Chapter Fourteen: 1-12-9 9-19 18-9-16-5-14-9-14-7 21-16

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As we made our way back to Sonic's mansion, I can feel Alison continue sobbing brokenly into my arms. I could only lick my lips at the thought of her becoming a werehog princess now. The mere taste of her fear was enticing to say the least. I growled at her threateningly, signaling her to quiet down. She took the message, save for the occasional broken sob escaping her chest. I took a second to absorb what I'm seeing.

Even though I grew up in Sonic's mansion, it never fails to take my breath away on the inside. It has many shades of cobalt, blues, teals and in some rooms, deep shades of reds and purples. There is one room that Sonic tells me that he would use in case of a heartbroken student. He calls it the Love Room. But the inscription on the door makes zero sense to me. Why? Because it reads:

23-5-12-3-15-13-5 20-15 20-8-5 18-9-16-5-14-9-14-7 18-15-15-13!

It was some kind of code, and I have not cracked it. Sonic remarked, holding her in one arm as he opened the heart shaped door, "My, aren't you tiny and heartbroken?" I chuckled, feeling that manic energy of dragging someone in. Helping Headmaster Sonic is a lot of fun, to be honest with you. Especially when it comes to keeping the human still and relaxed.

We entered the bright pink room, the walls glowing like neon lights. I purred in delight as Sonic lead the way to the far wall. It had a giant heart on it, and inside of that heart is a bunch of manacles. That's so that we can keep a human still as we have them breathe in the ripener. Sonic purred as he worked on shackling her to the wall. Ali wailed, her scrawny arms flailing to break free, "Are you seriously resorting to torture!?" Her cries were bittersweet to me, and I licked away her tears, allowing my large fingers to trace her face lightly.

Sonic placed a finger to her lips before she could say anything else and shushed her. He ran his clawed fingertips through her thick, brown hair. He purred, "I've got something special planned for you tonight, my sweet little daughter. Just hold still and let me tap into your little broken heart. I promise it won't hurt, and you will enjoy yourself as I tap into your emotions." He chuckled hungrily after saying that. Ali tried to squirm out of her heart shaped prison, but to no avail. I can see the panic and the sadness settle in. Sonic grabbed an oxygen mask, then he asked me, "I have a tiny quiz for you, my darling Airalain. How much ripener does a human ingest in my classroom when they are inside of the ripening chamber?"

I answered automatically, "Enough to feel a slight buzz and a desire to gain weight, sire."

He grinned at my answer, flashing his fangs in a hungry manner. I guess I was right, but then again, I am Sonic's best student in his class. Then Sonic asked, his growl inquiring, "And what happens with the ripener if a human is scared or depressed?"

"The human gets more?"

He winked at me, signaling that I was right again. Ali begged, "Whatever torture you are planning-!"

Sonic interrupted her, his deep voice downright ravenous, "We only plan to ripen you for tomorrow night. You, my dear, are the key to the integration." Ali trembled as Sonic placed an oxygen mask over her beautiful face. He grabbed one of her curls and started twirling a blue strand of hair between his oversized fingertips. Sonic's long blue nails carefully traced her cheeks and her lips. Sonic and I both know that it isn't air that Ali's going to be breathing in. We grinned devilishly as the machine whirred to life. Ali tried to struggle as the ripener made its way towards her lungs.

We stepped back as the next step happened: a huge glass dome that is in shape of a heart sealed over Ali. Ali's hazel eyes were shocked and horrified. She tried to break free, but the ripener was much more powerful. She gasped, then those hazel eyes blinked, becoming heavy, lazy, and her entire tiny body relaxed as if she got a massage. I whispered to her through the glass, "Yes, breathe in more, my little feast. I know that you want more! You want to have your precious gamershood fatter. Make that soul of yours reach for your fattest point. You must become good and fat for us. Please... fatten yourself up, but not too much. I would say 125 pounds should be your limit. Do not exceed that point." Ali was only 80 pounds at this point, since she was not eating anything.

Ali was practically obedient to our commands at this point. We knew that this was the perfect chance to pry her open to see what she is hiding. Sonic and I spent the night talking to her, getting more information out of her as the night continued. She spilled enough information to us on what was happening for us to be satisfied. Her voice poured into us like a sweet, delicious rain. And what we learned wasn't pretty. As it turned out, we learned the following:

A week after Alison's arrival, a new girl named Tina made her life completely miserable. Tina treated her like a mental punching bag and an attack dog. Tina had also degraded her because of her weight. She was so miserable, in fact, that Ali had actually considered letting the werehog pack eat her. She had a LOT of inner demons that she never told anyone before, such as the fact that Ali gets creeped out by children's television shows to a degree and that she is very scared of becoming one of those mental patients who breaks at a trigger.

Sonic and I made a silent pact not to tease her about it, since Ali seemed to be very unhinged at the mere thought of creepy shows aimed towards children. It's ironic that someone who would gladly hang out with werehogs would get freaked out by normal humans or television shows with creepy looking characters. She describes them as "creepy assed costumed humans with some sort of murderous intent. Who knows what sort of creep is hiding behind the mask" (These are Ali's words, not mine). I honestly don't blame her for feeling like that. I've seen some humans with a weird obsession for that sort of thing, and those are the humans that I generally avoid since they seem to be insane to me.

I also found out that Ali had siblings, three to be exact. The older two were relentless into picking on her for her intense dislike for those kinds of shows (Yeah, we're looking at creepy old shows. You know EXACTLY which ones we're referring to. If not, think of any show that involves adults wearing garish, brightly colored costumes. Still no clue about what I am talking about!? Ugh, Light Gaia on a food coma. Sorry, Ali, for editing your story to put this in here. Forgive me. Think of Teletubbies, or any show along those lines. There. I said it. Ali gets creeped out by that sort of thing). Some could say that it's a borderline phobia.

I'm a little bit too glad that I didn't grow up with Ali. She also talked about the things that she likes. Some were pretty normal, such as ripped jeans, hoodies, and high heels. Some were borderline nerdy, such as Portal, Gravity Falls, and Hazbin Hotel. But the wierd things that she likes are oreos and peanut butter, curling up under blankets and listening to some wierd music such as JT Music. We did find out about her big guilty pleasure before the sun rose: We discovered that Ali's guilty pleasure is anything related to Sonic, which was pretty surprising since she never openly expressed her feelings towards Sonic before.

I felt a tingly sensation when I heard that Alison does have a weak spot for Dad, but I never realized exactly how guarded she was towards her feelings. Then I glanced down and realized that I was shrinking back to normal size.

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