Chapter Sixteen: The Assembly

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I was about ready to start digging into Ali's personal life and find out exactly what she was hiding behind her hazel eyes. I had zero idea on what I was getting myself into. So I strengthened the telepathic link over the days. First, I'd corner Ali. Then I force her to gaze deep into my eyes. She always struggled to break free first, but then her eyes would glaze over and she would let it happen. She mumbled once, "Why are you doing this to me, Airalain?"

I replied, "I love your eyes, my darling sister. They are beautiful. They always change their color in different light settings." It's true; Alison's eyes were a beautiful hazel color. I find myself wishing to hypnotize those eyes. I grinned every time she was dragged closer to becoming one of us. I lick my lips just enough so that the thought of gamershood does not make me crave it.

Sonic seemed to be up to something big lately. Knowing him, he might be starting the integration very soon. His cheesy tones seemed ravenous, and his green eyes glowed brighter whenever his gaze landed on Ali. I grinned at the thought of her becoming a Hedgehog.

Now I probably having you asking, Airalain, what the hell is "the integration" and why is it fucking important? Here's how Sonic described it to us:

When Sonic visited Earth for the first time in 1991, it was a real mess. There was high carbon emissions, too many humans, and the whole planet was becoming messier with each passing year. His idea was to gather enough humans to start changing their DNA since he found out by accident that by biting a human from Earth and drinking their souls, they become like him: an anthropomorphic animal. He studied them during the 90's, and he learned that the thing that they call "souls" are woven into their very existence. He knew that he couldn't tell people that he wants to drink their souls, so he fabricated a disguise ring to pass off as older. That said disguise ring lead him into weaving a very convincing lie about how he can teach humans how to treat their planet better. The rest is history, but this is where the integration comes in.

The plan is that Headmaster Sonic calls up an assembly revealing us for what we are, but he would manipulate a human (Ali) into convincing the other humans that our way is the right way and that they can trust us. This is where I come to play, since this is also where we reveal that we are twins. I knew that the assembly was going to happen when Headmaster Sonic winked at me en route to his study.

Finally, I hear Headmaster Sonic proclaim over the intercom: "All students, please report to the cafeteria. All students, please report to the cafeteria for an assembly."

All of the special students and I grinned at each other. We knew exactly what was happening. Then I get a text on Dashbook Messenger. It read, Airalain, meet me in my study. Father. I grinned, finally happy. It was on the last day of school, and I was buzzed. I could hear the human cafeteria buzzing with excitement and fear. I grinned, knowing that these students were hyped.

I arrived at Headmaster Sonic's study. I knock only to find the door swing open. I peek in to see Sonic ushering me in. He whispered to me, "Darling, don't unsheath your fangs until Alison is out of the room. I plan on draining her in the summer."

I grinned, keeping my word. Then we head over to the cafeteria. I could hear the buzzing of those human students talking growing louder. The overall tone of the atmosphere screamed Something huge is going to happen! I grinned, allowing my fangs to unsheathe. I whispered to Sonic, "I'm excited!"

Sonic nodded, his cobalt spikes gleaming in the light. I could sense that he was excited about the integration too. He stopped at the cafeteria door and gestured, Wait here. I was bouncing with excitement when he gestured for me to wait. Then he entered the cafeteria, and all conversations ceased the minute he entered.

Sonic has that effect on everyone. He would enter a room and all conversation comes to a screeching halt. Anyway, I hear him start talking. He said, "Students of STH Academy, I have been observing you for months. There is going to be some huge changes coming soon."

He paused (probably for dramatic effect) before continuing, "I would love to introduce you to my twin daughters first before I introduce you to my special students. They may not look alike, but they get along well with each other." I knew it was my moment when I heard Sonic call out, "Come in, Airalain."

I entered, and was I surprised. There were human students as far as my eyes could see, but I could see a mixture of emotions from them, mainly fear and confusion. I think that they are shocked at my appearance to say the least. I scanned the room to see Ali with a certain group of students who Sonic does not like (Hint: a television show is named after them and they are the ones secretly causing Sonic trouble. Not getting it? Spoiler alert, it's the Survivors of STH Academy). I narrowed my eyes and started heading towards Ali. I see Charlie freeze, then Ali turned her head. Her pale face became almost ashen, and she froze.

I leaned close to her, asking loudly enough for every Survivor to hear what I got to say, "So... I see that you are acquainted with Charlie, the leader of the Survivors? Well, Alison... think again." I watched them all squirm. Charlie looked horrified at what I said. All of the Survivors quickly inches away from Ali. I embraced her and kissed her hair.

Ali couldn't say anything since the whole school was now watching her. I knew that Ali's reputation was destroyed when Charlie yelled, "Castiel. You fucking lied to me! You never said that you were Sonic's daughter! All this time I flirted with you... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? You betrayed me!"

Ali was trying to blink back angry, heartbroken tears, but Charlie continued, "I felt stupid for trusting you! You are only going to stab us in the back in the end!" That was her last straw. Ali hung her head and trudged towards Sonic. I couldn't hear what she said, but I knew that it pleased Sonic. He grinned at her, then he hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead. Then his cobalt face turned from a jubilant smirk to pure concern. I realized that Ali was about to cry in front of Sonic. She hid her face into his shoulder and I couldn't see what was happening.

Then Sonic dismissed her with a pat on the back. I watched as she ran out of the cafeteria with the same speed as Sonic, her uniform billowing behind her.

Every student was stunned. Even I was stunned. Alison never cried before in front of me. I knew that Ali was having boy trouble because she told me that she loved Damien, the shy Silver recluse (who is a hedgehog, but I never told her this). I know that it's only a matter of time before she sees his face. Everyone was about ready to make a run for it when Sonic gestured for the other Mobian students to enter.

I didn't stick around. I needed to find Ali before her heart breaks further. I ran towards the library, knowing that Ali and Damien share a special connection to each other there. I knew that they both love books, so I ran to the library as fast as I can. I knew that they were going to meet in the library, and I needed to stop her from breaking her heart further before it's too late.

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