Chapter 7

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The small bar was crowded Saturday night when Erwin strode in. The bar was decorated like the bar from the movie "The Shining," based off of Steven King's famous novel. The bar top was crowded but he managed to spot Mike and Nile sitting at it. He made his way over, his usual suit swapped for a pair of baggy blue jeans, his dress shoes, a white t-shirt, and a lightweight leather jacket. His hair was messy but not too far from its usual sleek shape. Erwin sat in the chair beside Mike.

"Hey Erwin!" Mike said and Nile smiled. "Grab a drink!" Erwin ordered his usual rum and coke and took a long drink.

"You need that, huh?" Nile laughed and Erwin joined him.

"You have no idea!" He said. "Can we go to the back room?"

"Let's stay out here for now." Mike said. "I know it's busy but I kind of like it." Erwin nodded.

"So how have the first week gone for you two?" Nile asked.

"Not bad!" Mike chimed in. "I actually met some old friends."

"From the other life?" Erwin asked.

Mike nodded. "I'm sure you'll meet them eventually. How has your week been?"

"Oh, you know." Erwin said. "Complicated."

"Oh?" Nile leaned in close to them. "Does this have to do with your... infatuation Mike has told me about?"

"Mike!" Erwin slapped his arm gently. "Why did you tell him?"

"I needed some guidance!" Mike said. "It's sort of a big issue."

"Why's that?" Erwin asked.

"Always so nosey!" Nile exclaimed. "Be careful now, that habit got you in trouble in the past you know."

"I know." Erwin said. "You've told me."

"Stop pouting. It looks bad on you." Mike said. The door to the bar opened and drew Erwin's eyes. Three people walked in. The first a... well. Erwin didn't know their gender. They had glasses and their long hair was tied in a ponytail. The second was a short girl with a cute round face. And the third...

"Oh my god..." Erwin leaned into Mike. "That's him. That's-"

"Levi! Hange! Petra!" Nile called. The two looked around and smiled.

"That's Levi Ackerman." Mike said, smiling at Erwin before standing to embrace the two.


"What do I even wear?" Levi groaned, staring at his closet.

"What you always wear?" Hange asked.

"He can't do that!" Petra said, sliding from the bed. She studied his closet. "What about these?" Petra pulled out a pair of ripped skinny jeans.

"Petra!" Levi said. "I'll look like an idiot. I don't know why I even still have those!"

"Put them on." Hange ordered from their place on their bed. Levi did as they commanded.

"See?" Levi said, blushing. "They are too tight."

"No, I think Petra was right." Hange said. "They make your ass look really good."

"But-!" Levi started.

"Shush!" Petra said. "Do you want to impress Erwin or not?"

"I do..." Levi looked at his feet.

"Now get him a shirt that'll make Erwin pop the biggest boner of his life!" Hange yelled.

"Hange!" Levi and Petra both stared at them in shock.

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