Chapter Twelve: The Hide and Seek or Get Bitten Ultimatum

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Trigger Warning imminent. Cause of trigger: potential suicidal thoughts or actions. Reader disgretion is advised.

Not even two seconds after the thought that Ali and I might die, I hear tiny howls, like puppies. I knew that they were not puppies but little werehogs howling outside of my door. Then the door burst open with a loud bang and three small werehogs tumbled in like miniature gymnasts. I couldn't scream in fear yet, since they were cute. They were all short, the fang on one werehog missing, and they were tiny balls of fluff. Their fur coats have not developed yet, but I knew what that fluff on them was not fluff. It was werehog down, which is softer than any fabrics than what a human could have ever made.

The three werehoglets turned towards me and Missing Fang growled softly, "Your father would love an audience with you both, Princess Airalain and Princess Alison. He's very excited to talk to you about our pack."

I shivered in fear when I heard that growl purr out this tidbit of information. I peeked over the bed to see them clambering towards Ali on her bed. She screamed in fear, curled up in a little ball and hugged her knees tightly to her chest as if they would protect herself from whatever the werehoglets were planning for her. I leaped into action, my legs scampering towards her. I yelled, my panic getting to me, "Leave her alone, you flea ridden fur bags!" I quickly flung the nearest fluffy little werehog off of Ali's bed and leaped next to her. I snarled, my spines raised in anger, "I am not turning into a werehog! Not today, Satan!" I only wish that I could have upheld my word that night.

The three werehogs grumbled, kicking their cleats against the floor like sullen children, "No fair. Our alpha will make you eat those words."

Then one of them let out high pitched howl. It sounded more like a bark than a howl. Then I heard a louder howl, but this one was deeper as if it came from an actual wolf. The most terrifying thing about that particular howl was that it came from inside the Sonic House. Missing Fang growled softly, "The Werehog Alpha will make you join us!" They growled playfully when the door burst open again, this time falling off the hinges.

Then I heard a deep, male voice growl thoughtfully, "What do we have here?" I froze as the owner of the voice entered my room.

He was a huge werehog with familiar green eyes. His light blue hands were relaxed, exposing some rather dangerous looking nails. I saw that his fanged mouth was upturned, and his tongue lightly licked his light blue lips. My heart was pounding in my chest as the giant werehog turned towards me, his quills moving in a threatening way. I scrabbled close to the wall and pulled Ali backwards. He growled again, "Well, if it isn't the Werehog princesses! Come down here, darlings. I want to talk to you about an opportunity of a lifetime." He beckoned for us to come down with his large index finger, his eyelids lowered in a bored expression.

I watched in horror as Ali started obeying his command. She slowly untucked herself and started crawling towards the oversized beast. I hissed, terrified that she might have been seduced at the thought of becoming like them, "Alison! Don't listen to him! He only wants to stuff you and eat you up once you get too fat!"

She ignored me and continued moving towards the werehog as if she was in a trance. I could only watch in horror as Ali moved closer to the oversized werehog, as if she was hypnotized by the werehog's words. I realized what had happened: she was hypnotized by his deep green eyes. I whispered frantically, trying to break her from his hungry words, "Ali... snap out of it! He only wants to stuff you like a turkey and eat you once you made yourself fatter! He doesn't have an interest in you!" I was desperately trying to catch her attention by warning her that she would wind up making herself fatten up for a horrible feast. Unfortunately... I didn't do a good job of it.

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