Chapter Twenty: Ali's First Night

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After Ali was done crying into my arm, she dried her tears and blushed awkwardly. I knew that I had accidentally opened the emotional floodgates, and I knew everything about her, not just her emotional crap. I knew that Sonic needed to wipe her memories before her past does any more damage to my awesome sister. Ali wiped her light blue face and told me, "Sorry... that was-!"

"Awesome? A relief to get off your chest?" I guessed, twitching my nose and cleaning my glasses of the dirt particles that clung on there. Ali nodded, her curly blue hair bouncing. I'm going to have to admit, she is so adorable. I grinned, helping her finish packing. I asked when we were finished, "So, Ali... why have you never told me before?"

Ali shrugged, her pale shoulders rolling easily. I heard Headmaster Sonic's footsteps coming towards our dorm, so I opened the door to let him in. He entered, his royal blue spines relaxed. "I see that you two are done packing." Sonic noted dryly. We nodded, feeling like it's the right thing to do. Sonic beckoned over his shoulder, and we both gaped.

It was a small human, at least four feet tall. Her eyes were almond shaped, framed with glasses, and she squinted at us. "It's all your fault, Ali." The girl snarled, showing some very ugly teeth. I watched in shock as Ali flicked her thumb over her teeth. Then she picked up a box. The small girl smashed her hand, sneering, "Since when were you so special? Is it because you are Headmaster Sonic's personal favorite!?"

Ali replied harshly, "Tina, you have to be a real dumbass to think that Headmaster Sonic would do nothing to a manipulative asshole who tried to push his daughter to suicide." I blinked, staring at Ali's diminutive tormentor. Ali turned around to pick up something else when the small human slapped her back end. Ali yelled, her face pinched with rage, "Father!"

I saw red as I charged at Tina. I grabbed her by the wrist and snarled, "You want a piece of me!? Hands off of my sister!" The girl quivered, whimpering as my own green eyes glared daggers into her almond shaped eyes.

Sonic's voice interjected, calling out, "She is going to spend this summer at my house as punishment for harassing Alison. Her mother agreed to it." Tina's ugly face became livid at the sound of the news. I glanced at Ali, who was pale in the face. I realized, Since Ali's my sister, that means that she is spending the summer at my house. I beamed at Ali, trying to calm her down.

I peeked over at Sonic and noted that his peach arms were folded over his chest. He did not seem very pleased at what he had just witnessed. "I don't tolerate the kind of behavior that you have displayed to all of my teachers, Miss Caruso." He stated, then he glanced at me. I guess I appeared to be ready for murder, since Sonic added with a kinder tone to his cheesy voice, "Tina's not going to our home as a reward, my darling daughters. You two are my twin daughters. I expect you to mind yourselves."

Tina's ugly face changed from pissed to confused. "Sonic... you must be mistaken! Those two are not twins! They don't even look alike! Unless if you count how ugly they are." She hesitated, glancing at me. I knew that a speciesist comment was going to leave her mouth. "This hedgehog in front of me, I could easily believe. But Ali looks nothing like you! How can she be your daughter!?" She jeered, her ugly face twisting into a smirk.

Sonic replied sternly, wiping the smirk off of Tina's face in 2.5 seconds, "These two came from the same mother and father, born on the exact same day, and the reason why Airalain does not look like Ali is because of a problematic condition that is rampant in my school, more specifically, my house." I glanced at Ali, who was staring at Sonic as if to say, What bullshit is hidden in your cobalt spikes this time, Dad? I knew that Sonic was unpredictable, but I worried about if he was going to reveal my fangs and my lycanthropy issue.

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