Chapter 1

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Levi jolted awake, his skin slick with sweat as his alarm screamed beside him. Levi rubbed his face and turned it off. It was that nightmare again. He had it even in the other life and it hadn't left him in this life. Levi glanced around the small dorm room and his eyes landed on the sleeping form on the other bed. The covers rose and fell with their heavy breathing. Levi chuckled.

"Get your lazy ass up, Hange." Levi said. The mound of blankets moaned. Levi rolled his eyes and tossed a pillow at them.

"Five more minutes..." Hange groaned.

"Five minutes will turn into all morning." Levi slid from his bed and walked to his closet. "Do you want to be late for the first day of the semester?"

"Dammit." Hange sat up, their hair a tangled mess. "That's today isn't it?" Hange grabbed their glasses and made their way out of bed. Levi grabbed a pair of jeans and an Aerosmith shirt. Hange grabbed their clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Levi ran a hand through his hair and looked in the mirror. It would have to do. After Hange changed, Levi brushed his teeth and threw on his converse.

"How's your class schedule?" Hange asked as they grabbed their backpack.

"Busy." Levi said, slinging his own backpack onto his shoulders. "Apparently I missed a gen-ed so I have to take history this semester." Hange made a face.

"Really?" They said. "You still on track to graduate next semester?"

"Yep." Levi walked through the door and Hange locked it. They met up with Petra on the ground floor of their dorm and began the hike across campus to the dining hall.

"How are you doing, Petra?" Hange asked.

"Oh, you know." Petra said. "Exhausted."

"That's right." Levi glanced at her. "You never sleep the day before the start of the semester."

"Or before tests." Hange said.

"Alright," Petra laughed. "I get it. I need to be better about my sleep habits."

"You still have Hange beat." Levi said. "They were up all night doing some sort of research."

"I just got sucked down a rabbit hole." Hange frowned."You know how I get with the internet." They all laughed.

"Some things never change." Petra said, a distant look in her eyes.

"And luckily some things do." Hange said and they all silently agreed.

The dining hall was the newest building on campus, the rest ancient but no less beautiful. They sat down at one of the long tables after grabbing breakfast in the well-lit building. Levi took a drink of his apple juice when something made him pause. Across the room he locked eyes with a boy with messy brown hair and piercing green eyes. Levi nearly choked on his drink. The boy stood and ran over to them.

"Capitan Levi?" Eren asked.

Levi laughed. "Drop the captain, kid. We aren't in the other life." Levi stood and Eren threw his arms around the shorter man. Levi managed to pry himself free and smiled up at Eren.

"Hey, Eren." He said. Eren laughed.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that captain - er - Levi." Eren said. Levi motioned him to come sit by then. Eren grabbed his plate and Armin and Mikasa followed. After everyone had been either introduced or greeted each other like old friends, they began eating again. Well, everyone except Eren who chattered on. Levi glanced down at his phone and almost choked.

"Shit!" Levi threw back his apple juice and stood. "I'm going to be late!"

"I'll put away your dishes." Hange said. "Get going!"

"Thank you!" Levi yelled over his shoulder as he ran to class. Levi wasn't out of shape, but he wasn't anything compared to the other life. The era of a six pack was over and Levi could feel his thin layer of fat bounce as he ran. He still boasted a flat stomach though.

Levi made it to class with five minutes to spare. He sighed in relief and took a seat in the back corner, closest to the windows. They were in the second floor of the history and english building. Even in this life, Levi made it a habit to always know where he could escape if the need should arise. He assumed old habits died hard, even if they were from a previous life.

Levi glanced down at his phone, checking his schedule. Professor Smith. His heart fluttered could it be...? No. He smothered the feeling. It had been twenty one long years of waiting and hoping and though he would never fall in love again, Levi had given up finding the man he called his lover. Levi picked at his fingers, desperate to kill this hopeful feeling swelling within him.

"Good morning class." That voice... Levi's head shot up. Standing in front of the class was a man over six feet in height, cut, with blonde hair and the same piercing eyes that Levi had longed to gaze upon for so long.

"My name is Erwin Smith. You may call me Professor Smith, or Dr. Smith. Now," Erwin's eyes landed on Levi and Levi felt his heart stop for a split second. "Shall we get started?"

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