chapter ten

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i lead them to the third floor and wait about three minutes for Elsa to appear when i think that she won't she rounds the corner followed by, great, Jack well it doesn't matter who's here or not the important thing is Elsa's here. i take a deep breath pace three times in front of the wall thinking all the time or a place where i can train with eight people so it'll be spacious, the third time i walk in front of the wall it begins to transform into a wooden door, i push it open and guesture inside. when they're all inside i shut the door

"this is the room of requirements" i say "many people don't remember or know about it's existance, all you have to do is think of what you want and pace three times in front and it'll open. Now i've told the room to be equiped for training so we have a big array of weapons and shields" i point to the wall on my left "practice dummies" i point to the wall behind me "and survival kits" i point to the wall on my right "so lets get started"

"So does that mean that if i want something it will appear?" Merida asks and I nod, seconds later a basket of apples appear "awesome"

"Okay so i'll start with the ones with special powers, umm Merida and Hiccup you can practice for a while" i suggest, Merida runs to the weapons wall and takes a bow and its quiver of arrows which she slings on her back and stands in front of a target. Hiccup looks a little lost but then grabs a sword and starts practicing. i turn to Elsa, Anna, Jack and Rapunzel

"Lets see what you can do" I say "Elsa step forward here in front of me" Elsa looks very nervous but stands where i tell her "make a snow flake" she opens her hand and a snow flake appears in her palm "bigger" the snowflake disappears and is replaced by a bigger one "bigger" and the same thing happens "ok, now i want two" she does these type of exercises easily so i turn it up a notch "make me a neklace" she makes a very simple one with a snowflake in the middle "a sword" this time she takes her time but manages "a bow and quiver" she closes her eyes breathes deeply and the air before her starts to waver a bow appears and she starts shaking

"Calm down Elsa, you can do it" i say "lower your heart rate trust your power" she takes another deep breath and a quiver appears filled with twelve arrows, she slumps forward and I catch her

"Very good Elsa" i smile at her

"I don't understand why it was so hard" she says a little out of breath "i built an entire castle once and didn't get like this"

"You did it on emotions" I say patiently "that's easier but to take a raw power and mold it into the shape you want takes control and presicion"

"I'm not going to do that am I?" Anna asks

"No" she relaxes "yours will be easier, loads more" she stands in front of me and Elsa sits on a chair that she asks the room for. I turn to face Anna "okay make fire"

"What?" she asks shakily "fire?"

"Fire" she eyes widden and she swallows "trust yourself" she nods breathing rapidly, she takes two or three deep breaths; fire spreads like wildfire from her, in an instant my sand protects everyone, still she gets scared and stops tears spring into her eyes

"Don't cry" I tell her "nothing happened, calm down" she blinks away her tears "try it again focuse just on your body" she takes a shakey breath and when she lets go her body is surrounded with a red orange hue, she stops and smiles

"Well done" i tell her "lets kick it up a notch. light your hand" she bites her lip and her arms catch fire, she shakes her head and the flames extinguish, she tries again and small flames appear in the center of her palms. i get an idea and ask the room for candles and a bag appears at my feet i sit and Anna sits with me, i place three candles in front o her

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