Chapter 4: Partially Improved

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Uncle Ed inserted the chip in the back of my neck and covered the reader with a patch of skin and put it on me.

"So, did you read it?" he asked.

"Uhh.. I'm not sure..." I answered, then suddenly, something made a 'ding' sound and there's... there's happening to me..

Something good is happening with my nose..

Don't think of it in a bad way, ok?

"What was that?" I asked Uncle Ed as my nose tried to trail where that something good came from.

"Oh... I think your olfaction is working." he said.


"I mean, your sense of smell. You can smell things now. Probably you can taste too. It's kind of connected, you know." he said then smiled and went to where the 'ding' sound came from. He gestured at me that meant I need to come with him.

"See this?" he said as he showed me a tray of cookies.

I always wondered what cookies taste like...

Sulli kept on saying 'It tastes good'..

"Give it a little bite." he said to me as he took a cookie and made a big crunchy sound as he chewed it in his mouth.

I took one, then bit it...

"Mmm.." I hummed as I chewed the whole cookie.

So, this is what it felt like...

"It tastes good!" I said with a smile.

"By the way, there'll be a sign when you're full or hungry. Whatever you eat will be converted into the energy of your battery.. so that means when you feel tired, either you eat some food or recharge on your seat." he said. Yes. My favorite seat. That seat is specially made for me, and the energy I need is passed to me whenever I sit on it, and when Sulli or anybody else would sit on it, they wouldn't feel any effect at all.

"So, do you feel better?" he asked.

"I feel much more than better, Uncle Ed! Thank you very much!" I said then hugged him.

"Oh. You little kid. Of course, anything for you." he said then hugged me back.

I feel something weird again..

It's similar to what I felt with Sulli at the cake shop, but what I felt there was more exciting than this one...

"So, am I going to send you back home?" he asked.

"Yes, Uncle Ed. I guess Sulli is waiting for me too." I answered him then smiled.

"Okay. Caren, beep a message to the auto-car outside and drive KroAshIl164 to Spencer's house." he said as he commanded Caren's hologram.

" ~Yes, sir. KroAshIl164, please come with me.~ " Caren said.

"Oh, and before I forget. Please make Sulli drink these medicines. She really needs this, as her temporary medicine, since I'm running out of... uhh.. nevermind. Just make her drink those, okay?" he added, then I nodded at him.

"Bye, Uncle Ed." I said then went out as he bid his goodbyes to me.

Caren's hologram drove for me. Just a few minutes passed and I was at Sulli's house.

"Thank you, Caren." I said. Caren just nodded at me and she drove off.

I went inside the house and I just thought of going to the music room to play a song in the piano that just popped out of my mind...

...then I suddenly heard the violin play.

I'm A MACHINETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon