chapter eight

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"can i help you?" i ask and he sits beside me i see his confused face about how to say what he wants to i ask the same thing in Norwegian, he shoots me an intriguing look

"I've heard about you" he answers

"yeah? Hard not to" i sigh and continue taking some sun, i take of my jacket, vest and losen my tie.

"so is it true?" he asks intrigued

"it depends" i say

"on what?"

"on who you heard it from"

"Karkarov told me" i grimace

"the most probable thing is he's not lying" i sigh "most of it is true"

"so you really are the daughter of the dark lord and one of his followers?" he asks like a little kid


"do you have the mark?" i nod "how do you know norwegian?"

"the man next to my mother cell speaked it, he taught me that and many other useful things as well. Are you a death eater?"

"no" he says sternly "i would never ruin my families pride and honor" i smile, i like his courage and guts.

"how's Durmstrang? I hear they still practice the dark arts" this does intrigue me, my father won't tell me but he seemed very pleased that this particular school would be here in Hogwarts, i know Harry has something to do with it but i don't know what.

"some people do practice but it is forbiden in the school, Karkarov being an ex-death eater forbids this magic but many profesors and students are followers if not death eaters and they do it behind Karkarovs back" he looks grim "i've told him but he won't do anything about it. He is afraid"

"he is wise, you do not want to be on a death eaters bad side" i smile at him and after a while he smiles back. We stay by the lake talking, laughing, critizing the french girls, comparing spells, schools and knowledge until the bell rings for lunch. I put my shoes back on and he acompanies me to the great hall then we part ways after he kisses my hand, i turn and find Ron gawking at me

"want me to take a picture of him?" i ask "it'll last longer" he turns red and Harry high fives me and i sit down to eat. The next few days are kind of stirred, everyones excited by who will put their names in the goblet of fire, Krum immediately put his along with half of his brothers, a fourth part of the frnch gril put their names in as well and of course the brave and young Cedric Digory, many others have out their names in but I'm not really interested in entering, besides if i enter the most likely thing to happen is that my name is called, and that would be no fair fight for anyone. Fred and George have not stopped pestering me about putting their names in the goblet of fire i refuse and refuse until i have to practically threaten them and hang them from their ankles until they understand that no means no. Ginny and Hermione are very supportive of my decision, Jack is another person who's asked but Elsa and Anna put him in his place in a heart beat. Hiccup is really nice he's very quiet also but I've seen his contraptions theyre marvelous and intricate. I'm on my way to the great hall when Fred and George barrel past me shouting  succes, i bite my lip and follow them, they're surrounded by other students

"we've done it an aging potion" Fred calls

"this way well be able to put our name in the goblet" George takes a bow and everyone claps

"it's not going to work" Hermione who's reading a boom calls out to them

"oh? And why is that Granger?" George asks, Hermione closes her book keeping her finger in as a book marker

"you see that line?" she asks "that's an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself"

"so?" Fred asks and i roll my eyes at his stupidness

"so?" Hermione snorts "a powerful wizard such as Dumbledore will not be fooled by such a simple and dimwited idea!"

"that's why it'll work" George smiles crookedly

"because its so simple and dimwited" Fred cocks his head side ways, they stand and uncork the potions

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George"

"bottoms up" they say in unison, then they jump into the flames, they yell in triumph and i count to three, thats when a blue light surrounds themand they go flying back and roll on the floor, when they stand they have white hair and beards, they start blaming each other and wrestling

"you know it's entertaining to watch their stupidness" i tell Hermione bending over so she'll hear me

"yes those two idiots" she shakes her head and i go to them

"when are you two going to listen to Hermione?" i ask them

"i thought i'd work" George mumbles

"here to brag then?" Fred says not looking me in the eye "come to say i told you so?"

"come on idiots I'll take you to the infirmary" i smile and lift them up, when we arrive to madame Pomfrey and she just purses her lips and leads them to a cot

"tried to cross the age line ey boys" Madame Pomfrey says and they nod, i hide my smile and leave. I eat an apple and half a sandwich and finish the days classes without an incident.

"are you going to put your name in?"  Viktor asks walking up beside me

"no i'm certain if i put my name i'll get called" he smiles "i wouldn't want to hurt anyone, besides since no one could hurt me it'd be unfair"

"alright i understand" he says "you're afraid"

"i am not afraid!" i whine

"then enter" he taunts me he winks at me and leaves, jogging to catch up to some of his friends and they enter the great hall. I bite my lip nervously and sigh, i search for a quill and paper then i neatly write my name and fold it in half, i put my things away and walk up to the goblet of fire, i turn to look at Krum whose eyes are wide i smile at him and drop my paper inside, the fire turns black for a moment and returns to its normal color. "now don't cry when i beat you" i tell Viktor as i pass by his side he gulps and i smile.

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