chapter fifteen

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The week rushes by so fast that it feels as if i'd only blinked and ended in Friday morning.

The great hall is filled with people talking and giggling and laughing, i on the other hand am quiet nervous. The morning classes pass by in a daze and before i know it the days over, i have to stop myself from eating my nails all day long.

When classes are through we go to our common rooms and get ready for the yule ball. I help Luna get into her dress which is a light blue color like the sky with many ruffle and spread out, its over her knee and has spagetti straps. I put on my dress which is a dark green to highlight my skin and hair, i twirl it into a loose bun with some strands framing my face, my dress is floor length with an opening on the side of the leg, its not so blunt it looks more like a flower petal, one side overlapping the other. Its strapless and sleek with a sort of belt with a thin sort of tail held by a rose clasp. I put some makeup on and we're ready.

As we walk down the stairs many eyes turn to look at me, i mean i know i'm pretty but since i've never really put any effort into my looks most people don't notice. Daniel stares at me gapping, i blush and he holds out his arm to me, i slip my hand onto his elbow and we walk to the great hall, which has been decorated for a ball.

As we're nearing, i see Harry and Ron with the Patel twins they nod towards me and i beam, Cedric has Cho on his arm and i can almost feel Harry's jelousy. Mcgonagall then comes towards me

"oh miss Black are you ready?" she asks nervously

"ready for what?" i ask back

"for the dance of course, it's tradition that the contestants have the first dance" she explains hurriedly "didn't i tell you?"


"oh well now you know" her eyes earch the crowd behind me "well i must tell Mr. Potter" she goes off and leaves me worried

"don't worry you dance beautifuly" Daniel whispers in my ear

"thanks" i say "i'm not so nervous, since youre such a great dancer." he smiles at me and we walk behind Viktor who has Hermione by his side, we step on to the dance floor and the music begins. The night is wonderful i have so much fun i barely stop smiling through out it all, Daniel never leaves the dance floor which means i don't either, we dance and dance all night. I'm leaning against his chest dancing to the rythm of a ballad when he looks down at me and cups my cheek

"i love you" he whispers and i kiss his lips

"i love you too" someone taps me on the shoulder, i turn and find Viktor

"May i steal you for this dance?" he asks holding his hand out to me

"sure umm if your date's okay with it that is" i look at Hermione beside him

"of course" she smiles "you look lovely by the way" i smile at Hermione

"thanks you too" Daniel hands me over to Viktor and grabs Hermiones hand. I dance with Viktor four songs, two with Luna and one with Hermione. I'm having the greatest time of my life so its no surprise when it all goes sour.

-you're getting too distracted- a voice i recognize as my fathers enters my mind -that mudblood is distracting you"-

-no he isn't- i reply

-oh! he isn't?- he mocks -you had an important task to do yesterday but you were having too much fun with your pet to remember- he scolds me, i wince as i remember my meeting with  some giants that i had missed while playing charades with Daniel, it'd been fun.

-I'm sorry i swear it won't happen again- i plea

-it won't happen again i've made sure of it- i look around nervously searching for Daniel who had gone to get us drinks

-what have you done?- i ask him, terror seeping into my very bones

-it doesnt matter because its too late for you to do anything- his cruel voice says i strain my neck to see if i can catch a glimpse of Daniel -but if you want to see him for the last time i'd hurry to the astronomy tower- my blood turns to ice as i quickly take off my heels and run as fast as i can all the way to the astronomy tower where i've had so many classes with Frienze.

I run and push myself faster, my lungs burn and demand oxygen but i can't stop, i won't stop. I race up flight after flight of stairs until i reach the door to the tower, i slam into it and find it locked. I push my entire weight aginst it but it doesn't budge i use my sand to force it open, it slams into the wall and embeds itself in it. I search the room for any sign fo him until my eyes land on the window, there stands Daniel his back to me his sleeves rolled up and his tie and jacket behind him on the floor. He stands perched on the window sill watching the ground, easily twenty feet, below him.

"Daniel?" i croak as i regain my breathe he turns towards me very very slowly

"Alice" he pleads, his voice is shakey and filled with fear, regret and tears "i'm sorry Alice" he mutters i step towards him and make it halfway across the room before he stops me by taking a step back, he wobbles as the night air claws at his shirt and hair trying to pull him over the edge

"Daniel please get down" i plead my voice thick with tears "please don't do this. Don't take away my happiness"

"Alice don't make this harder on yourself" he begs "please don't"

"Daniel i can't loose you. I love you" tears stream down my face and sobs manage to break through, a tear rolls down his cheek

"don't torture yourself promise. This isn't your fault i love you" he murmurs, he takes another step back and looses his balance, his face contorts in fear as he begins to fall backwards in slow motion.

My scream pierces the night air and i rush forward to grab him, he flails towards me, our fingers brush each other and then he falls, i scream his name as he rushes towards the ground, my sand is not fast enough and he hits the grass with a small thump; i scream and scream until my throat is raw and  even then i continue to scream i scream his name and my vengeance at my father.

My chest aches and i can feel the hole Daniels death has made. My throat is raw and my voice is gone but tears keep on coming soaking the front of my dress and sliding down my cheeks, my lips say his name over and over again like a prayer. I am vaguely aware of someone entering and going for a professor, i slide down the wall and hug my knees to my chest all the while croaking Daniels name. Someone tries to speak to me but i can't hear them i fear i've gone blind because i can't seem to see them either. And then i realize there is no one is in the room the voices come from the corridor.

I look up and see light and shadows but i don't care who they belong to, i don't care what they're talking about. I huddle closer to the wall and pull my legs tighter against my chest to see if it'll stop the pain i feel there but it doesn't go away it only gets sharper.

A strangled cry comes from my throat and three figures enter the room, the shadows obscure their face or maybe i just don't want to see them. They pull me up and tuck me into a bed with different clothes i don't remember getting into.

They put a cup against my lips and pour some warm liquid down my throat. Moments later my eyelids get heavier and heavier until sleep claims me throwing me into a cold and empty darkness.

I wake the next morning or i guess its the next day it could've been weeks for all i care, i look around and find myself in the infirmary and i don't know why, i remember everything but i don't see how Madame Pomfrey can mend my shattered heart. I sit up and almost inmediatly she appears infront of me

"my dear how do you feel?" she asks caressing my hair i scoff and get up "you can't go my dear its sunday you can rest all day long" Sunday so i've been asleep an entire day i get changed

"todays the second trial i have to go" my voice is hoars and my throat is still raw "it hasn't started yet has it?"

"no but you'll skip it and rest" Madame Pomfrey says in a comanding tone

"i can't do that it'll ruin his plans" i mutter and walk out despite Madame Pomfreys voice calling me back. I go to the common room get showered and dressed, i look at the clock and see i have twenty minutes until the trial.

I go downstairs and feel the weight of everyones stares on my back but i don't care. I go to the black lake and wait for everyone else.

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