.

"I'll bring her to her room. Your room has been arranged and you'll be sleeping there from this night onwards. If ever Sulli asks you to sleep over her room, ask me first." he said then he went to the stairs.

"Ask the maids where your room is." he added before he made a turn. Martha suddenly walked in.

"Martha, can you please take me to my room?" I asked her. She smiled with a nod then she went upstairs with a gesture, telling me to follow. She took me to a room just a door next to Sulli's. I went in there and I saw my chair in the corner, next to a bed. Well, this room looks like Sulli's room. The difference was that her room is full of her girl stuff while mine was just with my clothes. I went to the bathroom and I saw the spray that Uncle Ed gave me for my skin.

I just went back to the room and sat on my chair.

Sulli's POV

"Dad?" I almost whispered when I woke up. I saw dad lying his head on my bedside. He looked up at me then smiled, then he sat up on the chair he's sitting on.

"Yes, princess? You want anything?" he said.

"Where's Kai oppa?" I asked, then I looked around. I noticed that I'm in my room.

"He's in his room." he said with a smile.

"What? He has his own room?" I asked dad. I can't help myself from being irritated from the fact that I won't get to sleep with him beside me, waking up with him looking at me.

"Yes, my princess. You're a grown up now. You can't let a guy sleep here with you, right?" he said.

"But he's my friend, and I know that I'm safe with him. You know that dad." I answered him.

He just took a sigh and said, "Sulli, you know that I always want what's best for you. It's not that I don't want you to sleep with him every night.. It's just that.. I don't want anything to happen between you two."

"What? Dad what do you mean? I won't do anything with him! How could you say that?!" I said to him with disbelief. He smiled at me, then held my hand.

"You both like each other, I can see that... but what I am saying is not what you think. What I'm trying to say is that you two are grown ups and its not good to see two teenagers sleeping in one room. Just imagine what other people would say when they knew about you and Kai sleeping together. You get my point, my princess?" he said. I tilt my head with a confused look.

"To tell you honestly dad, I don't get it. What could two people do while sleeping? Snore at each other? Seriously!" I said to him, then he laughed.

"Oh my little princess. So pure and innocent. I wonder how you could get a boyfriend with that." he said, then he messed my hair.

"Dad!! Tell me!! I'm still confused!!" I said to him as he was walking towards the door.

"Sleep. You need to rest." he said.

"But I'm hungry! I wanna eat!" I said just before he could turn the doorknob. He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Okay, I'll ask Martha to bring you food." he said, then he opened the door.

Just before he could walk out, I said, "Just ask Kai oppa to do it, dad!"

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