Chapter 8: What is it to you if she is?

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Sulli's POV

I immediately hid behind Kai oppa because I was scared.

"Oppa..." I said to him, but he was still holding my hand though I was standing behind him.

"Got any problem with her?" Kai oppa said. I took a peak and saw the girl with long dark hair who was pointing at me earlier with a boyish girl and a pretty girl with her, coming at us.

"Nothing much. Just wanna teach her a lesson." the girl who pointed at me said.

"What? What is it again?" Kai oppa said.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Wait, is she your girlfriend or something?" she said.

"What is it to you if she is?" Kai oppa said, then I quickly looked at him..

Why did my heart beat so fast when he said that?

"Krystal, Suzy, Amber, go back to your seats. Don't start a fight again." our teacher suddenly said.

They went to their seats, as well as Kai oppa and me.

Our teacher started introducing himself. As soon as he finished, he started his lecture.

When he faced the board to write, a paper flew to my desk. I looked to where it probably came from, then I saw Luhan looking at me.

I looked at the crumpled paper, then read what's written in it.

Go to the janitor's room at the back of the building alone after class.

I looked at Luhan again, but he's not looking anymore.

"Miss Sulli, might as well give your attention to my class rather than someone at the back." our professor said. I looked at him. I saw him, crossing his arms. I can feel my classmate's eyes on me...

"I'm sorry sir.." I said then bowed at him.

"I hope this won't happen again. Don't break my good impression, ok?" he said then smiled. I smiled back, then he went back to his lesson.

As soon as he finished, Kai oppa pushed his seat closer to mine.

"What's with that paper?" he asked.

"Uhh... Just trash..." I just said, then threw it to a bin.

"You sure?" he asked again.

"Yes oppa." I answered before giving him an assuring smile.

"Good. If you wanna say anything, just tell, ok? You don't have to hide anything." he said.

I'm feeling weird again ><

I fixed my stuff and wore my bag, then stood up before going out of the class with him.

"Oh, wait oppa, I have to go somewhere." I said.


"Just wait for me at the car. I'll meet Luhan for something. I'll be back as soon as I can, ok? See you later oppa!" I said before leaving, without even hearing his reply.

I immediately went there as the paper said. I sat on a wooden bench, waiting for Luhan...

But he's not the one who came..

Kai's POV

Why isn't she here yet?

Why does my chest seem weird?

It's like a ball is bouncing inside..

Thump so loud..

"Can you wait for us here?" I told our driver and he nodded.

I quickly ran inside the school.

Where should I go look for her?

"Sulli!" I called for her. I went to the restroom, but nobody's there.

"Sulli-ah!" I shouted again at the hallway, but no response.

I looked at the classroom, the library, the detention room, everywhere!


Something tells me she's somewhere near the back of the building..

I quickly ran there.


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