Chapter Six: Returning Home

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I started getting into a relaxed routine while I was in that gingerbread house. I'd wake up, eat a large breakfast, and spend the morning outside in the garden listening to all of the love stories that Aphrodite has. My personal favorite is Romeo and Juliet. Then I'd play tag with Eros and he'd teach me how to shoot a crossbow, a bow and arrow, basically anything that can be shot. Let me just say, the next time Sonic has the entire school playing Werehogs VS Hedgehogs (very popular game that is like Earth's equivalent of Humans vs. Zombies, except that it takes place at night instead of day and we have to howl if we are selected to be a werehog and we catch a human before putting in that we tagged them into STH Academy's board), they should watch out. Eros had also taught me how to move faster by running on my tiptoes. I discovered that it was not only faster, but also a lot quieter.

After lunch, I'd learn the art of fixing things from Hephaestus. Hephaestus is a surprisingly patient werehog, teaching me the different tools needed for different jobs, and he even let me tinker with old projects of his that went sideways on him. I constantly find myself getting dirty, and more often than not, I find myself covered in grease and grime from squeezing into places that Hephaestus generally wouldn't be able to fit inside of. He told me, his deep growl amused, "Getting dirty is just as fun as getting clean. That dirt you feel covering you, little girl? That is a sign of hard work. So aren't clean nails. You have got to feel the reward of what you do in here-" he would interrupt himself by poking me gently in the chest. Then he would continue talking as if he hadn't cut himself off, "-for it to be felt everywhere out there." I often giggled every time I was poked in the stomach. He's careful not to hurt me whenever he pokes me.

I would eat dinner with Aphrodite and Eros because Hephaestus would be in his workshop so that he doesn't scare me. I think that he did it out of consideration for me. After dinner, I'd quietly walk up to my room and I would draw. Sometimes, I would cry because I miss Sonic so terribly. When that happens, I would wipe away my tears and remind myself that soon he would pick me up to start school.


I spent the week at Aphrodite's home. I didn't realize that they were fattening up my soul. I was careful to mind my manners because of the fact that Sonic told me so. Once in a while, I'd feel the selfish urge to slap Eros whenever he was being in a particular mood to shoot one of his love arrows at me, but I kept it stifled because I did not want to face the consequence of what might happen if I caved into that selfish urge. My hair was now a beautiful shade of blue, and my eyes were a deep emerald green. I rubbed my freckled nose gently with the back of my hand when I gazed into a mirror.

That night, when I was heading to bed, I hear Aphrodite call out, "Airalain, we need to talk to you about something. It's urgent and serious, dear."

I called back, not quite knowing what was going on, "Coming, Aphrodite!" Then I streaked down the stairs in excitement as soon as I was done cleaning up my room, my tiny, bare feet barely touching the peppermint stairs. My feet slowed down to a pitter patter when I entered the living room. I peeked inside the door, and almost immediately, I felt a tad uncomfortable at what news Aphrodite could possibly be telling me. I also felt really scared.

Aphrodite and Hephaestus were sitting on the velvet cake couch together. They appeared to be cuddling or comforting each other. Then I noticed the tears that shined on Aphrodite's muzzle. I heard her whisper, "Hephaestus, what should we tell her? What should we tell Sonic? The poor little girl barely knows what has been happening with her." She sniffled, dabbing away a tear with a handkerchief that she had. She sounded very unhappy about something. Maybe I was beginning to rub off on her and she was beginning to miss me. I reasoned with myself.

Hephaestus replied softly, his tone deep and sorrowful, "I don't know. I have no idea what we should tell the little girl." I knocked on the graham cracker doorframe, letting them know that I was about to enter. Hephaestus called out, his growling baritone of a voice unusually dull and depressed sounding, "Come in, little girl. We need to talk to you about something important and serious."

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