Chapter 9

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Levi's heart dropped. "End it?" He asked. Erwin nodded. "End what?"

"Whatever this is." Erwin said, motioning between them.

"You can't..." Levi said desperately. "Please, Erwin don't do this."

"I'm sorry Levi." Erwin looked at his hands.

"Please don't leave me." Levi said, tears spilling over his face. "Not again." Levi closed his eyes until he felt Erwin embracing him.

"Please stop crying." Erwin begged. "I'm sorry. Forget I said anything." He pulled back and looked into Levi's eyes. "I shouldn't have said that."

Levi took a shaky breath. "So you don't regret it?" Levi asked, looking down at Erwin who was kneeling before him.

"No," Erwin said. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Levi wiped his face. "What made you say all of that?" Erwin sat beside him.

"My father." Erwin said. "He caught me... um... masterbating to a picture of a man when I was a kid." Erwin laughed nervously. "He yelled at me for hours that day. He wasn't a mean man, don't get me wrong. But he saw being gay as an atrocity. I guess I just never got over that." Erwin said. Levi touched his arm.

"That must have been hard." Levi said. "I can sort of get where you're coming from. When my mom died I lived with my uncle Kenny. It was a similar situation, he was just a bit more... physical. I was rebellious though and kept on." Erwin chuckled.

"Sorry for laughing, but you seem like the rebellious type." He said.

Levi chuckled. "You're fine."

"My dad died when I was still young, that same day. I blamed myself for it. Hell, I still do. If he hadn't been so worked up..." Erwin sighed and Levi rubbed his shoulder.

"It's hardly your fault." Levi said. "I don't know how much that means to you, but it isn't."

"Thank you." Erwin said. His eyes were distant, looking into the past no doubt. Erwin cleared his throat.

"Would you like some lunch?" He asked.

"Sure." Levi said.

"I don't really have much here." Erwin said. "How about I take you on that date?" Levi's face lit up.

"Okay!" He said and Erwin smiled and stood.

"Let me put on something other than sweats and an old shirt." He said. "And I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Levi said. Erwin disappeared and Levi stared at his hands. He was going on a date with Erwin! He sighed and leaned back. Finally. They had never been on a proper "date" in the other world because they had to hide their relationship outside of their immediate friend group. Erwin came back and Levi turned to look at him.

"Do I look alright?" Erwin asked, spreading his arms out. Jeans and a t-shirt.

"Dashing." Levi said, smiling at him.

"Good!" Erwin grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone. "Pizza okay?"

"Pizza's amazing." Levi headed out with Erwin. They decided to drive because the restaurant would have been a pretty far walk. When they arrived, the place was mostly empty, it being between their busy hours. They took a seat.

"What do you like on your pizza?" Erwin asked.

"Anything really." Levi replied. "I'm a slut for pepperoni and banana peppers though."

Erwin laughed. "Pepperoni and banana peppers it is then!" Erwin placed their order. Levi had to admit, he was still getting used to Erwin's laugh. He rarely heard it in the other life but he fell in love with it instantly. The same was true now. Erwin met Levi's gaze and flashed him a smile. Levi felt his heart melt. They ate in relative silence, which was okay with Levi. He just enjoyed being with the man. Erwin drove him back to his dorm afterwards.

"Thanks again." Levi said.

"Of course." Erwin was suddenly serious. "And I'm really sorry about earlier."

"Don't think anything of it." Levi said. He wanted to kiss Erwin so badly but... he was too uncomfortable to initiate it and Erwin wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to kiss him. Levi climbed out of the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Levi asked.

"Yes. And do your homework!" Erwin teased. Levi rolled his eyes and closed the door. He turned to find Petra sitting on the stairs playing on her phone.

"Hey." He said, walking up to her. Petra looked up.

"Levi!" She jumped up. "What did Erwin want?" She asked, wiggling an eyebrow. Levi chuckled.

"Come on, let's sit out back." He said. They found a shady spot under a tree and watched some upperclassman playing sand volleyball at the bottom of the hill.

"Did he ask you to be his boyfriend?" She asked.

"He actually wanted to cut it off." Levi said.


"Yes." Levi looked at her and smiled. "My tears convinced him otherwise."

"Oh, thank Sinna." Petra said, genuinely relieved. Levi looked up in the tree where two mourning doves were snuggled together. Maybe it was a sign. They sat and chatted for a while before Levi had to study. He walked back to his room and sat at his desk. While he hated to be away from Erwin, he knew the man would need time to adjust. Levi put in some earbuds and hit shuffle. "Back in Black" by AC/DC came on and Levi smiled. How appropriate. He studied until ten and was interrupted by a text from Erwin. He smiled.

Erwin: Thanks for today.

Levi: Of course.

Erwin: Would you like to see a movie tomorrow?

Levi: Sure. Where?

Erwin: Either my place or the theatre. Your choice.

Levi thought for a moment. Erwin's would offer them privacy, but a theatre would be more public and maybe make Erwin feel more at ease. Then again, maybe Erwin wanted them at his place.

Levi: Your place? If that's cool.

Erwin: Of course. I'll be sure to clean.

Levi: lol

Erwin: See you at 6?

Levi: Sounds good.

Levi put his phone down and paused his music, pulling out his earbuds. Levi sighed. How was he supposed to study now? Good thing he was already finished, he was just doing a bit of reading ahead for Erwin's class. And by reading ahead he had read over half the text book.

Levi crawled under the covers and slipped off into a peaceful sleep for the first time in what felt like years.

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