Chapter Eight: Meeting My Twin

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Fast forward eleven years later. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing to the tune of "Show and Tell" by Melanie Martinez. I groaned, reaching and fumbling to turn it off, my gloves making it not that much easier. I glanced at the time, which reads 6:00 AM. I got out of my large loft bed, rubbing my eyes blearily. My feet slipped into my red and white sneakers as I let out a silent yawn. I knew that my spines looked like something straight out of hell (by that, they were sticking up all over the place and just looked horrible). I slipped into my uniform, not really knowing that today would be the day my life changed forever with the fact that I would finally meet my twin sister.

I brushed my back spines and my teeth. Then I glanced in the mirror. I smiled to myself. Sonic always said that he would be pretty if he was a girl, and is he right! My back spines looked like his, and my most defining feature has to be my freckles. I placed some black lip gloss on my lips and smiled. My eyes glittered like emeralds, and my glasses were perched on my nose like a bird.

Then my phone beeped. I lifted it up and read the following message: Airalain, I'm picking up your twin sister today. Do not call me Dad yet, instead, call me Headmaster Sonic. When I'm ready to be called Dad, I will let you know. I love you, darling. Father.

My eyes skimmed the message three times just to be sure that I wasn't making a mistake or reading it wrong. The third time, it finally sank in: My twin sister is finally coming. I beamed throughout breakfast. Kayla, my best friend since Chaos knew when, asked, "What up, Airs?" (Airs is just a nickname for me)

I replied, beaming like a fool, "My sister is coming!"

Kayla nearly fell out of her chair from hearing that and nearly spat out her tea. "You have a sister!?" She spluttered after cleaning herself up.

I nodded happily, then I noticed a pack of hedgehogs from the Amy House approaching us. I groaned, my good mood instantly killed. Every boy in the Amy House had asked me out on a date, and every time, I tell them firmly, "Fuck off."

Torin, the tallest Amy clone, asked, "Hey, sweet cheeks. Why are you beaming like that? You wantin' some of my d?"

I gagged in disgust at this invitation, then I told him angrily, "No! I'm thinking about my sister and what she might be like!"

Torin guffawed at me, then the other Amy clones joined, their snickers mocking. "You don't have a sister, stupid. You're an only kid." He chuckled after touching my spikes to ruffle them. I really hate having someone that is not Sonic touch my spines that way.

I lost my temper with this pink asshat. I stood up from my seat and growled, my blue face just inches away from Torin's florid face, "You are going to look really stupid in front of Sonic when you see me with her! You know perfectly well how he feels about clingy jerks who chase people around for no good reason!"

Every Amy clone backed away nervously at the very sound of that. Even Torin paused for a moment. While yes, Sonic is well known for his easy going, laid back nature, he is also known for telling someone off aggressively. I continued glaring daggers at Torin, mouthing, Later fucker. 

Let me be honest, right now. If you think that Sonic is terrifying when he's pissed... well, that trait carries onto every student that he Changes into a Hedgehog. His green eyes give off waves of Don't touch me or they'll never find your body if he was having a really bad day.

I beamed like a maniac during all my classes, so much so that Professor Scourge, who teaches Mobian Politics (it's boring because of all of the multiverse bullshit, such as in one universe, Sonic can shoot lightning if he pleases, or in another universe, he is a bad ass zone cop. I think that you get the drill at this point, so I won't bother explaining), had asked, "Should I be worried?"

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