Unpaid Debt

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(Shuhua's POV)

Why can't Minnie just understand? We could be with Miyeon in the moon! That's more than I ever wanted.

I watch as Minnie's hands ruffles through her hair as she thinks deeply.

"I'm not going. Sorry...I just can't. I don't love her enough for that."

"I don't love her enough for that." 

I knew she would say something like that. Their awkward relationship was no secret. 

"Ok. I respect that. But I'm going, and I'm only telling you about this because...well, how else are going to pay your debt?" Minnie gave me a confused look and asked me what I meant. "Miyeon did so much for you, but you started all your conflicts with her. And you don't even love her. Don't you think you owe her?" Minnie remained silent and didn't even bother to move. She must know I'm right. Otherwise, she would have said something.

"So you're saying...I should go...because I owe her?" I nodded. Minnie thought about this for a while and finally agreed. "Fair enough. I should pay off my debt. But why aren't we letting the other members go?" 

"You don't get it. They have no reason to go. I'm going because I love her, and you're going because you regret not loving her."

But it was more of something like I'm selfish, and want Miyeon to myself. I don't care that I'm selfish. Because Miyeon was worth anything. Minnie seemed to really have thought through this, and we planned to leave today. We agreed we should write a note to Soojin and Soyeon first though because they would be so worried. The note was brief and didn't explain why we were gone. We were about to leave when Minnie said something that I had to pause and think about.

"Will we regret abandoning the others like this?" There was a long period of silence before I responded. 

"Maybe." That was it. No more words were needed because we knew that it might be like this no matter which crossroads we take. 

I took a deep breath as I prepared myself to chant the five final words with Minnie together.

"3, 2, 1."

"Bring me to the moon."

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