Chapter 2: My early years

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Warning: frightening scene approaching. Reader discretion is advised.

I woke up to something gently nuzzling me. I gently shoved it away only to realize that it was only Sonic. I yawned sleepily, "Papa... I..." I was learning how to talk at this point. Sonic pressed a finger to my lips and simply cuddled me closer. I snuggled in. Despite the popular rumor Sonic spreads about himself not being cuddly, he gives out the best cuddles. How he cuddles me is simple. He tucks my fingers into his gloves, then he wraps an arm securely around me like a mother would do with her child. Then he carefully positions his body to align with mine. I guess it was to make sure that I didn't accidentally poke myself with his spikes.

Sonic placed one gloved finger to my lips to shush me. I snuggled in again and I mumbled, "I... I love you, Papa." His heart was bearing really fast as he stroked my hair.

He purred back in an equally quiet voice, "Love you too, Airalain." He ran a gloved finger through my thin, wispy hair. I heard him mumble, "Mm... soon..." I had no idea on what he was talking about. I snuggled in closer, enjoying his scent. It's kind of tricky to describe, to be honest. His scent changes with his mood. Right now, he smelled like pine trees and cool rivers.

I also knew about the Werehog (even though I didn't know what he was yet). I was four when I first saw his transformation on the full moon.

I was having a bad dream that some oversized man was about to hurt Sonic when I heard his scream of pain cut through my dream.

I woke up with a start and yelled out, "Daddy!?" I got up and decided to go investigate. I creeped to his room as quietly as my little feet would let me. "Daddy... I had a bad dream. " I whispered. I opened the door and I found Sonic doubled over.

I started running towards him as fast as my bare feet would allow. His gaze stopped me. His green eyes were fearful, and his expression... I don't like revisiting that. Sonic hissed between clenched teeth, "Airalain, run!" I froze, shocked. Daddy never tells me to run... something is wrong. I found myself thinking.

He doubled over, moaning in pain. I was about to run over when something stopped me. It was the sound of fabric ripping. I stumbled backwards, landing on my butt. Any words that I had were caught in my mouth. I watched in horror as Sonic started getting bigger. I shuddered when I heard cracking, like a tree branch. Then I saw the fur. It was dark blue, but the fur around his wrists turned whiter than snow. His teeth got sharper, his shoes grew spikes for some reason and his eyes took on a frightening glare. I screamed as the last piece of the transformation happened. I heard him yell in pain.

I watched in horror as the giant thing that used to be Sonic turned towards me. My heart was beating rapidly as I found myself gazing back into a pair of familiar emerald green eyes. I choked, "Papa... what happened to you?" I felt frightened as the creature straigtened himself out. I froze when he started delicately sniffing my hand.

I couldn't scream as the monster started breathing in my scent. He quickly scooped me up, and I tried to break free. He was too strong. He growled softly in my ear, "Airalain... it's okay. It's still me." I froze, the realization hitting me like a six ton sack of bricks. This thing and Daddy are the same thing!? I found myself thinking. I felt him hoist me onto his shoulder as he purred, "I know that you're scared. Is there something that you want to tell me?"

I shook my head, forgetting about the dream. He ran a clawed hand gently against my back. He purred in my ear, "Just a bad dream, huh?" I nodded, snuggling in closer to Sonic. He purred, sensing that I feel safe now. I'm not going to lie, but werehog fur is uber soft and warm. I didn't quite want the furry thing to leave, so I clung on tightly. He purred, "Airalain, do you like the feel of my fur?"

I nodded, burying my face in deeper. I gently pet that thick fur, not wanting to cause discomfort. Sonic purred again, "Do you want to be royal?" I stared, dumbfounded that he would ask such a strange question. I knew that Sonic was rich, but I never knew that he was a king, especially a Werehog King... which you could say is an alpha of sorts.

I asked, not quite believing him, "Really?"

He replied, his voice soft and deep, "Sure. All it takes are two things. The first one is going to happen quite soon. The second thing... we'll discuss when you feel ready." I wriggled in excitement. I was thinking, I'm going to be a princess! Sonic continued, interrupting my train of thought, "Do you want to be a werehog princess?"

So that's what he is. I thought. I didn't need to think about it. I replied eagerly, "Yes, I do, Daddy!" We were at my room at this point. He opened the door for me and I strode inside.

Sonic asked, his deep voice filled with concern, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

I replied, "Yes." I didn't quite know that Sonic had things to do.

Sonic purred, "It's just for tonight. I promise that I'll listen when you have a nightmare."

I snuggled in closer as he tucked me in. Then Sonic did something strange. He held me still and gently nicked my arm. I yelped, now frightened. I stared as Sonic quickly lapped up the tiny bit of blood. I stared as that part of my arm became a dark, royal blue. He purred, "That is just so that other werehogs don't hurt you or try to take you away. I'm sorry if I scared you, darling. It was just something that needed to be done."

I replied shakily, "It's okay... Daddy." I snuggled into that rich, soft fur and I wanted it surrounding me.

Sonic started singing me to sleep. I started nodding off as his deeper voice sang,

When the moon transforms you,

Do know you'll be seen as someone new,

Even through the pain,

You will be okay.

The stars align for you,

The full moon remains true:

Even if I was a werehog, I'll always love you.

Then Sonic howled the last part. I curled up tightly, giggling at this sweet little melody. I didn't really realize that Sonic's little lullaby to me was actually him trying to clue me in on what would happen to me if I accepted the role of a werehog princess. I snuggled into that fur and closed my eyes. No bad dreams followed, but I find myself dreaming about being kidnapped and taken care of by my kidnapper. I never get to see his face. It was hidden.

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