chapter fourteen

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In my dream my father sits with his back to me and i cannot see him, we are alone

-Alice why do you date a mudblood?- he asks in a croaky voice

-why do you care? i'm not disrupting your plans- i say coldly -sir-

-you are bringing shame to my followers and to me- he accuses but i stand tall

-yeah? Last time i checked you weren't...-

-enough!- he says outraged -keep the boy if you must, but don't let it interfere with your orders, understood?-

-of course sir- i bow and the dream vanishes i wake before dawn, it's wednesday four more days until the challenge and two until the yule ball, i put on a simple black dress even though it's still cold outside and i head to the woods. Once there i walk until i get out of the schools boundaries. I apparate to a very far away place, spiked rocks line everything as far as i can see, the bushes rustle and out steps a little bunny, i take out my swords and sure enough seconds later a pack of werewolves emmerge, they stop when they see me and the bunny seeks refuge behind my legs

"hello" i greet them, they snarl "the dark lord sent me" i say and from behind me a tall muscular man with broad shoulders emmerges i bow slightly and he bows back, his pack growls and stands behind him

"Mistress we were not expecting you" he says in a gruff voice

"yes well my master has ordered me to check on all of the preparations" i say my eyes cold as i stare him down "i came for, what you would call, a security check"

"of course Mistress" he bows and starts infroming me of how much his pack has grown, of how they've started to twist others to fight for the cause, how they been training everyone and collecting the necesary equipment

"very well if that is all then i must leave" i bow and he bows back, his teeth show slightly "now now Varion. Put away those teeth, i am no threat"

"will you now give us back our children?" he asks his teeth bared

"it pains me to say this but no" i swallow and pause "my master still has a use for your children" Varion growls and i step to the edge of the cliff

"i am truly sorry" he lunges and i apparate, i can still him howl in pain as i emerge on the perimeter of Hogwarts "i'm sorry" i whisper to the wind, i go back to the castle but halfway there i stop and climb my tree, i sit near the canopy where i have our hammocks tied together to make a single big hammock in the trees trunk i have water and some snacks, mostly chocolate, and some books are in there also.

I lay back on the hammocks and stare at the sky through the trees branches. I'm falling asleep when i hear  the branches moving and shaking under someones weight, i look down and find the last person i expected to see, his red hair gives him away.

"Fred?" i ask and he looks up, he sees me and smiles

"hey Alice can i come up?" he asks

"you already are so, sure" i throw him down the rope i use to hoist my snacks, he grabs it and in no time sits in front of me on the branch

"Jeez Alice aren't you scared of anything?" he asks catching his breath and whipping away some sweat on his brow

"yes, but not hights"

"aren't you scared of falling and dying?" he asks clutching the branch hes on a little lighter

"no, even if i fall i can't hurt myself so it's never bothered me before" he chuckles

"of course"



"how did you know i was up here?" i wait for his answer, i thought no one knew about this but me _

"I've seen you come up here many times before" he says and turns but i think i see him blush, he coughs "so when Daniel asked me where you were i thought you'd be up here"

"oh" i mutter we stay in silence for what i feel is an eternity

"so you and Daniel huh?" he asks his voice pained and i think with a hint of jealousy, i brush it off; him jealous of Daniel what a laugh.

"yeah" i smile "i'm very happy" he nods "but it's also confusing"

"how?" he asks

"well, i've never had a boyfriend before so i don't really know what to do" i pull my knees to my chest and wait for his advice

"well i think you're doing perfectly up until now"

"thanks" we stay in silence a while more "so do you have anyone you like?" i bite my lip hoping he'll say no but...

"yeah" he looks nervous and i turn so he doesn't see my face

"who?" i ask but he ignores me

"well i think you'd better get back to him, he's very worried" Fred says and climbs down i stay there a while longer. When the sun gets high in the sky my stomach grumbles and i go down for lunch, i'm entering school when someone tries to tackle me from behind i take down the sand and find Daniel his smile wide and full of sand

"i'm sorry" i apologize and help him get some sand off

"it's okay" he pulls his hand through his hair and i know he's nervous

"what is it?" i ask

"oh nothing i've been looking for you" he hugs me and burries his face in my hair, i smile and push him off playfully

"i've only been gone some hours" i shrug and he holds me against him, i relax against him

"those were some very long hours without you" he says and i blush, i get nervous as i remember that the Yule ball is this friday and its wednesday, i don't know if i should ask him to the ball or if we are already supposed to go together or something, this is complicated. We sit down and i keep thinking about what to do as i eat some vegi rolls and some chicken fingers in mayo-mustard sauce.

"so" i start "about the dance this friday"

"yeah?" he asks an amused look in his eyes

"are we... going together... should... i ask you?" i stumble through the sentence "will you go to the dance with me?" i manage to say

"of course i will" he says and i kiss his cheek.

Triwizard championship twistOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora