Chapter 4

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Levi made it through his other three classes Tuesday, though he hardly remembered any of them. He was preoccupied with thoughts of the tall blonde he would be meeting with at three o'clock. Once Levi was out if his last class, he made his way to Landrum Hall and to the third floor. He stood outside of Erwin's office. He could feel his palms begin to sweat as he looked at the images hanging on the heavy door. Levi wiped his hands on his jeans and knocked, chewing his tongue.

"Come in." Came Erwin's deep voice. Levi took a shaky breath and opened the door. Erwin looked up and smiled. "Ah, Levi! Come, have a seat." Levi sat in the old chair and looked around the office - anywhere but Erwin. Bookshelves lined every wall, piled haphazardly with books of all kinds. Levi spotted a few books he recognized and had even read.

"How can I help you? Do you already have an issue with the class?" Erwin asked Levi shook his head.

"No," he said. "I was um... well..." Levi looked at his hands. "I wanted to join the intramural swim team."

"Excellent!" Erwin said. He grabbed a paper. "Here's a flyer. We practice every Tuesday and Thursday from four to five." Levi laughed.

"Yeah, so the thing is," Levi looked up into those deep blue eyes. "I can't swim." Levi saw the laugh in Erwin's eyes but he had to hand it to him, the man kept his composure.

"Can't swim?" Erwin said. "Well. That's a problem. You know, the rec center offers swim lessons."

"Yeah..." Levi took a deep breath. He couldn't let this opportunity pass him by. He just had to be assertive. He had to channel his inner Scout. "I feel like those are more for little kids. Besides, if I want to be on the team..."

"You'd like a coach not an instructor. Right." Erwin rubbed his face. "Are you free Tuesdays and Thursdays at five-thirty?"

Levi's face lit up and he struggled to control his excitement. "Yes I am!"

Erwin chuckled. "Great. Want to start today?" Levi nodded. "Good. Go get some dinner, but keep it light. I don't want you throwing up in the pool."

Levi chuckled. "Yes Er... um... Dr. Smith."

"Just out of curiosity." Erwin said as Levi stood. "Who did you mistake me for earlier?" Levi swallowed and met Erwin's eyes. For a moment, neither moved.

"Someone from another life." Levi said before leaving.


Erwin waited until the door closed. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face. Something about Levi just... it threw him off. The way the man looked at him maybe. Or maybe it was how Erwin's heart rate picked up. The way Levi had reached for him yesterday with such joy in his eyes. And then Erwin had crushed it. It was like he had ripped the man's organs out.

Erwin looked out the window. Something about Levi just felt so... familiar. Maybe they had met and Erwin didn't remember? A case of amnesia perhaps? He'd have to ask Nile or Mike. Maybe they would know.

Erwin looked at his watch. It was almost four. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the recreation center, the raven haired man occupying his thoughts.


Levi looked in the mirror on the locker room wall and frowned. The swim trunks he had borrowed from Hange were so big they fell past his knees and swallowed him up. He pinched his stomach, angry that he could see no abs there. It was pretty flat just... Levi shook his head. There was nothing he could do except run, but he wanted to see Erwin and a bit of fat wasn't going to stop him! Levi took a breath and marched out on to the deck.

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