chapter eighteen

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They gather us in front of the forbidden woods, I arrive a bit late because I'd had to go meet with some giants and werewolves, I'd returned their children and they'd joined the cause as well as the giants. I'm the last one to arrive and I arrive panting for breath twigs and scratches on my face. Thankfully no one asks.

"Welcome to the final trial!" Dumbledore says and everyone cheers "this is the hardest test and last. The goblet is hidden in the middle of the maze and only I know it's exact position" everyone cheers again

"Well done Alice but you are not meant to win. You know that don't you?" Voldemirt whispers in my head

"Of course father" I answer

"Good, you will enter the maze and then you will forfeit" he orders "understood?"

"If course father" I repeat

"Good" he vanishes from my head

"Comtestants gather around!" Dunbledore says and we gather in a circle "here you will not find dragons or mermaids, here you will face your darkest fears, here the battle may be with you. Now if anyone feels like they cannot continue all they need do is send red sparks with their wands and someone will take you out" we all nod and he looks at us grimly and turns back to the crowds

"They will enter the maze in order first Miss Alice" cheers go up "after Mr. Cedric and Mr. Potter" everyone cheers harder "followed by Mr. Krum and lastly Ms. Fleur" the cheers turn into roars everyone shouting out different names

"Now!" Dumbledore shouts "when the cannon sounds..." the cannon goes off and I turn and enter the maze. As soon as I go in the maze closes behind me I take a deep breath and my wand out and I walk deeper into the maze. A sound comes from my left and I spin around and find myself facing a sphinx I turn around but the maze has closed behind me

"Hello" I greet the sphinx her eyes sparkle and her tail twitches

"You have to answer a riddle" her voice is like a soft purr "answer correctly and you may pass. Answer incorrectly and I eat you"

"Alright" I take a deep breath "make your riddle"

"His hair was black as midnight, once handsome now vile, he's frightened by a boy" she stops "whos is he?"

"That's easy" I say and she raises her thin eyebrows

"Then answer" she smiles

"Tom Riddle, Voldemort" I answer and the sphinx eyes sparkle once more

"Correct" she lowers her head onto her paws "you may pass"

"Thank you" I bow at her and step around her, when I'm almost gone she turns towards me

"You're a curious thing young girl" she purrs "if you ever feel lonely you need only look around you to see you are not alone" she smiles at me and for a moment her smile reminds me of a mother's warm smile directed at her daughter, something I didn't have. I smile at her

"Thank you" I turn and journey on.

Its been what feels like hours when I hear a crunch of twigs and something harder and I flinch when I realize it's bones. I walk away from the sound but a scuttling noise followes me. Everytime i turn around I don't see anything, my breathing picks up and I feel a hot warm breath on my neck I spin around an find myself face to face with eight milky white eyes.

I scream so loud and hard that my throat burns I stumble back practically hyperventilating while the giant arachnid stares at me with it's hungry eyes and foaming pincers that he closes slowly over and over.

"Who...who are you?" I ask trembling

"My name" it croaks "is... Aragog"

"Are you gonna eat me Aragog?" I ask my voice barely more than a whisper

"Maybe" his voice is heavy and wheezy

"Don't eat me" I tell him

"Why not?" He asks "you've killed my sons and daughters"

"That was my father not me" I explain

"Then i will kill his daughter" he wheezes and walks towards me my skin crawls and I can't stop trembling I can't even move. His breath hits me and his pincers are inches from my face and dripping with venom.

I scream and he growls lunging towards me, my sand acts up and saves me I scramble backwards and quickly take my wand out just as his front legs claw the the sand and half his body emerges his four back legs strain to get him completely through.

I shoot the red sparks in the air I close my hand and the sand tightens around its abdomen it hisses and some venom comes at me crashing against my sand. The red sparks disappear in the air and the bushes rumble and out steps Karkarov

"Come on let's go back" he says his wand lit but I can't move he comes over to me grabs me by the waist and we disapparate and appear before the maze, where we had started. I sink down to my knees and regain my breath as my heart pounds in my chest.

I hear everyone murmur as they realize that I had forfeited i look at the bleachers and see Fleur there pale as a ghost. An arm surround my shoulders I look up and find Jack I wrap my arms around his neck and cry. He pats my back and takes me yo the bleachers beside Neville. I sniffle and stop crying, Neville kisses my hair and I lean into him.

We wait for like half an hour and then Krum exists he appears and immediately faints. Now its up to Harry and Cedric. Ten minutes go by and a pain slowly errupts in my stomach i doble over in pain

"Alice what's wrong?" Neville asks and i cry out "Alice!" he sounds alarmed but far away

"Neville" I look up at him and he disappears. Well I disappear it feels like disaparating but by force. The world does a one eighty around me and im dumped on a cold ground the grass frosted.

I look up and find myself in a graveyard before me is a large statue like an angel or maybe Death. I groan and stand up i hear noises close by i rub my head and walk to the other sode of the statue and freeze. There's Harry with Cedric strewn on the floor.

I rush over to them

"Harry! Cedric!" They stand and stare at me

"Where are we?" Cedric asks

"A graveyard" i say

"I've seen this in my dreams" Harry says "get behind me. Cedric grab the cup" he holds his forehead in pain and I look at an opening where a man emerges something bundled in his arms. Harry screams in pain and falls on his knees his wand pointed at the man

"It can't be" I whisper and step back frightened "Cedric go to the cup" I shout at him but he levels his wand at the man

"Who are you?" He asks his voice firm

"Kill the boy" a raspy voice i know all too well croaks the man points his wand at Cedric

"Avada Kadavra!" Wormtail says

"No!" I scream but my sand doesn't move the green ray hits Cedric he goes flying back

"No!" Harry screams

"Alice get in here" Wormtail commands me

"Im not leaving Harry" I stand firm and my father in those bundled blankets waves his hand and I appear in a concrete room I turn around and find a coffin, I'm in a family cript.

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