Chapter 13: I Get Bitten

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Attention: Very mild gore warning. Mild trigger warning, along with negative thinking. Don't like? DON'T READ. Sorry. I just hate mentally scarring people and I had to make a point. I don't mean to come off as rude. Please don't shoot the messenger. Also, there is some swearing.

He licked his lips in a famished way, then he purred in my ear, "I have to admit that you look very delicious tonight, my darling little Airalain." I tried to squirm away from him, but to no avail. I still couldn't believe my own stupidity at Sonic's faux pas. Every symptom that Sonic is a werehog was there in front of my face but I refused to accept it like the naïve idiot I was. I felt his breath on my throat as he leaned in closer. He breathed in deeply, as if my scent was enticing to the giant werehog alpha. I flinched in anticipation, waiting for him to deliver the bite. "You have indeed done well, darling." The deep voice purred, praising me gently. 

Then he howled, a long, lonely sound. I heard other voices approaching, loud voices. All of the voices had a growl, and all of them were coming in my direction. I gasped in shock at what I am seeing. A whole pack of werehogs were entering the clearing. Some were big, some were small, some were very ugly, and some were pretty. But they all were looking at me as if I was in a meat sack. 

One werehog in particular caught my attention. Her fur was a pretty midnight blue color, her quill tips were a light sky blue, her green eyes glowed brightly, and her form was pretty delicate by werehog standards. Her clawed hands, although manicured with a glowing pink nail polish, were wrapped around my little sister. Her eyes gleamed softly at the sight of her. I knew who it was underneath the lush fur. It was Kayla, my female crush. (I'm pansexual. I love every gender and sex) I whispered, heartbroken at the sight of my girlfriend like this, "Kayla..."

Then Sonic whispered in my ear, his gruff voice reassuring, "Your werehog trainer will be Kayla. Alison's will be me."

I asked softly, "What does a werehog trainer do, Dad?"

He replied softly, his deep voice just a hint of a growl, "They start your training by biting you. Then-!"

My eyes widened in horror, and I let out a terrified gasp of fear at what I had just heard. I didn't anticipate being bitten by my own best friend. I got a good look at Kayla as she prowled towards me. Her fur was a dark blue, and her fringes were snow white in the darkness. Her uniform was torn, the usual white belt now grey and covered with spikes, looking very goth and punk. Her green eyes were trained on me as if I was marinated or something.

Sonic howled again as the werehogs started talking among themselves, then asked loudly enough for every werehog nearby to hear, "Kayla, do you want this fine piece of flesh?"

Kayla answered, her snow white fangs glinting wickedly as she spoke, "Yes, your majesty!"

She stalked towards me, her feet lightly brushing the ground. Her shoes were now high heeled punk, with spikes where the white band should be. I whimpered as she drew closer, feeling very claustrophobic. She growled to me in a quiet manner when she was just within earshot, "You are mine, darling." She started licking my throat gently, praising the taste of my own flesh. To be honest, I didn't really mind since it felt quite nice having her near me. She pinned me down tightly, growling playfully in my ear, "My dear Airalain, you will have greatness in this pack. You'd make a wonderful mate for a male werehog, darling. We accept all genders in this pack."

Then she bit me on the throat. It stung, and I could feel my consciousness slipping away. I heard someone scream angrily, "NO! LET HER GO, DAMN IT!" Then I felt something lightly lick my throat, washing the blood off of my neck. She purred in satisfaction, then she got off of me, her reassuring weight vanishing like dew in the morning sun. I felt my throat to see how bad the damage was. It felt a little raised, but no sign that I was bitten at all. I knew that it healed because when I drew my hand back, my gloves were pure white. I gazed at the moon, surprised at how large and full it was.

I turned my attention back to Kayla, who was licking her fangs in a satisfied manner. I realized that she was pinning something small close to her as if to protect it. Before I could get a good look at what Kayla was holding, I felt waves of horrible pain washing over me. It felt as if my own skin was bursting open. I heard my bones crackling, and I felt myself getting bigger by the second. My teeth felt as if they were getting stabbed, and my gloves burst like miniature fireworks. I gazed at my hands in horror, light blue hands designed for murder. The fingers were large, the nails were sharp and light grey. The hands were strong enough to strangle a grown man, and they were a light blue.

Then my skin felt as if I was growing hair at an alarming rate. I realized that I was getting covered in fur. I gasped in pain as more thick, lush, dark blue fur covered me in places I didn't realize I had. I finally tilted my head back and let out a loud howl of pain. Then I heard Sonic growl, "Ah, Airalain. You look so beautiful tonight. You've evaded me for too long, and now you are my little princess in my pack, darling."

I nodded, now showing a new respect for Sonic. I realized that he did this for my own good. I turned towards Kayla again and I now had a good look at the thing that she was cradling close to her body. It was a tiny human with a beautiful body, and when she locked her gaze with me, she screamed, "NO! AIRALAIN! LET HER GO!" 

Then she shoved herself away from Kayla and raced towards me, biting anyone who tried to get in her way. I growled amusedly at her weak and sorry attempt at being a hero. This human doesn't realize how big of a beast she is dealing with. I watched her continue sprinting at me, her face pale with worry. She collided into me, her arms wrapping around my waist in a bear hug. I nearly toppled over due to the sheer force of the tackle, so I wrapped my arms around her tightly just so that I could keep my balance.

She sobbed brokenly as she tried to regain her balance, "Airalain... I'm sorry! I deserve to d-d-die bec-c-c-cause of this! I n-n-never meant for you to g-get hurt!" The small human wailed into my fur, her heartbroken tears streaking down her face. I realized exactly who she is: it was Alison. I wanted to drain her energy, feed on her emotions, make her my personal little slave. I grinned at the thought of her working for me, then I felt a bit bad, since this is my sister. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and began to squeeze. I heard her gasp as I pinned her to me tightly, "Please... make it fast. Low pain threshold."

I murmured, trying to be reassuring in my new form, "It wasn't your fault, Ali. I wanted this so that I could protect you." I breathed in her scent, which was quite tasty. It smelled like cherry blossoms, venison and smoked watermelon. I licked my lips at the savory scent, then I hoisted her onto my shoulder. I knew that I had to make her breathe in the ripener just so that she does not continue blaming herself over what happened to me. I nearly started salivating at the thought of how beautiful she would be if she would just get a little bit plumper (not too much, though. At STH Academy, we discourage negative body image as much as possible). 

I noticed Sonic beckoning for me to follow him out of the corner of my eyes, so I did, dragging the poor girl along. I stroked her hair in a reassuring manner, knowing that she was going to be taken excellent care of.

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