chapter ninteen

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I claw at the walls, throw spells and even use my sand but the door to the crypt won't budge I slump against the coffin and it moves an inch I stand and use my sand to push it and it reveals an underground tunnel I quickly go in and find myself in darkness

"Lumos" my wands brightens and i start walking. I feel some wind and follow it, finally I emerge in the entrance of the family crypt where I'd been locked in. I run to find Harry and I when I find him he's dueling with my father. I can tell the fight is almost over but I don't know who will win, Harry ducks behind a stone archway to recover his breath then he emerges and they both send a spell at each other at the same time the spells crash and create a sort of bubble around them, spirits float out of Voldemorts wand including Harry's parents and Cedric a tear escapes my eye but I have to help Harry I run to them just as the spells break apart and the spirits swarm Voldemort

"Run Harry I'll cover you!" I yell at him Harry goes to Cedrics body and points his wand at the cup Voldemort cries out and points his wand at Harry

"Avada kadavra" he says

"No!" I cannot and will not loose him too so I throw myself at Harry and raise my sand to defend us but that's when I remember that my sand will not work against him, I cut my arm and use my blood as a shield, but it's not enough the spell hits me in the back and I scream as an agonizing pain travels through my body, I barely register the cup getting us back to Hogwarts. Harry leans over me crying

"I'm so sorry Alice" he cries "I'm sorry"

"I'm not" I croak out I cough and taste blood "I'm not sorry. Thank you for... everything"

"Alice please don't die" he cries and his tears fall on my face I feel my consciousness start to slip away

"I won't die" I whisper "be safe Harry, be careful" black spots invade my vision and my eyes close Harry sobs over Cedric and over me, he's taken away by someone and hands touch my body, my neck

"She's still alive" the person whipers "looks like she's in a state of coma" then the hands feel my wrist and find it dripping in blood, a spell is muttered and a pair of strong hands lift me up and carry me somewhere else. I manage to get a whiff of the persons smell before he lays me down on a bed

"I love you Alice" the sweet voice of Fred whispers in my ear. His steps fade and a door closes. I slip into a state of limbo where I meet my father
"Well wasn't that just touching" he growls "but for you to be useful to me you'll have to forget that. In fact you'll have to forget many things" I want to cry out, I want to scream and fight him but I am powerless to stop him

"Don't worry it wont hurt a bit" he laughs and a piercing pain errupts in my brain like a snake slithering through my head and my memories.

When he's done I remember what he wants me to remember and nothing more nothing less.

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