Chapter 15: Dinner In Bed

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A/N: Sorry for this super shortie ^_^" I hope you guys like it ~ <3 #HappyYehetDay (/^O^)/

Kai's POV

"Kai?" I heard someone say from the door. I immediately went to the door to see who it was, and it was Uncle Spencer.

"Yes, Uncle Spencer?" I said when I opened the door. He made a smile as soon as I spoke.

"Are you doing anything? I was about to ask you to do something, but it's ok if you're busy."

"No, Uncle Spencer, I'm not doing anything. What can I do for you?" I said then smiled at him.

"Well, Sulli is about to have her dinner on her bed. And she actually wants you to bring the food to her instead of Martha... so would you?" he said, keeping the smile he wore from the moment i opened the door.

"Of course! I'd be happy to do that." I said, cheering deep inside because I'll see her again even if it's been only 3hours since I saw her.

Uncle Spencer and I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen. The food was already prepared at a silver tray. Chicken soup, tonkatsu, rice. Those were the foods that was on top of the tray. The tray was actually floating, so it doesn't need legs to stand. I bet it's a new product.

"Bring these to Sulli upstairs." Uncle Spencer said as he gave me the tray. I just nodded.

As I was walking, I noticed that there are two plates, two spoons and two forks. There were also two pairs of chopsticks. I just slowly let go of the tray and let it float when I stood infront of Sulli's room, so I could knock on her door.

I knocked thrice, then turned the knob and went inside.

"Oppa!" she greeted me as soon as I stepped inside of her room.

"Hey princess.. I brought you food." I said, then I let the tray float right above her thighs.

"Won't it fall?" she said as she sway her hands under the tray.

"No it won't. It's your dad's company's new product. It's cool, right?" I said to her then smiled.

"You bet it is!" she said then she smiled too, then she looked at the food.

"Did you eat?" she asked me as she kept her eyes on the chicken soup, the tip of the spoon already on her lips.

"Not yet.. You, you should eat." I said to her.

"So that's what these extra plates and spoon are for." she said. She took the plates and put food on her plate.

"Oppa! EAT!" she said, then she put food on my plate too.

"No, I'm fine. Go ahead and eat. Seeing you eat happily makes me full." I said with a smile. She looked at me with her blushing cheeks.

"But I want you to eat with me.." she said then made a pout.

"Ok, but you should eat more than I would, ok?"I said, then she smiled while nodding. I took a very small amount of soup, and I ate it slowly so she won't notice.

"Oppa.. eat some more!" she grunted then made a pout. I just messed her hair while smiling.

"Don't mind me, ok? I won't eat much because I'm still full." I told her, then she just sighed.

"Alright. Well, you could tell dad to let you sleep again with me. He's saying stuff that I don't understand. I mean, he says to me, 'Think about what other people would say when they knew that you're sleeping with him' and stuff.. but I don't get it. I just don't.." she said then took a sip on her soup.

"Your dad has a good point. Other people would think that we're doing something at night when they hear that we're sleeping together in one room, and one bed." I tried to explain to her.

"But what would two people do in a room at night? Give each other a lullaby with their snores? Oppa, it's weird. Both you and dad say the same thing and I can't understand." she said, then she pushed the tray off.

"I'm full. I wanna sleep." she said, then yawned.

"Go and sleep then, princess. We'll go to school tomorrow." Isaid to her as I went off her bed.

"Oppa, ask dad to let you stay here with me, ok? I don't want to sleep alone at night. I'm not used to sleeping without you beside me anymore." she said, then she pulled the blanket up to her shouder and lay her head down on her pillow comfortably.

"Don't worry, princess. I will." I said, then I took the tray and went out quietly.

I was about to turn to the stairs, but Uncle Spencer was standing right before me.

"Ok, even if a day hasn't passed yet, I'll let you sleep with her.. but it doesn't mean that even if you're a robot, you're excused, ok? Take care of my daughter, and protect her. I know that you know what I mean." he said. I let go of the tray and hugged him.

"Thank you Uncle Spence! You don't know how much it made me happy! Thank you so much!!" I said, then he gently pushed me off me with a grin.

"I'm doing this for Sulli, not for you." he said, then he messed my hair.

"Thank you for making my daughter happy, too." he said, then he patted my shoulder.

"Now get those dirty plates on the kitchen and go to sleep. You have school tomorrow."

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