Chapter One: The Beginning

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I was only a baby when Sonic met me. My earliest memory of him was when he stood over my crib. I woke up to the sound of something creeping around my room sometime after midnight. I peered into the shadows and saw something weird. It looked like a giant, spiky, humanoid cat. I gazed in wonder at the cat like creature that entered my room. I shook my twin awake, knowing that she would be really cranky about being waken up so rudely. I sat up, watching the cat like creature approach me silently, his red and white sneakers giving off a faint glow. I noticed his emerald green eyes gleam at me like a cat. To be fair, I wasn't scared of the giant creature. I was curious about what that creature could be because I know that it wasn't human even though it behaved like one.

I watched him dig out something from behind his royal blue spikes, his white gloves disappearing into his spikes for a moment. I was only assuming that his spikes are blue because of the faint light from the kitchen. I noticed that he was covered in spikes. I wondered, What kind of cat is it? I wasn't really worried about his posture. My stomach growled, and I was about to open my mouth and wail when he turned around with two identical baby bottles with bright blue tips.

My twin woke up when he chuckled softly at my curious stare, and she looked terrorized at the sight of the towering animal. I didn't know why she was terrified of this gentle giant of a creature. This creature was about to give us milk. I reached up to grab the animal, and he whispered, his voice soft, rich, and cheesy, like the macaroni and cheese that Mama would make with the four cheeses, "Easy, little one. There is more than enough of this stuff to go around. I've been observing you both for a month. Your mother needs to pay me back for the five runaways she let loose, and one of you happens to be payment."

He placed the baby bottles down in our crib. I grabbed mine and started eagerly suckling at the bottle. My twin was a little skeptical, but she took it without whining, crying or wailing. I didn't see the logo on the side since I was that hungry. I drank deeply, the sweet milk filling me up, and I drank it up. I felt really warm and sleepy when I finished. I sighed as I prepared to settle into my little feast. My twin was still gazing at the creature distrustfully, her tiny little face squinting at the creature with suspicion. My eyelids felt really heavy, and I started dreaming. I didn't hear my twin scream or wail, didn't hear anything, to be honest.

I dreamed that this... whatever it was had taken me to a beautiful house in the woods. It was large, and I knew that this was my new home.

I woke up realizing that the dream was a reality when I was met with snow and a large mansion (although I didn't know it was a mansion at the time). I snuggled in really close to him, doing my best to keep my face from freezing. I didn't know that he was building up a telepathic link to connect us.

The creature was about to enter the house and show me my room when I heard a loud, high pitched voice yell angrily from my left, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?"

My creature froze as if he was caught doing something really bad, then he breathed in relief. I blinked, turning my face towards the loud noise. A pink creature similar to mine was glaring at him, and I can only assume that it was a female. Her green eyes were harder than ice, then they softened at the sight of me. "My, what a beautiful little girl." She cooed as she wrapped me in her red dress her quills lightly brushing by my eyes. She smelled really nice, like roses and honey. Then her voice became stern. She continued harshly as my creature tried to defend himself, "No note! Emeralds gone! You realize that you could have scared a lot of people if they have seen you, Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Sonic. I memorized the name to myself. I thought to myself, So that is what this blue animal that looked cat like really is. He's a hedgehog. I don't know if they are supposed to look human. Then the horrible realization of my reality hit me: I was far away from my mother, my family and my home. I started crying at the top of my lungs, my tears spilling down my face like a tiny waterfall. The pink hedgehog glared at Sonic, then she muttered, "She's your problem now. Poor girl is probably missing her mother. You can either return her and apologize to the mother, or you can deal with the label of a kidnapper!"

That comment was probably unnecessary and quite rude, as my hedgehog straightened himself out and chided sternly, "Amy Rose! One of my runaway catchers has been neglecting her duties, and she needed to be taught a harsh lesson. It was part of our deal that she paid a hefty price for letting the last five runaways from STH Academy slip away."

Amy, the pink hedgehog, blinked as if she had been slapped, then said simply, "Oh... why didn't you say so in the first place?" I can't tell what emotion Amy felt, but I am assuming that it was probably guilt.

Sonic replied in a bitter way, his tone quite displeasing to hear, "If you let me explain myself before giving me an earful, then maybe you would not have had to screech at me. The emeralds are fine, Amy. They're safely tucked away in my quills." I didn't like this new tone at all. I cried again to show my displeasure, then he apologized, softening his tone, "Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to be sarcastic on purpose. I was stressed out because of Amy giving me an earful over your arrival. Welcome home, Airalain."

He strode over to a large bed and grabbed a furry blanket. He wrapped me up just tightly enough for me to feel it, but not tightly as to hurt me. He whispered, snuggling me close, "Werehog furs are lightweight and can keep a human very warm." I snuggle inside of the blanket, enjoying how soft and warm it was.

I snuggled in deeper into the toasty material, and let me just say that Sonic's a really good cuddler (despite the fact that he's quite spiky). He purred as my fingers wrapped themselves tightly around his large hands (which are gigantic in my own opinion). I yawned after I calmed down, realizing that the events of the day wore me out.

He whispered into my ear as I started nodding off, "Sleep well, Airalain. I promise that you will be in good hands." He kissed me on the hand gently, and I dozed off, his scent lulling me in. I had no idea that he would try to wipe my memory. He snuggled me in closer, and his heartbeat was a lot faster than mine. It was lulling to hear his heart thumping in my ear. I snuggled in closer, wanting to enjoy this.

That was when I said my first word. "Papa..." I whispered, my voice tiny and sweet. Sonic must have heard me, since I noticed that his smile grew a little bit wider, even though his blue eyelids were closed. I think that my first word was endearing to him. I'm not sure since he often appears to be angry even though I know he is not mad in the slightest. I wanted to be in this moment forever, but I didn't know that Sonic was planning something huge for me. I finally nodded off after silently observing him, and began to dream.

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