chapter two

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Hiccup finds it hard to focuse on building anything while the beautiful girl, Anna sits beside him so close he can feel her heat, he goes back to his miniature catapult and is about to complete it when he realizes Anna is looking over his shoulder he stops and looks up at her

-hello- he says stupidly

-oh I'm sorry- Anna says pulling away -i just, it's pretty awesome- Hiccup blushes and continuous his catapult

-so does anyone here know where we're going to?- Jack asks looking absent mindedly through the window

-Hogwarts, school of witch craft and magic- Anna answers and Jack scoffs

-yeah but how is it?-

-oh, its a huge castle, with moving staircases lots of rooms and the Great hall where we all eat, and there's also the house rooms-

-houses?- Hiccup asks looking up from his catapult once more

-yeah, so they'll sort you into a house, its Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff- Anna says reading again

-so which house are you in?- Jack asks leaning forward showing of his zaphire blue eyes, Anna rolls her eyes at him

-Gryffindor- she says indignantly also it doesn't last much, the boy is very cute but then again so is the other one.

-Where are you from?- Jack asks but Anna submerges into her book and ignores him, Jack smiles amused not many people resist him he turns to the boy with a childish face -how about you? Where are you from-

-a village, far from here- he answers

-well you two aren't much fun- Jack says and taps his staff on the window where an ice web begins crawling on the window, he meant to impress them both but they're so submerged in their own things, they didn't pay attention to him -Well alright then- he smiles and rests.

When theyre about to arrive Anna gets up and leaves to change, when she comes back she meets with Merida crashing into her

-i'm so sorry- Anna says

-it's alright- Merida brushes some hair away from her face -i'm sorry i didn't see you- she says blowing some more hairfrom her face making Anna laugh

-i'm Anna by the way-

-i'm Merida- they shake hands and go their ways, Merida wonders as she changes why she looks familiar and to whom

-i see you've gotten changed- Elsa says when Merida goes back

-Rapunzel you should go change- Merida says nudging her shoulder, Rapunzel looks at up and nods, she grabs her robe and goes to change

-i'll go with her- Elsa says and Merida realizes that the girl from the hallway looks like Elsa

-Can i come in?- Anna says knocking on the compartment door

-come on in- they call from the other side, she opens the door and has to control herself from drooling they both look very good

-How long until we arrive?- Jack asks reading Annas look

-umm, uhh- Anna stutters -five minutes aprox.-

-alright- Jack sits down and twirls his staff, the others don't even ask they've seen weirder things, the train screeches and stops

-well then i'll see you later- Anna heads out as fast as she can so that she doesn't meet Elsa

-firs years this way!- huge man shouts guesturing at the first years to get into the boats

-Hello Hagrid- Anna greets him he looks down and smiles

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