chapter thirteen

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I shake my head but its useless, i feel hollow.

I skip all of my classes and wander the school, the class before lunch i spot Daniel, laughing with a group of friends, they enter potions class, i wait outside all hour; when the bell finally rings i wait for him.

"Daniel!" i call out to him when he emerges from inside the class room, he searches and looks stunned when he sees me he tenses but his eyes don't and i feel i have a chance "can i talk to you?" i ask feeling shy "privately?"

"of course" he smiles as if nothing had happened and grabs my hand, i have to remind myself not to tense "come on i know the perfect place" he pulls me along and we leave his friends behind with a look of curiosity on their faces.

Daniel pulls me up flights and flights of stairs until we stop on the fifth corridor, he checks to see if anyone is looking and knocks on a tree in a painting three times, the painting opens and we emmerge onto a kind of roof garden, the sweet mesmerizing smell of the flowers hit me as soon as i step outside, there are so many kinds of flowers i don't know where to lay my eyes

"this place is beautiful" i say and he blushes "did you do this?" he shrugs but i realize he did i smile at him "it really is wonderful"

"thanks" he pulls out two foldable chairs and we sit "what did you want to talk about?" i wring my hands nervously

"i'm sorry" i blurt out "i'm so so really sorry" he looks stunned, i suppose he didn't expect me to say that

"you were right about everything and i'm tired of hidding"  i look at the flowers instead of him and it makes it easier "i'm sorry for being mean to you" i take a very deep breath and release it slowly "i'm so sorry" we stay like that in silence as he digests my words and my openess, he realizes how i've opened up to him and i found it very very hard because i've never done it before, i've never had to before.

Slowly he turns towards me, i'm scared so i look at the flowers at my feet, he looks at me with those beautiful piercing blue eyes

"Alice look at me" he says softly i lift my head and stare at his chest "Alice please look at me" he begs and i slowly lift my eyes to meet his, i find them gentle and kind, i find two soft comprensive eyes they sparkle amused, the corner of his lips turn up slightly

"what's so funny?" i whisper and am about to lower my eyes when he grabs my chin soflty and raises it so i'm forced to look into his now mesmerizing deep eyes

"you" he murmurs and slowly pulls me toward him we stop before our lips meet "i guess it's obvious but, i like you" i smile and brush his lips

"will you be my girldfriend?"

"let me think about it" he frowns and pulls away i laugh quietly and kiss him, when we part i smile "yes" he beams at me i swear he's shinning, i smile with him his happiness is contagious. We laugh and joke around for a while sharing our thoughts, principles, ideas, likes and dislikes. We get to know each other better.

We go to the Great hall twenty minutes before lunch is over and we hold hands all the while, i feel so happy and carefree, its strange. Daniel holds himself proudly as if he's proud to have me by his side, i smile and lean into him. When we enter the Great hall many heads turn as we pass them and they stare at us in confusion and start to whisper, i don't care i'm happy, well that is until i see the look of hurt in Nevilles eyes, i turn away but not before i see Fred go still and watch us go by, his jaw tenses and his eyes grow cold, i don't know why i doubt he likes me if that were true he'd have asked me out already since he's so impulsive, so i shake them both off and sit happily next to Daniel and eat.

When we finish he walks me to divination and holds me close, i rest my head on his chest and he kisses my head

"i have to go" i nod and he smiles at me, when i enter divination Draco sits beside me looking casual, Professor Trawlaney droones on and on about how our tea leaves will reveal our deepest secrets and huge revelations are in store because Venus is high in the sky and stuff like that. When she leaves us to decipher our tea leaves and everyones voice fills the room he scoots over and whispers

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