chapter nine

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A week later were all waiting in the great hall, the tables have been replaced by some metal bleachers where all houses and schools sit, i sit and am surrounded by Luna, Harry, Hermione, Ron at my sides the twins behind me Jack, Anna, Elsa, Hiccup and Cedric sit in front of me, then Luna waves over a girl with blond hair she smiles at us and sits next to Luna, Fred calls over a curly red headed girl with curls so wild she has to constantly blow her hair away from her face, she smiles and waves at fred and sits beside him, the sand on my palms rustles but then Dumbledore speaks

"Welcome" he starts "now we are going to decide our four champions!" everybody cheers and shouts, the fire turns red and a piece of paper flies to Dumbledore's hand

"Viktor Krum!" all of Durmstrang yell and pound furiously, the fire burns blue "Fleur Delacourt!" the fire burns orange "Cedric Diggory!" Hiccup high fives him and Cedric with a huge smile stands and goes with the other champions, the fire turns green and i know what it will say "Alice Black!" Fred and George pats my shoulders Harry hugs me side ways and Luna beams at me and strokes my hair, i stand and walk next to Viktor

"i told you" i whisper

"now we have our four contestants! And now they will face three challenges that will push them to the very edge of their power. Now the tournament will begin..." Dumbledore's cut off as the fire begins to sputter and roar then it spits out a piece of paper, Dumbledore catches it and stares dumbfounded "Harry Potter" he whispers, i curse my father and stare at Karkarov but also at the new teacher whose arrived, Professor Mooney he doesn't feel right

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yells and Hermione has to push Harry out of his seat when he approaches, Dumbledore hands him the paper and his face grows pale white i pat his soulder as he stands beside me. Everyone is dismissed and we're lead to a room  near Dumbledore's office a room usually reserved for trophies.

"Did you put your name in the goblet Harry?"  Dumbledore asks calm

"no sir" he answers trembling head to toe

"he lies Albus!" Madame Maxime says swatting away a light hanging to low and in her face she storms at Harry followed by Karkarov, but i get there faster

"calm down Madame Maxime" i say calm "Karkarov you too" i bite a tiny piece of skin on my finger which is bothering me as my sand, like a snake, curls around my feet

"let us all just calm down" Dumbledore says and conjures up a big table and chairs for all of us "sit" the others sit, Maxime and Karkarov huff and finally sit down, i put my sand away and sit down next to Harry.

"now, Harry having only 14 years of age does not have the magic power or knowledge to have put his name in the goblet of fire" i say sternly "someone has put his name in the goblet for his own benefits"

"he?" Madame Maxime asks

"don't tell me no one s thought that Voldemort isn't behind this" i say

"Alice please calm down, we know Harry's name was put in by someone with great magic and now we must discuss if he is to participate or not in the games" Barty Crouch clears his throat

"the rules are very clear from this moment forward Harry Potter is a participant in the games" Harry's face goes pale and i fear he might be sick i scowl at Barty but he looks very uneasy as it is and he doesn't even look at me. I groan and lay on the table

"is that all?" i ask lifting my head from the table

"that's all Alice. You may all leave" Dumbledore smiles at me and i stand and walk back to eat lunch in a practically deserted great hall i've barely sat down when two arms crash against my sand, when i lower it i find Fred and George wiping sand from their mouths and they still put their arms around me which limits my ability to cut my steak but i manage

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