Chapter Seventeen: I Kiss And Make Up

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Seriously!? Do I have to put a fucking trigger warning here!? Oy... fine. The trigger is potential negative body image and some low key Sonilver sex talk. You. Have. Been. WARNED.

I was stunned by what happened in the cafeteria. I was a bit shocked at how everyone reacted to me, since I was expecting something a bit more pleasant than fear. Alison never showed her true emotions in public. Yes, I did hear her crying alone in the library a few times, but she never cried publicly in front of people before. To be honest with myself, I never see her break like that before... not even with Sonic. She seemed to be able to mask her emotions from everyone and she seemed distant when I first met her, until Charlie entered her life. I knew that he was going to treat her poorly if she told him about what role Sonic had in her arrival. That was when I knew that Charlie had obviously broke a part of her.

I jogged to the library to find Ali before it was too late and she sees Damien. I was afraid that she was going to lose it and have another mental breakdown (she was scared of Sonic and most of the Mobian teachers when she arrived at STH Academy). My thoughts are on revenge on Charlie for hurting my sister. I was about to enter when I hear voices. The first was Alison's soothing monotone. She said after gasping in shock, "Sorry... I didn't see you there. I didn't mean to get in your-! Wait a second... you are one of Professor Silver's special students!"

Then I heard another voice. It was male, slightly raspy, and very soft. "It's fine, sweetheart. I didn't catch your name, though, my little Changeling. I think that you meant one of Professor Silver's Mobian students, darling." It purred lazily. I can feel her pleasure of the voice's buttery tones through the telepathic link, and I shivered in shock. I knew that Ali found him to be quite seductive and hot by Mobian standards.

I knew who the speaker was. It was Damien, Ali's internet crush and the most popular kid in the Silver House. Ali introduced herself, then Damien purrs, "Ah... so you are Sonic's human daughter, the one who helped him cease with the Survivors' meddling in Mobian affairs by acting as his little spy. I have heard a lot about you from Headmaster Sonic. He speaks highly about you and how beautiful you are. I waited a long time to finally meet you." He hesitated, then he continued, "I thought that you were just a legend and an imaginary friend of Airalain's."

Ali must have been startled by the fact that she was talking to Damien. "I'm sorry... but we just met. Aren't you rushing things?" She stammered, her voice shaking.

"We met online, darling. I told you that seeing me will scare you." He purred, "But that was before the integration between humans and Mobians. You don't realize how much I love you. I was really close to revealing myself to you. I had to be patient though."

Ali grumbled, "Great... my life boils down to me simping on a white hedgehog with a marijuana haircut... how ironic."

Damien whispered, "I preferred it to be a bit more romantic. Like a burning city... no, arson is not romantic. I think that quiet libraries at night would have been more romantic. I think that after that asshole hurt you, I think I could give you the love and attention that you deserve, darling. We can get more private if you want. We have been online dating for a while and I would like to show you a side of me that I think that you might love. Would you like to spend an evening with me?"

Ali squeaked, "Wait! You think that libraries are romantic too!? I would love to spend an evening with you... is it sex you are asking of me?"

Damien purred, caressing her curves hungrily, "Yes. I can make it feel so good that you would come back for more. I bet it would be the best... you telling me about yourself and indulging the both of us. I bet that would be enticing."

Ali whispered, seemingly hypnotized by his raspy, soft voice, "I accept. You have me hooked on the idea of two species dating. You're just as hot in real life as you were online." (Just to clarify, Ali and I are both sixteen. Damien is only older than Ali by six months) I gagged at the thought of a Mobian bumping uglies with a human, knowing that inter species sex might be an awkward breach for Ali. Then I heard them kissing. Ali moaned softly, and she sounded really passionate.

I finally lost the last tiny scrap of patience I had left for the awkward inter species love that was blossoming in the library. I entered the library with a huff of disdain and disbelief. I turned towards Damien, asking, "Damien, why the fuck did you startle my sister?"

