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Warning: The following chapter has a frightening scene. Reader discretion is advised.

During the summer, Ali and I couldn't get enough sunshine. We are outside for hours on end, observing Green Hill Zone's wildlife, knocking away a few badniks, and basically doing summer things. Ali commented, "I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore..." I caught the reference she made and I laughed as Ali squinted at the vast, colorful landscape. I could see Apotos in the distance. Ali continued ripening up, her brown hair slowly becoming cobalt.

Tina was sent to help the Rebellion with cleanup (and she tried pulling her usual tricks and failed miserably). It served her right for bullying Ali. She did continue being a little terrorist when we were there, though. I had to drink Tina's gamershood, and it did not taste very pleasant. It just tasted like ghost peppers, rotting chili dogs and other deplorable things. She had been caught stealing from Ali, who was surprisingly trying to be nice to her. I don't know why she was trying to be nice to someone who clearly hated her for her autism.

Of course, our telepathic link got so strong that Ali felt me feed on Tina. She was there, being surprisingly helpful to me. She helped me pin down the little asshole, and she stroked my spines as I fed on Tina's gamershood. I think that Tina's gamershood went sour, which explained why everything tasted awful.

School ended before Ali and I both turned sixteen (or was it seventeen? I forget. My memory is bad when it comes to age). Our birthday was on June 1, exactly 22 days before Sonic's. And Sonic gave us both watches for our birthdays. He also gave us art supplies, cute short shorts, and books. We thanked him.

Sonic continued ripening her until one night, when he said, "Alison, Airalain, come to my room, please."

I knew what was happening. I bounced in excitement as I realized that Ali was going to be in a world of unimaginable pleasure. We ate our supper, then we ran upstairs to Sonic's bedroom to see what he was planning. Ali whispered as we drew closer, "Airalain... I'm scared. Why does Sonic want us?"

I replied as I opened the heavy oak door, "Who knows? Sonic's full of surprises." We entered Sonic's room after he gave the soft command, which looked like something a king would sleep in. The bed was gigantic, with royal blue duvet covers and light blue throw pillows. It was lit by the light of the lamp, which was glowing a bright golden color. The entire floor was covered with a bright red carpet, and the walls were a deep green.

I kicked off my sneakers and socks, gesturing for Ali to do the same. "Airalain. There is something on the bed." Ali pointed out as she kicked her sneakers off, her dress buttons gleaming in the light. I jogged over to the bed, climbed on it and read, Get comfortable, darlings. Tonight is the night that things start kicking off. I recognized Sonic's scrawling handwriting anywhere.

Ali hesitated as she entered, stating, "I feel like something might go sideways. I think we should leave." I laughed at Ali's nervousness, then I raced over and scooped her into my arms like a stuffed doll. She squealed in shock as I lifted her towards the bed. I continued laughing, overjoyed that I would finally have my twin sister by my side. Ali asked, her slight monotone voice sounding terrified, "Airalain... what is going on?"

I grinned at her, finally flashing my fangs. Her now emerald green eyes widened in shock as I whispered in her ear, using my hypnotic tones, "Shh, human... soon, you will enjoy a night of passion and pleasure from us both. We've been observing you, and we have been careful when we placed you on a special fattening diet. You became nice and fat just for us. You fattened up your soul, and now your body became good and plump for tonight. You did not realize that you were fattening up for this night. You are now fat enough to bite, darling sister. Your gamershood is now plumped up enough for harvesting." I licked my lips as Ali whimpered in fright. Her fear was delicious to me as I wrapped my arms around her plump body and flung her on the bed.

I kissed her on the cheek as I heard Sonic's laugh from outside the door. I turned around to see Sonic rolling towards us. He stood up quickly, uncurling himself from his position, then he nodded to me. I immediately slid under Ali and wrapped my hands around her now plump waist. Ali giggled nervously, then she tried to squirm away. "Okay... very funny. You two can stop scaring me now." Ali begged between fits of giggles.

That was when Sonic did the most shocking thing in the world: he took off his gloves and sneakers. Sonic tilted her head so that she was forced to make eye contact, then he purred, "I've been waiting a long time for this, darling. This is not a prank. I'm going to drain your gamershood from your beautiful body." He kissed her on the cheek, then he told her, his cheesy voice lilting softly, "Well, Alison. A deal is a deal. You can't back out even if you wanted to. Hold still now. This will only hurt for a moment." His bare hands caressed her plump cheek, plucking her glasses off of her pretty face. I think that he is taking great pleasure of stroking her face with his bare hands.

I blocked her out telepathically as I began unbuttoning her skirt, the buttons bursting as I tugged each one loose. I massaged her waist as my fingers found the buttons. Sonic was on top of her, purring softly, "You will make one beautiful hedgehog, sweetheart." Ali started trying to kick and buck, her tiny body fighting to break free. I knew that it would be useless since Sonic helped me undo the buttons that were on her throat. We grinned at each other as Ali started to scream.

Her scream of terror was cut short as Sonic sank his fangs deep into her succulent flesh. I felt every muscle in her body relax as Sonic started kneading her waist, his hands squeezing tightly. I felt her become limp. I think that she passed out as Sonic fed on her gamershood.


The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I wandered over to the kitchen to see what Sonic was doing. I entered to find that Sonic made pancakes (something he always does after feeding on gamershood). He chirped to me, "Morning, Airalain."

I yawned drowsily, remembering last night distantly. "Morning, Daddy." I replied.

"Where's your sister?" Sonic asked, his tone sounding a bit worried.

"I don't know. I'll go find her." I replied. Then I heard a scream coming from Ali's room. I raced to her room to see what was wrong. Everything seemed fine, nothing was out of place as far as I could tell. I opened the door to her bathroom to find Ali on the ground, passed out. Her spines were sharp, her eyes closed. I realized that she was not wearing anything. I grabbed a towel and wrapped her up in it. I grunted under her weight as I carried her to her room.

I gently shook her awake, my gloved hands shaking. Did we accidentally kill her!? I wondered, panicking. I checked her pulse, and it was a healthy heartbeat of 300 beats per minute. No. She's fine. I breathed in relief. Then I realized something horrible: I had a case of lycanthropy, and she does not. I will protect you from the werehog pack. Even if the consequences cause me pain. I promised myself silently.

Ali stirred, her breath becoming even. She opened one blue eyelid to reveal her beautiful, emerald green eyes. "I see you." She whispered, laying a hand on my spines. "Hi. I remember everything." Then her eyes misted, and she wiped away the tears. "I'm okay." She whispered. I knew that she had a choice: either have her memory wiped or deal with the grief of losing her old appearance. I hugged her, knowing that she would be happier as a hedgehog.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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