Chapter 23

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Erwin took Levi to the nature park just off of campus. It was an old quarry and they sat on the rim, Levi sipping on the bottle of whiskey.

"I have never been afraid of heights." Erwin said, his legs dangling off the edge. "Can I ask if it is because of the other life?"

"It is." Levi said. He looked down the cliff. "I'm not afraid either. In fact, a part of me is telling me to jump just because I think I won't die."

"Well," Erwin said. "Please don't."

Levi chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't." Levi kicked his heels against the cliff face and drank some more.

They sat in a comfortable silence, watching the sun set. That's one thing Levi loved about Erwin - he didn't feel he had to fill a silence, uncomfortable or not. Besides, their silences were never uncomfortable. Once the sun set, Levi stood and dusted himself off.

"You want to get going?" He asked.

"Sure." Erwin stood and led them to the car. "So much for good conversation." Erwin laughed. Levi joined him.

"That's okay." Levi said, his words slurring. "I still had a good time."

Erwin laughed. "Well that's good then."

"Say, Erwin." Levi said, slumping in the seat. "Could I spend the night with you?"

"No can do, kid." Erwin teased. "I have too much work to do." Levi pouted as they pulled up in front of his dorm.

"Alright then." Levi leaned over and kissed Erwin. "Good night."

"Good night." Erwin said.


Erwin watched Levi disappear into the building before heading home. He reached down and grabbed the bottle of whiskey Levi had left. He unscrewed the lid and took a few huge gulps and sighed. The cops on campus were lax and besides, he had never been caught before. Plus, he had been so good about not drinking around Levi, he deserved this. Erwin sped home and went around back. He lit his cigarette and took another drink before taking a seat. He watched the fish in his pond silently for a while then his phone buzzed.

Levi: Hange can't make it Friday. You can still drive right?

Erwin: Sure thing.

Levi: Thanks.

Erwin: Anything for you. Good night.

Levi: Good night. I love you.

Erwin: I love you too.

Erwin slipped his phone in his pocket and looked up at the stars, pinpricks in the fabric of space-time. Friday would be here soon... he took another drink. Was he ready for it? Was Levi ready for it? He would have to wait until Friday to figure it out.


Levi wasn't sure if time crawled or sped by. Either way, the week came and went and it was Friday. He fidgeted during class and was relieved when it was over. He dropped his bag off at his dorm and Erwin picked him up there. They drove in silence off campus and to a Chinese restaurant.

"You going to be okay?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah." Levi said.

"Call me or come get me if you need anything, okay?" Erwin asked.

"Of course." Levi said and kissed Erwin before climbing out. Levi took a deep breath and walked through the doors. The place was slow, especially for a Friday, so Levi found Kenny easily. Levi took his seat across the table and drilled the man with his famous stone-cold stare.

"Don't look at me like that." Kenny said, spinning his sunglasses around on the table, seemingly bored. "Order some food."

"I'm not hungry." Levi growled.

"Well if you don't order," Kenny snapped, "we will get kicked out. You know I don't eat cheap food." A waiter overheard him and glared at the men. Levi rolled his eyes and picked up the menu. He ordered an appetizer without reading the description then set the menu aside.

"What do you want?" Levi asked flatly.

"Geez, kid." Kenny held up his hands. "Take it easy. I'm here to apologize."

Levi furrowed his brow. "Really now?" He asked, not believing what was coming out of his uncle's mouth.

"Yeah." Kenny picked at the table cloth. "I shouldn't have hit you. But I also think being in a relationship with Erwin isn't the best move."

"Great." Levi rolled his eyes. "More 'advice.'"

"Levi." Kenny met his eyes. "I know he's a professor. And your professor at that. My feelings about him aside, you could both be in a lot of trouble."

"I know." Levi mumbled.

"Think about it." Kenny said. "Erwin could get fired and you expelled. No one would hire him after that and a PhD in History won't get him very far. And if you get expelled, I don't know if even I could get you in somewhere. Your dreams of being a teacher would be ruined."

Levi pinched his nose. "And what do you suggest?" He was getting fed up with this. He knew all of this already.

"Well," Kenny leaned back in his chair. "You could always go virtual. Come back home and have a long distance relationship. Come back on the weekends every now and then."

"No way." Levi said. "There is no way in hell I'm coming back to live with you."

"I'm only going to ask nicely once, Levi." Kenny growled.

"I'm not going." Levi said. "That's final."

Kenny narrowed his eyes. "I would hate for someone to catch wind of your little... affair."

"You wouldn't." Levi hissed.

"I would." Kenny stood and tossed some money on the table. "I don't know if you know this place's policy on dating a professor. I would look it up. I'll call on Monday. I hope I'll be seeing you soon." Kenny walked away. Levi put his face in his hands. What would he do? If someone found out he would not only ruin his life, but Erwin's. He couldn't do that to the man...

"The money's on the table." Levi heard Kenny tell the waitress. "Keep the change."  Levi heard the woman approach and put down his food.

"Here is your food, dear." She said and took the money. "Oh my... are you sure he didn't want change?"

"Yeah." Levi stood.

"Your food?" She asked.

"I'm not hungry anymore." Levi said. "I'm sorry." Levi exited and found Erwin's car in the lot.

"Hey. You okay?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah." Levi said, buckling his seat belt. "Can you take me back now?"

"Sure." Erwin said, sounding unsure. "You want to talk about it?"

"No." Levi said. They rode in silence until Erwin dropped him off.

"Thanks." Levi said, climbing out and slamming the door. He didn't look back as he climbed the stairs and went into the building.

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