chapter seventeen

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After crying my heart out and having Lyind and Shin hold me against their scaly bodies and caress my hair I feel much better. They teach me songs to mourn and so I mourn singing.

When I'm done I cup their cheeks and and thank them they give me a last hug and i swim to the surface. It's nighttime the moon is high in the sky and the stars litter the sky I float for a while staring at the night sky until I feel another presence I go to shore and look around Neville sits there quiet and waiting for me.

I shake the water off and dry myself using my wand he stands and comes over to me

"What?" I ask bluntly

"I just wanted..." I scuff

"Want. That's a funny word, we all want things but we never get them do we?" I braid my now long hair and wait for his response

"It wasn't fair what happened to you" he starts and I roll my eyes at him

"My life's not fair I've always know that, but it still manages to catch me by surprise" I blink repeatedly and walk away as I walk past Neville he opens his mouth as if he wants to say something but he thinks better of it and closes it.

I walk to the common room take a hot bath and go to sleep. The next morning I go through the day like a sleep walker I answer correctly I pay attention but it's just out of habit I'm not really there. Days go by and then weeks and I still feel hollow.

No matter what I do I can't shake off the pain in my heart I can't get his screams out of my head, at night i wake up screaming his name reaching blindly for him and every time he slips away and falls.

So I've stopped sleeping. My eyes get bags under them and I feel irritable all the time. Since I cannot continue like this I sleep in my tree where no one will look at me with pity or disgust when his screams shake me from the dream and I wake up sweating and breathing like I'd just ran a marathon.

The people that still care about me try to help but they don't understand, how could they! They haven't had their happiness torn from them, they haven't seen their loved one's plummet to their deaths and have it be their faults.

Because it is my fault I had a moment of weakness and let myself think I could be happy I'd been so stupid to ever think there wouldn't be a consequence.

Two days before the final challenge we go to Hogsmeade, Neville drags me along with him all day long and slowly I start to forget my pain. Neville acts like a barrier he makes everything go away so when we enter the Three Broomsticks it comes as no surprise when he asks me to be his girlfriend.

I accept and he beams happily, but he's wrong I don't love him I might've in a another life, I might've if I'd been a different person but now I know the consequences of falling in love with someone and I couldn't, wouldn't put someone in danger by being selfish.

I continue tutoring Anna, Elsa and the rest with their powers it's all i can do to try and make them ready for any war, any fight that might happen.

Neville is full of joy as we spend the next two days together and then the final task begins.

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