Chapter 20

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Aaaaaand I suck at updating. Sorry, y'all. To hopefully make it up to you I'll share the playlist I made to listen to while I write this story. It's on Spotify and it's short but... idk. Maybe y'all will like it. My username is Raita-san and it's titled "Project Eruri Remastered"

^ that's the link.

Aaaaanyway, please enjoy the next few chapters! As always, thank you for your love and support! ♥️



Levi and Erwin took it easy for a while then got to work on homework and grading for a few hours. They ate and Erwin turned on some music.

"Now you're talking!" Levi said, swaying to the beat of an Aerosmith song.

"You gonna preform for me?" Erwin laughed. Levi began singing along to Steven Tyler's voice. Erwin raised an eyebrow, impressed. But Levi didn't notice as he strutted around the living room, preforming for his crowd of one and singing into an imaginary microphone.

"You have a good voice." Erwin said when Levi finished the song.

"Thanks." Levi laughed.

"No, really." Erwin looked at Levi as he sat down beside him. "You are very talented."

"Well," Levi said, blushing. "I wanted to be a rock star as a kid so Kenny got me voice lessons for a while and Hange and I were in a small band in middle school."

"Why did you stop?"

"I realized that dream was next to impossible." Levi rubbed his arm. "Besides, doesn't every kid dream of that?"

Erwin laughed. "I didn't."

"What did you dream of as a kid?" Levi looked at the man.

"I always wanted to be a teacher as far back as I could remember." Erwin said. "I really admired my dad and wanted to be just like him. Especially after he died." Erwin shook his head. "But seriously. I love your voice. Maybe you should take part in the end of semester show at the end of the semester?"

Levi laughed. "No way old man!"

"Come on!" Erwin nudged his shoulder. "You should think about it. Maybe ask Hange."

"We only do hard rock and heavy metal." Levi said. "And we would need a drummer and bassist at least."

"Mike's a drummer." Erwin said. "And I'm sure you could find a bassist."

"I'll think about it." Levi grumbled.

"Good!" Erwin said.

"Don't get your hopes up. I just said I'd think about it." Levi leaned over and kissed him. "Not that I would do it."

The next morning Levi went to his classes and came back to the dorm, exhausted. Hange was bent over their books when he walked in.

"Haven't seen you in a hot sec." Hange joked.

"Yeah, I know." Levi dropped his bags.

"How did the talk with good 'ole Kenny go?" Hange's face was still buried.

"Horrible." Levi said. "Erwin took me home and... yeah."

"And... yeah?" Hange looked at him. "If you two had sex please tell me in as little detail as possible."

"We did." Levi said. "And he told me he loved me."

Hange stood so suddenly that their chair fell backwards but neither looked at it. Instead, their eyes were locked together.

"No!" Hange said.

"Yeah!" Levi collapsed on the bed and Hange sat beside him.

"I'm so happy for you!" Hange said, face ecstatic.

"And now he's trying to get me to sing at the end of semester show!" Levi laughed. Hange looked at him.

"Would you want to?" They asked. Levi knew he could be open with them.

"I... I don't know." Levi looked at Hange. "Would you want to play guitar?"

"Would I!" Hange exclaimed. "You know, I've never told you because I don't want you to feel bad, but I practice when you're not here. I miss the band days."

"We were No Name right?" Levi asked and Hange nodded.

"And we always wanted to wear bandages around our eyes!" Hange laughed. "But then we found out you can't see through ACE bandages!"

"I remember!" Levi sat up. "Because you tripped and almost busted an ankle."

"Yep!" Hange sighed. "Those were the days."

"Maybe I should give it a try..." Levi said. Hange looked at him.

"You mean it?" They jumped up and grabbed their guitar from under their bed. The smooth black finish of their Les Paul gleamed in the light coming from the window as Hange opened the case. The black gave way to mahogany where the constant presence of their hands had rubbed it clean off; it was a well loved instrument. Hange pulled the guitar out.

"What song do you want to sing?" Hange asked and Levi didn't have the heart to tell them no.

"Plug in your amp." Levi sighed and stood. "I'll humor you." Hange did so and turned it down low.

"How about some Guns 'n Roses?" Hange asked. "Sing "Sweet Child 'O Mine" for me?" Levi laughed. It was Hange's favorite song.

"Alright." Hange began playing expertly. They had begun lessons at a very young age, before they could even hold a full sized guitar. They had practiced every day for years. They could have easily become a professional musician, but they wanted to go to college with Levi. Levi really only began voice lessons so he could sing with them and his desire to be a rock star blossomed from there.

Levi took a deep breath and filled the room with his voice. Hange closed their eyes as they played, savoring the way the music flowed between them. As the last notes died out, Hange opened their eyes and smiled at him.

"Just as beautiful as I remember." Hange laughed.

They played through the day and late into the night, Levi occasionally accompanying them until they were both ready for bed. Levi curled up in the blankets and opened his phone to text Erwin.

Levi: Okay. I'll preform in the end of semester show thingy. Ask Mike if he'll play drums and I'll find a bassist.

Erwin responded immediately.

Erwin: What changed your mind?

Levi: You mean who. Hange did. I want to see them play again.

Erwin: I'll get everything worked out. I'll see you tomorrow?

Levi: Yeah. Want to meet at the pool after you swim? I'm skipping lessons again.

Erwin: lol. That's fine. Good night.

Levi: Good night.

Erwin: I love you.

Levi smiled.

Levi: I love you too.

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