Chapter 21

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Levi shuffled his feet in anticipation. It seemed no matter how often he saw Erwin, he would always get nervous. Levi sat on the be bench on the pool deck and watched Erwin swim his laps. Levi didn't know if it was possible or not, but he found himself thinking he was even deeper in love with this man now than he had been in the other life. The way Erwin's body sliced through the water reminded Levi of watching him fly around on the 3D Maneuvering Gear. He was so skilled at whatever he set his mind to. It was amazing. Levi would never understand it. Yes, he was good at what he did in the other life, but he never really found that special something that came as easily to him in this life. Levi's phone went off.

Hange: So Mikasa plays bass :D

Levi looked at his phone in disbelief.

Levi: Does she just do everything?

Hange: Apparently. You free tonight? I got us some space in the preforming arts building to practice.

Levi: I can be. I'll see you guys there.

Hange: cool. Be there at seven.

"Hey." Levi glanced up to see Erwin, towel in hand, dripping wet.

"Hey!" Levi said, hopping off the bench. They walked to the locker rooms. "So I have a slight change of plans. I have to be somewhere tonight."

"Oh?" Erwin asked as he changed. "Where? If you don't mind me asking.

"I um... I have band practice." Levi said.

Erwin turned to him. "Band practice? Levi that's great! Did you find a bass player?"

"Yeah!" Levi smiled at him. "Mikasa, I mean. My friend Mikasa plays."

"Is she from the other life?" Erwin looked in the mirror and ruffled his hair before slipping on his shoes.

"Yeah." Levi followed him out.

"Would you mind if I came?" Erwin asked. "I'm dying to hear it."

"I don't mind. I'll have to ask the others though." Levi's phone went off. It was his phone telling him he had been added to a group message. 'No Name 2.0' Levi smiled.

Levi: Can Erwin come to rehearsal?

The reply was immediate.

Hange: YES

Mike: Sure!

Mikasa: I don't mind.

"You can come." Levi said. They grabbed dinner at Erwin's and studied/graded for a bit before walking back to the preforming arts building. Levi managed to find their room - he had never been in the building before - and walked in on the other three members tuning and setting up.

"Levi, Erwin!" Hange ran up and gave Levi a hug. Levi hugged them back, careful of the guitar in their hands.

"Hey Hange." Levi said when they released him.

"Hello Professor." Hange held out their hand. Erwin took it.

"Please, you can call me Erwin." He said then turned to Mikasa and Mike. "Mike." They nodded to each other. "And you must be Mikasa." Erwin and Mikasa shook hands.

"It's nice to see you, Erwin." She said.

"First!" Hange clapped their hands. "We need a band name."

"I liked the one in our group chat." Mike said. "No Name? What's it from?"

"Levi and I were in a band as kids." Hange said. "That was our name."

"I like it." Mikasa said.

"I guess we are No Name then." Levi chuckled. "That was painless." Erwin sat down in one of the chairs to watch.

"What about our song?" Hange asked. "We need a good one. One people know."

"I only listen to hard rock and heavy metal." Levi said. "Don't look at me."

"We could go off of that." Mike said. "I'm sure some of them would recognize some older stuff." They all thought for a moment. Hange messed with their guitar then turned up the amp. They played the opening to a song.

"Highway to Hell?" Mikasa asked when they finished.

"Yep!" Hange said. "What about..." they played again.

"Livin' on a Prayer?" Mike asked.

"You got it!" Hange said. "Okay. See if you get this one." Hange played again. No one said anything.

"Rainbow in the Dark?" Erwin finally said.

"Wow!" Levi said. "A Dio fan?" Erwin nodded.

"Okay," Levi looked at them all. "But we need something really iconic..." they all sat on that for a while. Levi thought hard. He knew so many songs but one people would get fired up to?

"Can I make a suggestion?" Erwin asked.

"Please do." Mikasa said.

"Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n' Roses?" Erwin said. Immediately Hange played the opening.

"I think we have a winner." Mike laughed when Hange finished. "Besides, I'm familiar with it."

"Me too." Mikasa said.

"Well," Levi said grabbing the microphone and turning on the amp. "Better get to it."

"You think you can do it?" Hange asked. Levi rolled his eyes.

"Please. Who do you think I am?" He said. "I am humanity's strongest." They all laughed except Erwin.

"Let's get this thing rolling." Mikasa said. Levi cleared his throat and tapped the BPM with his foot.

"One, two, three, four!"

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