Chapter Nineteen: Sister Bonding

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Trigger Warning: Sensitive topics are discussed in this chapter. Reader discretion is strongly recommended.

The next morning, I got up bright and early. Ali was awake too, which was normal for her since she has a habit of waking up at six in the morning. I have asked her about it and she said that she had been doing it since she was a freshman in high school. I guess it was a force of habit by now. I combed back my spines, yawning in my skeleton slippers and gossamer black robe. I stretched my arms, stripping off my clothes so that I could shower.

I let the water trickle down my face, finally waking me up from my morning grogginess. I blinked as I started scrubbing my back spines. I knew that Ali was fully awake when she called through, "Need help in there, Airalain?"

I called back, trying not to slip and fall, "Yes, Ali. Come in."

I see Ali enter the shower quickly, shutting the door behind her. I admired her ballerina figure through the curtain as she pulled it back. "Let me guess, you're having trouble with your back spines or something like that."

I nodded awkwardly at her blunt statement, and I was grateful that she was willing to help a sister out. I purred in delight as her fingertips massaged through my spines, her hands rubbing underneath my back spines (a common problem area for me since I could never quite reach in there). I sighed softly in satisfaction as her fingers kept working her magic. I breathed in deeply as Ali got behind the back of my head. Let me be honest with you, Ali's hands are really soft even though she had tiny scars on the back of her hands.

I asked, my curiosity finally getting the better of me, "Who taught you how to do... well, the thing that you always do when you are washing my back?" Ali's fingers drew back quickly, almost as if she was ashamed. "I mean, it felt really good!" I added hurriedly, sensing her nervousness at the fact that I acknowledged her touch.

"Well... it was a mix between when I was forced to cater to my big sister's needs when she had back surgery and the fact that I had to teach myself how to do it because you're so... spiky." She replied, her voice hesitating. I peeked over my shoulder at her, stunned at Ali's bitter tone towards her big sister. Alison almost never gives out any details about her family life, and those details are usually quite vague. I noted that she spat the first part between her teeth, and I wondered if her family is possibly harsh with her. I turned around to see what her expression was. Her face was partially hidden, but I do know that she was a bit uncomfortable about giving me this much information.

I decided to take action and return the favor. "You. Get in here. It's your turn to soap with me." I ordered, making my tone brisk. I watched Ali hesitate, then she quickly stripped off her clothes. I had so many questions about the scars on her legs and arms. I pulled her into the shower, causing her to almost cry out in surprise. I got to work immediately, detangling her curly hair and scrubbing her everywhere. I was surprised at how pale her skin was. The only markings on her was a birthmark on her right arm, which she quickly covered up. The only marking that she couldn't cover was her werehog mark.

I let my bare hands touch her face. It was a little rough from the few zits that she couldn't get, but aside from that, her skin was pleasurable to touch. I washed her face, my fingers lathering in the soap. I noted that Ali nearly fell back. I caught her, my hand curling around her back. I asked, "How were you last night?"

Ali's now emerald green eyes widened in shock. She whispered, "I don't know what's wrong with me now. I... I..." She hesitated, twirling a blue strand of hair between her fingers. I nodded for her to continue, then she blurted out, "I crave to be like y'all! Y'all seem so cool!" She covered her mouth after she said that as if she was ashamed of what came out of her mouth. I raised an eyeridge. I knew that we were starting to rub off on her, but I knew what she meant by her words: she wanted to be a Mobian Hedgehog.

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