Damien blinked his makeup lined eyes, his gold eyes betraying his shock of seeing me here. His quills stiffened as he blushed at the sight of me. He started fiddling with his chest fluff and tugging at one of his quills in an awkward manner. His gloves glowed yellow (his gloves betray his emotions, like every other Mobian in the Silver house). I knew that he was embarrassed about the family connection Ali had with Sonic since she was adopted by him. He mumbled apologetically, shifting his teal toed boots in shame, "Sorry... didn't realize that this little cinnamon roll of a human girl was your twin sister, Airalain."

I blinked, deciding to forgive the white hedgehog for his honest mistake (anyone who had met us would have never guessed that Ali and I were twins). Then I turned to Ali to see how far along the ripening stage she was in. I grinned at her, since now the ripening serum is now showing it's effects. Alison's hair was now streaked with a brilliant shade of cobalt and her eyes were almost emerald green. Her face was blushing a sky blue color, and she was starting to fatten up. Ali's arms were less thin, and her fingers were less skeletal. Her facial features were softer, more innocent and I could not see her ribs.

I squeezed her waist, asking Damien in a teasing tone, "Are you aware that she is a human?"

Damien nodded, his quills bouncing. He stroked his chest fur lightly, his gloves now a light shade of green. I knew that he was thinking about asking Sonic for permission to date Ali. He lightly stroked her face in what I could assume is a longing caress, then Damien kissed her on the lips. I heard Silver calling for Damien, and he rushed out of the room with another air kiss and a wave of his hand. I noticed that the circles on his gloves were glowing pink as he was levitating back to Silver. I stared at him in shock and surprise, realizing that Damien might actually be in love with my sister.

Ali sighed in a longing way, her small body relaxed as if she was going to be bitten by one of us. "Wow... I have never felt like that since before I broke up with Mike. He seemed sweet. I think that there's something wrong with me." She commented in a dazed manner. I stared at her, surprised that she was falling in love with a Mobian even though she is a bit Sonicphobic herself. She blushed, hiding her face in her werehog coat. I rolled my eyes at the little display of fake discomfort. Even though I love Ali, she has a strange taste with the opposite sex.
One time, I asked her what she wanted in a romantic partner. Her reply was very odd, since Ali stated, "For starters, the appearance does not matter. As long as we share a common interest and our personalities don't clash, I don't care about what they look like."

So I bet that you are confused about the whole situation with Ali. When she first arrived here, she was very shy about her relationship with Sonic. She never told anyone outside of me about it. She was in a really bad place mentally when she joined the Survivors. That was when she met Charlie. Even though Charlie was Amy's adopted son, he was also a Survivor and recruited Ali, who went under an alias.

The first day that she was a Survivor, she found herself in a love triangle with Charlie and Damien (although she never saw him face to face until now). Sonic must have known about what Ali was doing with Charlie and yet he had said nothing about it. I think that he had Ali talk to him after every meeting that the Survivors had so that he could get themselves wrapped around his gloved fingertips and also knock Charlie's ego down a few pegs. Sonic could easily exploit Charlie's weaknesses and use them against him.
Anyways, I pulled Ali aside and I asked, "How long did you stay with Charlie?"

She shrugged, and I had a bad feeling that she would not spill. She grumbled, fiddling with a strand of blue hair, "Does it matter? I was close to replacing Jose."

I whispered, "How much information did you get?"

She replied, her tone dull, "A lot. Charlie's planning on releasing information about your fangs and what they do to humans. His plot didn't count on him breaking my heart. It made it easier for me to tell Sonic what Charlie's planning. I told Sonic everything." Her tone became sharper, as if she was going to stab Charlie with her words.

I hugged her, apologizing for everything that she had been forced to be put through by Charlie. She returned the hug joyously. I told her, "Thanks." I knew exactly what Charlie's planning now: he planned on painting us as monsters, and I am the one who has to stop the Survivors before they go too far.

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