Chapter 22

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Okay long story short, the owner found out, fired us, and kicked us out of our house. That being said, my husband and I are stable with jobs and I'm going to school for my Master's Degree.

Updates will be sporadic (going to school and working full-time is taking up most of my time), so I apologize. However, I need some healing and y'all deserve a bit more story.

Thank you all for the love and support, it means so much to me. Reading everyone's comments has been a life-saver. So for now, sot back and enjoy!



It seemed as if Levi blinked and it was mid-terms. Between studying and rehearsals, he had seen little of Erwin. But the man insisted Levi "be young" and "enjoy his youth." Levi wasn't sure how much enjoyment he was actually getting from studying, but he supposed rehearsals were enjoyable. Still, he would have liked to see Erwin more. Levi was back in the library with Petra and Hange, deeply absorbed in his text book. A text drug him out. Petra and Hange immediately looked up.

Erwin: Want to do another movie night? I figured we could go to a theatre.

Levi: Sure! What time?

Erwin: Let me check times.

Levi looked at the time. It was just past five. He would have to go grab some dinner in the dining hall before hand.

"Was it Erwin?" Petra asked.

"Yeah," Levi laughed. "How about we grab some dinner before Erwin and I see a movie?"

"Perfect!" Hange said, closing their books. "I don't think I've eaten all day."

"Hange!" Petra scolded. "You need to eat."

"I have four exams next week." Hange said. "And it's already Friday."

"Still." Petra pouted, packing her backpack. They walked to the dining hall and grabbed their food and a table. Levi's phone went off just as he started eating.

Erwin: 7:15 sound good to you?

Levi: Yeah. I'm eating dinner now.

Erwin: I'll pick you up at 6:30.

Levi: See you then.

Erwin: I love you.

Levi: I love you too.

"By the Walls!" Hange slammed their utensils down, making both Levi and Petra jump.

"What is it, shitty glasses?" Levi snapped.

"'I love you too'?!? When were we going to hear about this?" Hange demanded. Levi clutched his phone to his chest.

"You were reading my texts?" He demanded.

"No!" Hange said defensively. "I glanced at you and you were practically showing your phone off."

Levi frowned. "Don't read my texts."

"But I wasn't!" Hange wined. Levi punched them lightly in the arm.

"I'm teasing you." He said.

"Humph. Fine." Hange said jokingly. Levi really didn't care and knew they wouldn't ever do something like that. He just wanted to give them a hard time.

"So when did this happen?" Petra asked.

"A while ago." Levi said between mouthfuls.

"And we are just now hearing about it?" Petra said.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just... wanted to have something private." Levi said.

"Sorry I ruined that." Hange said.

Levi leaned over and put his head on their shoulder. "No worries. I need to be comfortable saying it around you guys at least." Levi's phone went off again but it wasn't Erwin. The name displayed made his blood run cold.

Kenny: We need to talk.

"Dammit." Levi said.

"What?" Hange and Petra both asked. He had told them what happened a few weeks ago and they were furious.

"It's Kenny." Levi said. "He said we need to talk."

"That prick wants to talk to you?" Petra demanded.

"What does he want?" Hange asked, obviously just as pissed off as Petra.

"I don't know." Levi said. "All he said was we needed to talk." Levi grabbed his backpack and headed for the dorms.

"What are you going to say?" Petra asked as she and Hange grabbed their backpacks and trudged along beside Levi.

"I don't know." Levi replied. "I need to think about it for a while." The rest of the walk was silent, each absorbed in their own thoughts. What did Kenny want? Hadn't he harassed Levi enough? Was he going to stop paying for Levi's college? Would Levi be able to finish college of he did? Levi was so consumed with thoughts that it was a surprise to him when they reached the dorms. Petra said goodbye and Levi and Hange made their way to their room. Levi showered quickly and changed. Just as he was slipping his shoes on his phone went off.

Erwin: I'm here.

"I'll see you later Hange!" Levi called to them.

"Have fun!" They said as the door closed. Levi sprinted out of the building and to Erwin's car. He slid in.

"Hey cutie." Erwin said. "You look good."

"Thanks. You do too." Levi said as Erwin pulled away. "Can I ask your help on something?"

"If you want a better grade then no." Erwin joked. "What is it?"

Levi sighed. "Kenny wants to talk."

"What?" Erwin yelled. "That son of a..." he sighed, composing himself. "How come?"

"I don't know. I didn't ask." Levi picked at his finger nail.

"Well, i would suggest a public place just in case." Erwin said. "I could always come if you need me to."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Levi said. "You coming I mean. Kenny really doesn't like you."

"Could you take Hange? Or another friend?" Erwin asked. "I don't think it's a good idea to go alone. That way you have someone who is willing to protect you or even just be on your side."

"That's a good idea." Levi said.

"Of course it is." Erwin said, trying to make Levi feel better. "It was my idea."

Levi chuckled. "I guess I'll text him back." Levi pulled out his phone.

Levi: Okay.

The reply was immediate.

Kenny: When are you free next?

Levi sighed. "He wants to know when I'm free next."

"Well," Erwin said. "When are you free?"

"I was going to ask you to drive me and wait in the car." Levi said. "I'll take Hange too but just in case."

"That's fine." Erwin said. "You know my schedule."

"Friday evening?" Levi asked.

"Sure." Erwin said.

Levi: Friday at 4.

Kenny: I'll be there.

Levi turned his phone off.

"Do you still want to go to the movie?" Erwin asked. "We could drive around a bit. I know a good spot we could sit for a while." Levi smiled at him.

"Can we buy something for me to drink first?" Levi asked.

Erwin smiled at him. "Of course."

They made their way to the liquor store. Levi looked at the cheap liquor but Erwin shook his head.

"I'll get you some good stuff." Erwin led him to the whiskey section. "Or, at least, a bit better." Erwin grabbed a bottle from the shelf.

"You spoil me." Levi said.

"Only because you deserve to be spoiled." Erwin winked at him. "Now come on, let's let you get drunk and have good conversations."

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