Chapter 6

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Levi opened the door to his dorm room and was immediately swarmed by Petra and Hange asking a myriad of questions.

"Oh my god, how did it go?"

"Did you learn anything? More importantly, was Erwin interested in you?"

"Why were you gone so long?"

"Did you kiss? Oh god tell me you kissed!"

"Enough!" Levi yelled. "Petra, leave and Hange, go back down your rabbit hole. I'll tell you tomorrow!"

Petra begrudgingly left and Hange went back to their desk. Levi collapsed on his bed and pulled out the homework he had for Erwin's class - luckily just reading. He breezed through it without retaining anything and went to bed, exhausted from the physical, mental, and emotional toll of the day.

Levi woke before his alarm. He checked the time, he had thirty minutes. He realized in disgust he had gone to bed without a shower last night. He wrinkled his nose. He would have to wash his sheets today.

Levi drug himself from his bed and hopped in the shower. He let the water wash over him as it beat down on his back. He took his time, making sure to wash off all of the chlorine from the day before. When he finished, he leaned his head against the wall and just let himself relax for a moment. Everything that had happened the past two days had really done a number on him and it was nice to just let his worries disappear, even for a small moment.

When he was done, Levi got out and got dressed before waking Hange, their alarm going off. How they managed to sleep through it every day, Levi would never know. Hange sat up and rubbed their eyes.

"How was yesterday?" They asked, smirking at him.

"Don't let your imagination run wild." Levi said. "We went and got ice cream after my lesson.

"A date then!" Hange exclaimed.

"I don't think he saw it that way." Levi said. Hange frowned.

"But it was a date." They insisted. Levi rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm going to breakfast." Levi said and left.

"It was a date!" Hange called after him before the door closed.

Levi managed to make it through breakfast and class, though he was very much distracted. And, of course, there was a pop quiz over the reading Levi struggled to do the night prior. Class ended and Levi packed his bag slowly, hopeful Erwin would want to talk to him.

"Levi?" Erwin said. Levi glanced up.

"Yes, professor?" Levi asked, his heart fluttering.

"I'm going to have to cancel our lesson tomorrow." Erwin said. Levi tried not to show the disappointment on his face.

"Oh... that's okay." Levi said. "I'll see you Friday for class?" Erwin nodded and strode away. Levi hurried from the room, trying to remain positive. Levi survived Thursday, but Erwin didn't even say hello to him Friday. Had Levi done something wrong...? He shook his head. He couldn't think like that. Maybe Erwin just needed some space.


Erwin collapsed in his office chair. He hated the way Levi looked at him when he said he had to cancel their lesson, but he just couldn't be around him without taking things too far. Levi was his student! Regardless of if they had known each other, he needed to be professional.

Erwin pulled out the quizzes and began grading them. When he got to Levi's he unconsciously smiled at the perfect writing, a far cry from his own scribbles. Erwin's smile slowly slipped as he realized Levi had gotten every question wrong. This was not a good way for him to start the semester. Levi hadn't taken notes in class either. It was an entry level history class, but it was still difficult and Erwin knew he would hate to see Levi fail. He would have to talk to him if this pattern continued.

Erwin opened his computer and pulled up Levi's record. He was a senior this year but that was pretty much all Erwin could see. He closed the laptop again. He had to stop obsessing over this man! It was ridiculous. Erwin finished his grading and packed up to go to his next class.

He was off his game. He could feel it. His jokes were poorly executed and the class was obviously bored. He had to do something about this obsession. His every moment seemed to be filled with thoughts of Levi, as if there was something more there that he just had to unlock...

The other life. It had to hold the key. He checked the time as he closed his office door. Mike should be between classes. He hit the call button and put the phone to his ear.

"Erwin?" Came Mike's voice.

"Hey Mike." Erwin leaned back. "We still on to go to the Overlook this Saturday?"

"You bet." Mike hesitated. "You never call unless something's up. What is it?"

"I met this young man in one of my classes." Erwin pinched his nose. "His name is Levi Ackerman. He mentioned the other life... Mike, I have to know more about it. There's something different about him. I'm... drawn to him. Even more so than with you and Nile. It's eating me alive and I don't know what to do..."

"You know you have to remember on your own-" Mike began.

"I know!" Erwin snapped. He sighed. "I'm sorry. I'll see you Saturday?"

"Yeah." Mike said and hung up.

Erwin set his jaw. He just had to survive until then.

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