chapter four

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Anna stands alone in the room of requirments trying to reign in her temper, lately she's been having weird things happen, especially when she's upset, she paces the room replaying over and over what she said to Elsa and the look of hurt she'd had in her eyes when she left. A beanbag next to her starts smoking and Anna quickly steps away from it shaking her head, finally she breathes deeply and goes outside, on the second corridor a boy with round glass, black hair and a scar nearly runs her over

-Jesus Harry watch where you're going- Anna scolds the boy

-Sorry Anna didn't see you- Harry says and in front of him his friends shout

-Come on Harry!- a red haired boy by the name of Ron urges

-Harry!- the girl next to him with puffy, curly brown hair, Hermione calls

-What's the rush?- Anna asks

-The new girl's in a fight with Malfoy- Harry says walking quickly with Anna right beside him

-New girl?- Annas heart races -which one?-

-The one with white hair- Anna almost stops walking

-Where?- she asks grabbing Harrys wrist painfully

-near their common room- he says -come on- they start jogging and in no time reach the tunnel Hiccup finds Anna first and tells Merida -Found her- Merida turns her face grieve stricken

-Oh Anna, we'd help but we don't know how- Merida says frustrated

-i'll take it from here- Anna says, with three people behind her she makes her way to the front and finds Elsa, tears running down her cheeks, her eyes filled with furry and her clenched fists covered in frost, that slowly starts to spread up her arms, Malfoy is before her, taunting her and saying aweful things about her family and her friends, Anna stands stricken, it isn't until Malfoy raises his wand that she steps in front of her sister

-How sweet- Malfoy says cruely -come to save the sister you hate- Anna breathes deeply

-Shut up Malfoy- Harry says

-Ohh and you brought Potter, the mudblood and the Weasley- he sneers

-Shut up Malfoy- Anna says menacingly

-Or what?- he taunts, Anna pulls her wand out so fast no one has time to react when she sends Malfoy flying back, he quickly gets up and tries to disarm her but she blocks the spell, he sends her flying back and Elsa steps forward raising her arms, the temperature drops and ice starts to appear,Anna puts her hand on her sister's shoulder and Elsa stops, Malfoy takes advantage of the hesitation and sends Elsa flying, Annas rage bursts into flames, quite litterally, and she is engulfed in flames that lick her body and spread outwards, everybody steps back, she thrusts her hands forward and a heat wave slams Malfoy against the wall and Anna crumbles.

Jack gets over the shock first, after all who is he to be surprised by powers? He rushes to Anna's aid and feels her forehead only to curse and pull back his hand from her burning hot forehead, he makes an ice layer on her very light only to cool her down, then he feels Elsa behind him. Elsay grabs her sister but stumbles so Jack takes her instead and they rush to the infirmary both leaving behind a trail of ice.

Rapunzel was leaving the classroom and heading towards the great hall when she bumps into Jack and Elsa who don't even slow down or seem to see her, she stops and stares after them and the thin layer of ice that they leave behind, she self consciously touches her hair and heads after them. Anna looks very pale and it's all Elsa can do from crying, they make it to the infermary where a small plumb woman hurries to them as soon as they enter. She motions for them towards an empty bed and Jack sets her down gently

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