chapter eleven

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I wake up monday morning all drowsy and drugged i blink many times before i open my eyes, i find the white walls of the infirmary around me I try to sit up but my head is killing me i curse Voldemort for this and sit up i grab my head and Madame Pomfrey arrives

"my my, dear lie down" she says and gently pushes my shoulders back but i shake my head

"what time is it?" i ask

"seven a.m" she says and hands me a glass filled with something blue

"what is it?" i ask smelling it

"a pain killer for your head and this is for the sedative" she hands me a small white pill, i take it and drain the glass and shiver.

"what time's the tournament?" I ask and she purses her lips

"at noon, twelve" she says "but you should rest"

"i have classes in half an hour" i say and stand, thankfully i don't fall or wobble, Madame Pomfrey knows better than to try and stop instead she just purses her lips and shakes her head. I sling my container on my back and it comes out slowly and caresses my neck healing my wound, i do some quick exercises and it respondes perfectly i leave the infirmary and try punching the wall but the sand blocks me i smile. I quickly go to Ravenclaw common room and get changed, i pass by the kitchens and Dobby hands me a bagel with cream cheese and apple slices

"thank you so much Dobby" i pat his head and make it to transfiguration before the bells rings, i get a seat in the middle. When Professor Mcgonagall enters she purses her lips when she sees me but makes no comment, she starts her class and hands us some tea cups to transform

"Alice what are you doing here?" the person next to me asks, I was so focused on getting here i didn't see who i sat down next to i turn and find Neville i quickly hug him

"thank you" i whisper "thank you so much" he hugs me back

"you dont need to thank me" he says blushing i pull back and quickly transfigure my cup into a bird "but Alice what are you doing here you should be in the infirmary" he has a worried look on his face

"but I'm fine" i square my shoulders "the effects wore off, Madame Pomfrey fixed me and" i transifigure the bird into a mouse "i couldn't miss class or the tournament, todays the first trail" he gives me a disaproving look but i dont care, i know I'm fine i don't need anyone taking care of me. When the class is over Mcgonagall calls me to her desk

"Alice please be careful today" she tells me her eyes filled with worry "i heard about the incident yesterday and we've found no trace of Sebastian" I groan internally

"i wouldn't worry, my father will probably punish him for me" i say and this makes her purse her lips, i don't know why i know this but i just do i mean as much as my father hates me or feels indifferent to me he wouldn't try to drug me my sand can't touch him anyway it would be unecesary so i know he'll punish Sebastian for that little stunt. Although i am curious to who his master is.

"well be careful today don't strain yourself" she gives me a small smile

"i won't" i assure her i go to history and take notes as i wake Jack over and over again then i have potions where i compete with Merida about who can do theirs faster and better, she wins, after that i go to herbology where i groan through out the entire hour then i head to the tents that they've put up for us. I find Krum and Fleur already there when i enter Krum gets up and takes my hand we sit down together

"what hapened yesterday?" he asks me i stare at him and decide wether to tell or not i end up telling him everything, when i finish he has his jaw clenched

"if i ever find this Sebastian he will be sorry" i smile

"don't worry about it my father will punish him" i assure him the tent flaps open and Cedric and Harry come in when he sees me he sits down in front

"you missed the interview yesterday" he groans

"it looks like you all had loads of fun" i mock him

"the interview will come out today" he burries his face in the table "where were you anyway?" he mumbles

"even Krum knows" i say a bit hurt he lifts his head and looks at me, i wait until it clicks in that dull head of his

"oh my god that was you?!" he says outraged "i thought... When i find him..." he grabs my hand "are you okay?"

"i'm fine, Madame Pomfrey healed me so i'm good to go" i shrug he's about to say something but the tent flaps open and Dumbledore, Barty, Karkarov and Maxime enter

"gather around children" Barty says and he places us in the order our names came out, he takes a bag from him cloak and opens it to Krum who puts his hand in and pulls out a miniature dragon he places it on his palm and it blows fire; Fleur pulls a dragon that practically purs in her hand, its green and looks harmless; Cedrics dragon has spikes on its wings and a huge body; i put my hand in and take out a fierce looking dragon with large teeth and claws it bellows a green smoke and then makes a spark which ignites the smoke, i'll have fun with this one; Harry pulls the last one which has many spikes covering its body including its tail.

"the objective in this first trail is to grab the golden egg situated amongst other eggs in the nest, you cannot break any other eggs and can only grab the golden egg" Barty explains "you'll go in order until you have all grabbed your eggs or forfeited" we nod and Barty gives us a quick smile

"Mr. Krum when the cannon sounds you will..." he's cut off by the sound of the cannon Krum shakes his shoulders

"Good luck" i tell him he smiles at me i hold two thumbs up he goes through the tent flaps and the crowds cheer. I hear loads of roaring, cheering and gasps of oohs and ahhs. It takes Viktor about twenty minutes to get the egg, then Fleur goes out and take almost an hour to grab hers

"good luck Cedric" i say and he smiles it takes him thiry minutes to get his egg and then it's my turn Harry pats my back but i'm still angry at him, i go out of the tent and when i emmerge on the field eveyone bursts into cheers there are very loud cheers coming from Jack, Elsa, Anna, Hiccup, Luna, Merida, Rapunzel and the twins oh and Viktor.

I take a deep breath and step into the arena where i find myself face to face to my dragon, its exactly the same as the miniture one, i take some time to size it up and it does the same, intelligence swims in her eyes as she stares at me all the while protecting her eggs.

I take a step forward and she growls at me i don't take out my swords because i don't want to harm such a beautiful creature, i look it in the eyes and step forward my hand outstreched in front of me it growls and snaps at me but i don't back down i tune out the crowd and focuse on the dragon in front of me, green smoke starts to emmerge from its maw, it drips on the floor and crawls towards me then she lightes it and the fire crashes against my sand i throw some of it at her eyes to cover them and blind her i run towards the eggs and am almost there when she steps in front of them cutting me off i twirl around her leg and land in her nest as she ripps off the sand i grab the golden egg.

The dragon turns and stares at me i back flip out of the nest and land on one knee she throws her smoke at me and it envelopes me i try to run out of the smoke but it's so dense i can barely see i hear the click of the spark and cover myself in seconds before the fire errupts around me, inside my ball of sand i lift it and land myself on the bleachers i remove it and it stores itself in my container i hold the golden egg high above me and the crowd cheers, Viktor grabs my arms and hugs me i hug him back, we're celebrating when i see the green smoke wrapping itself around Viktor and i

"move!" i yell at him pushing him out of the way and rising a wall before us as the smoke ignites, the heat wave almost makes me fall but everyone behind me is safe. I hear the handlers put a muzzle and some chains on the dragon and neutralize her i almost feel sorry for her but then she's taken away and replaced with a new dragon, the cannon sounds and Harry steps out into the field, as idiot as every he takes almost ten minutes until he decides to use his wand and call his broom, from there it all goes well until the dragons chains break and she chases Harry out of our sight, i don't worry about him i know he'll be okay. Even so it takes him easily half an hour to return and capture the egg. After that we cheer and clap and go back to our normal schedule, i congratulate Harry quickly and go spend my free period in silence.

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