chapter six

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As i walk away from the white headed boy i smile to myself, i shake my head and sigh. What am i doing? I head to my next class and find Luna's already there, i sit next to her along with other Ravenclaws and some Hufflepuffs. By the time Professor Snape arrives everyone's there.

"sit down today we'll be making Alihotsy drought" Sanpe saays in his usually drooping monotonous voice "open your page to 637. this potion causes hysteria, if i were you i'd be careful" he smiles and we get to work, halfway through the class Snapes already criticized half the potions in the room, Neville was the first to be scolded and Snapes favorite student to criticize. I roll my eyes and focus on my potion, i feel Snape behind me

"Very good Alice" he says and continous his round. At the end of the class i gather my stuff and head to herbology, i pass Cedric and a new kid

"hey Alice" Cedric calls after me i slow down my pace

"What?" i ask

"Nothing just wanted to say hi" he smiles and the other boy looks at me sheepishly

"who's your new friend?" i ask as we reach the steps that lead to the ware house

"Hiccup" Cedric says cheerfuly

"Nice to meet you" Hiccup says

"Same" i nod and go inside i sit the farthest i can from them and get ready for an hour of torture in my worst class.

"Jesus Harry look where you put that thing!" Ron says pulling of a tentacle plant from his arms

"sorry sorry" Harry says distracted, the plan lurches and throws it self at me but crashes against my wall of sand, i drop my pot

"Harry Potter pay attention to what the hell your doing!" i yell at him, making him jump, i grunt and take out my wand "repairo" the pot repairs itself and flies to my arms

"Sorry Alice" he mumbles and gets back to work. After herbology i have a free lesson, i use it to start early my homework so i sit next to the black lake and take out my things. When the bell rings i gather my stuff and head to my last class, divination luckily with Firenze the centaur, i enjoy that clase and too soon it ends. I say goodbye to Firenze who bows at me and i head to the common room.

"Excuse me!" someone calls after me i groan and turn around, a girl with white hair approaches me "are you Alice?" she asks and i nod raising an eyebrow "good you see, i uh have special powers and someone recomended talking to you..."

"i'll tell you what i told your boyfriend" i sigh remembering Jack "having friends lessens the load, but Hogwarts friends not friends with special powers like you, people from Hogwarts maybe from other houses" i give her a small smile and leave. I go to the common room and finish what little homework i had left, when that's over with i get up and dissapear in the room of requirement until dinner time.

"Hello Harry" i nod at him

"Hi Alice" he smiles at me and Hermione smiles too, Ron just nods his head towards me. The Weasley twins sneak up behind me i hold my hand up

"Try it and you'll end up in the infirmary" i hiss and go to the Ravenclaw table where Luna's waiting for me.

"Here Alice i saved you some pudding" she smiles at me and hands me the pudding i take it and wolf it down, training with my swords in the room of requirements made me grow an appetite. I eat some waffles and an apple, then we head to bed. The months passed surprisingly fast Anna Elsa's little sister sort of threatened me because she, like everybody else, is afraid of me. Elsa had my back and so did Jack which surprised me, Anna  apologized and we went our seperate ways.

Today however everyone is buzzing with excitement. Todays is the day many have waited for, the other schools arrive and the triwizard championship is about to start. We lose the days classes and watch out of the windows waiting for their arrival, since i hate crowds i'm on my sand happily waiting for them to show, i float over everyones heads. No one thank god notices me or I'd never hear the end of it. It's like ten in the morning and nothings shown, but then the water starts to ripple and the top a boat appears, with a jolt and entire ship floats to the surface and i snort, Durmstrang  show offs everyone cheers and claps, then some pegasi appear pulling a carriag behind them, they almost trample Hagrid before landing. Everyone gets really excited and they charge forward but Profesor Mcgonagall appears before them

"All students to the Great hall" everyone groans and drag their feet to the great hall. I go behind a pillar and get down then i follow everyone to the great hall, on the way there i almost crash into Fred my sand lifts a little

"sorry" i mumble

"it's okay" he gives me a flashing smile and i blush but hide it behind my hair. I sit next to Luna. Slytherines table is next to the wall, ours beside them next to the main corridor, Gryffindor on the other side of the corridor and Hufflepuffs next to the wall. The door booms open and in struts Durmstrang banging their sticks on the ground sending red sparks into the air, they start running and doing acrobatic stunts, then they blow on the tip of their wands sending red flames that come together to create a phoenix and last of all Viktor Krum enters a large fur cloak on his shoulders followed by the schools director Igor Karkarov who shakes Dumbledores hand, i glance at the Gryffindor table and see Ron whispering hurridly to Harry while Fred and George mock him.

Right after Durmstrang the girls from Beauxbatons enter in their stupidly tight baby blue dresses, they sort of jog then pause and send butterflies into the air and continue the process, a tall blonde girl acompanies their head mistress Madane Maxime who's a half giantess like Hagrid, even though she's taller. Beside her is a small blonde girl with a leotard, she jumps, back flips and does a split. Every one claps at them, Ron i think too enthusiatically. Dumbledore quiets us down and starts his speach which i don't pay any attention to at all until i hear my name being mentioned, Luna pokes me and i lift my head and turn my attention to where Dumbledore is

"There you are Alice, for this such a special ocassion and due to your history and powers, the ministry will let you put your name in the goblet of fire even though you are under the age of sixteen, for this year only there will be four participants" Dumbledore stares and i nod then he turn to the rest "saying this the ministry for your safety has decreed that no wizard under the age of sixteen may enter the competion." this causes everyone to start yelling and shouting saying how it's all unfair, i think it's the wisest choice the ministry ever made, people have died in the games in horrible manners, at least a sixteen year old has the knowledge to live through it. I sigh for a fifteen year old who would definitly put their name in, Fred's safe at least. Dumbledor quiets them down and lights the goblet, then he draws and age line and we have the day free to do what we want. Technically it's to mix in with the new kids but i don't really care about that, i see Elsa go almost inmediatly to the Beauxbatons and Anna follows, Jack no surprise heads to Durmstrang as well as Merida, thats does surprise me. Hiccup just stays with Cedric

"i'm gonna go read" Luna says

"Sure i'm going outside" she nods and we stand, i barely touch the grass when i'm assaulted by the twins, no surprise, when my shield falls down they loop their arms over my shoulders and i'm just half a head smaller than them

"So Alice we were thinking" George starts a huge smile on his face

"Since you can out your name even though your underage" Fred says a dangerous gleam in his eye

"then maybe you could..." i cut George off

"No" i say bluntly

"Aw come on why not?" George asks

"Come on please" Fred makes a cute puppy dog face which makes me blush

"Because it's dangerous" i say

"But we want to" George says

"nothing's gonna happen to us"

"come on why not?" Fred asks

"Because i don't want you to get hurt!" i blurt out without thinking and blush harder "both of you" i quickly add then i stomp off leaving them with bewildered faces. I put my feet in the lake and relax, occasionaly i feel the slimy tentacle of the squid but he's just being friendly; i'm just sitting there relaxing when a shadow comes over me, i open my eyes and find Viktor Krum staring down at me

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