Chapter three

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-she'll find out eventually Merida, don't worry about it- Anna says entering the classroom and taking a seat in the second row. The Slytherines come in and Mcgonagall shuts the door behind them and explins the class to the newcomers

-this is somewhat advanced so don't be frustrated if you can't do it- she says -now we have been turning object to living things, today we will starts small by trying to change inanimate objects to different colors and sizes- Mcgonagall looks around the room and her eys stop on Anna and smiles but Anna grumbles

-miss Anna would you please demonstrate this for us?-

-of course Professor- Anna says with a strained smile, crusing herself for being so good in this subject, she aproaches Mcgonagall's desk and hears a small gasp she doesn't turn but knows it from her sister, Anna takes out her wand concentrates and performs both spells correctly while Mcgonagall points out some details

-the movement fo the wand must be very accurate- Mcgonagall points out -the pronounciation is also vital in order to get the spell right. Thank you Anna you may return to your seat- Anna goes back and  Mcgonagall gives them different objects to practice on

-that was amazing- Merida says impressed

-thank you- Anna smiles -lets see you-

-i've never done this so don't laugh- Merida warns, she squares her shoulders clears her throat and prounces the enchanment, the figurine turns a painful shade of yellow, when Merida tries the other spell the figurine grows twice its size

-it worked!- she squeels -i did it-

-i knew you would- Anna laughs and turns to see her sisters progress and finds her doing a perfect job

-Elsa how are you doing that?- Jack asks incredulous

-it's actually quite simply just concentrate- she says helpfuly and watches how Jack turn his spoon into a fork she laughs but stops when she sees his murderous look, Jack sighs frustrated that he can't do it and therefore can't impress Elsa he squares his shoulders and tries it again

-that was really good- Elsa says nudging his arm

-well class dismissed see you all next class- Mcgonagall says and they all stand the last people who exit are Anna with Merida and Jack with Elsa, Annas in the middle of a conversation when a snowball hits her on the back of her head

-go ahead Merida i have to speak with my sister- Anna says shaking the already melting snow from her head, wheen Merida leaves she turns -That was unnecesary sister- Anna says and Elsa crosses her arms indignant

-i think you failed to tell me something, sister- Elsa says coldly and Jack snickers

-do you mind?- Anna says he lifts his hands and goes off -i'm sorry-

-sorry doesn't cut it you've been here for years and never told me- Elsa says -i thought you trusted me-

-well look who's talking- Anna says heated -you left me, abandoned me for years with no explanation then when i found it you ran away and then in your castle you threw me out and pushed me away! So don't act like i did something you haven't done-

-that was different i did that to protect you- Elsa tries to justify but Anna has a point

-mother thought only i would inherite this- Anna says -she asked me not to tell you so i wouldn't feel... different-

-mom said?- Elsa's stunned

-there was a letter, her side of the family had two witches and three wizards, she had some magic but not enough she thought only i would get it because you were born with other powers- Anna says sadly -but you just had to be like me right? I had something of mine and only mine but now...- she squares her shoulders -i wanted to be special, but you couldn't let me have my own space could you?- she turns on her heel and walks away leaving Elsa to process what just happened.

Hiccup sees Annas face streakes with tears and goes to her

-Anna everything alright?- he asks and she hugs him, still she manages to hold in sobs

-oh Hiccup- she cries and he hold her tighter, he strokes her hair and realizes how very close she is and blushes

-what happened?- he asks pushing her softly back to see her face, her eyes are puffy and red but she looks angry rather than sad

-it's nothing- she whipes her eyes, blinks until her return to normal and squares her shoulders, he feels a tugging inside of him to hug her close and so he does, Anna hugs him back and he sighs in relief

-we'll talk later okay- Anna says kising his cheek -thank you Hiccup- she leavess and Hiccup touches his cheek where she kissed him

-come on Romeo- Cedric calls from around the corner grinning broadley -we'll be late-

-coming- Hiccup calls blushing he hits Cedric lightly on the arm -don't ever call me Romeo- Cedric snickers and they arrive at potions along with the Slytherines, Hiccup notices two people with white hair, the girls looks like she was crying and the boy looks uncomfortable but also caring, Hiccup shrugs and focuses on making his potion correctly but just as he was pouring the potion into the four glass vials he thought of Anna of how distressed she had seemed he felt his heart beat pick up the pace when he remembered the kiss, he misses the vial but luckily the potions lands in the cauldron once more, only splashing him  slightly

-Romeo don't get distracted- Cedric says making Hiccup almost drop his vial

-oh shut up- he says harshly, if only he knew his best friend... He leaves the thought hanging and focuses on trying not to faint as profesor Snape checks his potion

-very well- he says disapointed -it's correct- Hiccup lets go of his breath and Snape purses his lips and moves on

-i did better than you- he says bothering Cedrics failed potion

-shut up- he says laughing they smile at each other and high five

-Luna?- Rapunzel asks Luna silently during divination -i don't understand, what do i do?-

-you have to compare my palm lines to what it says in the book- Luna says twirling some of Rapunzels hair around her finger, Rapunzel swallows and analizes her palm and takes notes, when profesor Trawlaney passes she beams at her

-my dear- she says in her raspy tone -you have the sight! And very strongly might i add- she praises Rapunzel making her blush furiously

-thank you profesor- she murmers as the others turn to look at her, Luna smilesnp at her making her feel better

-well you've done brilliant until now- Luna says as they walk to lunch -you're a natural at this-

-i studied a lot ever since i got the letter- Rapunzel blushes -i didn't want to be  dreadful so i studied-

-like a true ravenclaw- Luna smiles, Rapunzel beams in satisfaction and they sit down to eat Merida searches for Anna but finds Elsa instead with a white haired boy, and she aproaches

-What did you do to Anna?- Merida demands and Elsa looks her up and down

-You are?- she asks having already forgotten her from the train

-Merida, Annas friend- Merida puts her hands on her hips

-Then Merida, its none of your concern- Elsa starts to walk away but Merida calls out

-I haven't seen her every since she faught with  you- Merida twists her ring nervously -I don't know where she is- Elsa tenses, says something to Jack and leaves Merida sighs and stares at the boy

-And you are?- she asks

-Anyone you want  me to be- he says and Merida laughs

-yeah right- she scoffs making Jack smile

-i'm Jack- he stretches his hand and Merida stares at it then goes to her table, Jacks smile grows

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