chapter sixteen

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Small groups of people begin arriving slowly at first and then bigger groups and more frecuent. I rub my hands toegther to fight the days chill. The others arrive and they huddle to keep warm, no one tries to talk to me and i appreciate it.

Dumbledore explains the rules once everyones arrived and its a good thing since i have no idea what I'm going to do. He explains that one person dear to us has been taken and we have to rescue them, within an hour.

The cannon sounds and we dive in i swim to the bottom of the lake and find a small colorful flower i pick it and eat it, within seconds i can breath under water. I swim towards my sister's palace and when i arrive they great me joyfully, i look around and find Luna frozen, unconcious and tied with some kelp i say hi to my lake sisters they touch my cheeks and pat my hair, their tails touch my legs and i smile at them, they've heard about Daniel and they sing to me mourning songs and fighting songs. I appreciate it and all too soon i have to go they braid my hair with kelp and i swim to Luna's side, i untie her and swim to the surface, everyone cheers and claps as soon as our heads break the surface and Luna coughs and sputters water, i tow her behind me to the pier.

Some people come over to us with towels and i help Luna put hers on i reject mine since the cold doesn't really bother me. And then we wait and wait for the others to come, Diggory emmerges with Cho followed by Krum and Hermione i look around and find Fluer searching the water fear in her eyes.

She must have forfeited so i wonder what will happen to her sister. Times almost up when Ron and Fleurs sister emerge, but Harry is nowhere to be seen then he shoots out from the lake and slams onto the floor beside me, Dumbledore rewads Harry and places him in second place i was first then Cedric, Krum and last Fleur.

Barty Crouch announces that in two months time will be the third and final trial. Everyone keeps on clapping and laughing I get up and feel a hand on my shoulder i turn and find Harry his face filled with worry

"Are you okay?" He asks and i shake my head

"Do I look okay to you ?" I mutter

"I'm sorry for what happened to..."i hold my hand and stop him

"Don't please don't " i shake my head at him battling tears "if you're my friend please don't "

"Just remember that I'm here for you we all are " he guestures behind him and i find a wet Hermione, Ron and Luna smiling at me along with Krum and Cedric; further behind them Elsa, Jack, Anna, Rapunzel, Hiccup and Merida smile at me

"Thanks" I smile at them "I'll keep that in mind" I turn and jump back into the water I eat another flower and put two in my pockets.

Then I go with the mermaids, my sisters and mourn the only way i know how.

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